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Everything posted by defiex
I'd be up for a rousing game of Portal 2. Wyndy might be also once he's done his Portal 2 runthrough, though he may be playing with Zomise first.
Ooooh. Fancy! I really like their eyes. :D
August Post: 1. consider this: horse passengers, i.e. allow a player to ride on the back of your horse. pretty pls. This is a great idea, but at this time we're going to pass. If you would like take other's for a ride, we suggest adding a lead and a llama to your group! 2. Add a stamina stat for horses, increasing time between hydration stops We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system. The hydration element of horse leveling was added to prevent afk leveling. 3. tiny chance (like 1 in 10000) of natural zombie spawns wearing elytra Elytra is already pretty easy to get in game. Also, the thought of flying zombies has frightened defiex so badly that we're having trouble getting her to come out from under the bed. 4. /petinfo alias for /petowner Working with the techs on getting this set up! Currently /pinfo also works to get information on pets! 5. jumping horses while inside a field of lingering jump boost potion greatly increases stat gain, but rabbit feet drop % lowered a bunch We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system at this time. 6. ...alternatively, just using rabbit feet on horses counts for a hundredth of a level (and are still lowered drop%) We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system at this time. 7. new special golden carrot drop (like, colored name and a lore tag) from rabbits at super low % that adds some health stat and some jump stat We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system at this time. 8. Maybe a youtube -> custom music disc pluggin? No idea how it would work, but it'd be cool We have decided not to implement this, mostly because of huge copyright issues.
July's post: 1. Allow players to have access to 'non-username' decorative skulls by playing them in mapworld via schematic and exchanging them over to P via modeq. This is a great suggestion and we like it! We are currently looking into the the technical side and the logistics of having this work. If/when it does, it would most likely be for Rev 21, not this revision. 2. Staff-specific death messages While this would be fun to have, even for just admin hunts(Coming Soon!™), we feel it would not be appropriate to cherry-pick certain players to have their own specific death messages. We want the death/murder of all players to be inclusive! No one death is any more important than another! We are a welcoming and loving community! 3. to keep exploration a fresh possibility , maybe include "protections" around the generated structures and revert them every so often. We looked into the idea of this and while it is a good idea, the logistics would be a nightmare to keep up with. If the suggestor had meant re-adding loot to already looted buildings, we will not be doing so. We will continue posting new Adventurer's Guild quests, however! Take a moment to visit the Adventurer's Guild at spawn on the ground floor! It may be what you are looking for. 4. Allow slightly larger holes cut into the nether roof bedrock, enough for horse passage upward. After thorough discussion, we will not be implementing this idea. The nether roof access was not meant as a safer passage through the nether. There are many ways to schlep your belongings through if you are taking advantage of any gold/farms on the roof! 5. It'd be neat if we could re-dye wool and clay the same way you change double slabs to smooth slab blocks. We will not be implementing this idea. Getting dye really isn't that hard and we believe it is a Rite of Passage for players to accidentally dye a stack of wool the wrong color. Sheep breeding and wool growth is plumped so you shouldn't have too much trouble getting the supplies you need. 6. Further categorize place listings by making sub-categories for towns and grinders We like this idea! We are currently looking into a way to implement this and will be having further discussion on ways to do so with various icons. We do not have an eta on implementation, however. 7. is it worth adding P custom recipes to the recipe book? Yes, it is! We are currently discussing this with the techs to see about implementation if it is possible. 8. make mapworld plots black and white backgrounds for next rev and forever, or add all colours of mapworld plot colours and a tp sign to the section with the colours plot We liked this idea and are discussing ways to move this forward for Revision 21. 1. consider this: horse passengers, i.e. allow a player to ride on the back of your horse. pretty pls. This is a great idea, but at this time we're going to pass. If you would like take other's for a ride, we suggest adding a lead and a llama to your group! 2. Add a stamina stat for horses, increasing time between hydration stops We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system. The hydration element of horse leveling was added to prevent afk leveling. 3. tiny chance (like 1 in 10000) of natural zombie spawns wearing elytra Elytra is already pretty easy to get in game. Also, the thought of flying zombies has frightened defiex so badly that we're having trouble getting her to come out from under the bed. 4. /petinfo alias for /petowner Working with the techs on getting this set up! Currently /pinfo also works to get information on pets! 5. jumping horses while inside a field of lingering jump boost potion greatly increases stat gain, but rabbit feet drop % lowered a bunch We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system at this time. 6. ...alternatively, just using rabbit feet on horses counts for a hundredth of a level (and are still lowered drop%) We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system at this time. 7. new special golden carrot drop (like, colored name and a lore tag) from rabbits at super low % that adds some health stat and some jump stat We have decided not to further complicate the current horse leveling system at this time. 8. Maybe a youtube -> custom music disc pluggin? No idea how it would work, but it'd be cool We have decided not to implement this, mostly because of huge copyright issues.
Update to my previous update! Mr defie is a bit borked on the moving around bits so I'll be somewhat busy over the next few weeks. Still logging in to do modreqs/admin stuff, but my actual play time is going to plummet. :( Change of plans! Mr Defie had borked his ankle and I'm on wait-staff duty whole he recovers from tomorrow's surgery. I'll try too log in, but no promises. ?
Going to be out of town the weekend of August 12th! Edit: Lied, will be in town, out of town trip canceled due to borked mr defie.
July 24th Updated icons for grinders on the live map to skulls vs the little house icons. Towns will remain house icons, while grinders are now skulls. http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/live/
July 23rd Rev 19 Carto is up and viewable http://wiki.nerd.nu/carto/pve/
Once more, we appreciate your patience on this matter. Firstly, we’d like to address our actions on transferring ownership of your region to other individuals on request. After many discussions, we have changed our minds from our initial response here and would like to apologize to you. We’re sorry, we made a mistake here. To prevent us from making this same mistake in future, we have now published guidelines here. These steps will allow us to continue assisting people but ensure that we do so in a consistently fair manner. Returning to the guardian grinder, now under the ownership of Laketown, we investigated edits there in search for those by c3nt or yourself. Sadly due to the length of time it has been, your edits are out of logs. From what we can see, Laketown have primarily focused on decoration at this grinder so we were able to make a copy of the core which encompasses the effort which c3nt and yourself put in and have this copy sitting in an admin multiverse. In the interests of avoiding punishing Laketown members for our mistake by reverting their progress, we’d like to offer you this copy to be pasted in at the location of any other undeveloped guardian spawning location. We have a few coordinates available to share from what we’ve tracked which are not near any other settlements. Should this be something you’d be interested in following up on then let us know here and we’ll follow up by pm to give you an idea for those locations.
Our matching little defie and little twi can marry and be adorablez foreverz. And we can call their names and watch them both turn around and look at us and we shall be amused for all of eternity. <3
But....but....we match.
Will you marry me?
April/May Suggestion Box: 1. Cujo is map maker from now on? Resounding yes from the peanut gallery! 2. recipe where you can cook rotten flesh to get leather! We don't feel there is sufficient leather shortages to warrant this recipe being added. 3. For minigames, you should add "The Closed Box Experiment".Its a genuinely fun minigame, look it up! We weren't sure what you meant, do you have an url that explains? 4. More gold please Considered! 5. A railroad that connects all four corners of the world. We're not going to set it up, but feel free to do so yourself! 6. You should add in a Recipe: awkward + EOF = 8:00 levitation Sounds like an interesting idea that we will look into, but no promises. 7. jeb_ sheep produce random offspring This is a Minecraft Easter Egg. Dyeing sheep is accessible enough for us not to need to modify this. 8. jeb_ sheep produce random WOOL to offset the fact you can spend nametags to have unculled sheep forever This is a Minecraft Easter Egg. Dyeing sheep is accessible enough for us not to need to modify this. 9. shearing purple sheep named Wondrland makes all their wool come out renamed "Purple Square" Fun idea, but we believe our tech admins have their available time spent elsewhere. 10. all staff doppels should have unique and relevant special items (not particularly useful, but like... with lore, or colored names?) We like this idea. Be afraid. Be very afraid. 11. /cremove'd protections should still return the name of who placed them That would be a suggestion for the developers of LWC. It may be worth sending them a suggestion here: https://github.com/Hidendra/LWC/issues 12. a way to opt out of having certain staff members do our modreqs If you are having issues with anyone on the server, please come to us or send in a message to the head admins at admins@nerd.nu. 13. can this rev please be kept for longer, I want more time to build and enjoy my work - I don't want to restart after a few months. Worth considering! The map is larger but we are running to some schedule which is flexible enough that we can look into a longer map if the activity is still there in several months. 14. pls add waifu notch Notch is a strong, single woman and don't need no man. No waifu for you!
I'll be away June 15 through the 18th for a trip back home. Lsit me as gone, hut I may log on once or twice if I can.
February/March Suggestion Box 1. a /hop to disconnect you and reconnect(yes I get this is a button already) - There is no need for this, we would prefer tech admins to be able to focus their available time on other efforts instead. 2. a /horse-owned-like called "/horse-pwned" that's /horse-owned but in l33tspeak | /hax or haxess alias for /haccess - These suggestions are not something we're looking to introduce permanently to the server. Aliases are intended to be helpful for the most part, if we pestered the tech admins for many joke aliases then we'd be wasting their time with a never-ending list. 3. /stand's name thing should have a way to reset name without clearing all modifiers. -We have raised this as a feature request with the tech admins 4. Add a simple [string] argument to /alert list command - defiex has culled the alerts down to a more manageable size, particularly since we can look to merge alerts with the new character limit. For this reason, we won't be looking to add this suggestion. 5. some kind of policy for at least a partial refund on messed up doppel names? -Dopplegangers are no longer cAse SensItiVe which we feel is very helpful. Seplling, sorry but you are going to have to double check or triple check. 6. "is locked with a magical spell" for named inventories should also return their name, if applicable. -We would like to remind you that /cinfo is available for checking chests. LWC is not an in-house plugin so such a feature would require tech admins to constantly add it to each new version. 7. defiex is awesome -Please drop us a pm to correctly map out your keyboard. There seems to be some speculation that you misspelled cujobear. ;-) 8. op ppgome this time? -If you're not from Planet Minecrop, no op. 9. make a crafting recipe for lily pads -Given that this is a renewable resource available from fishing and that demand may only be high do to the collection challenge this revision, we're not looking to introduce a crafting recipe at this time. 10. breeding cooldowns should take into consideration the time they started and elapse even if the chunk is unloaded. -Mobs grow up fast enough as it is. 11. More blow please. -This is the best we can do. 12. totemo pls make pigs trainable with EasyRider thx -with the current workload, we're not going to implement this idea at this time. We will keep it in mind! 13. It's a bit too easy to mass-farm melons at spawn. Maybe tune this for next rev? Still being discussed with tech admins: 1. "/ignore-all" ignores everyone for when you want a moment of peace 2. Doing "/c #channel when you're not in it should NOT return a message like it's private
Hey folks, the purpose of this thread is to provide a list of changes/events/other things that the PAdmins are doing to/in/for PvE to keep you guys in the loop of what is going on. September 2nd Posted Spawn apartment contest winners https://redd.it/6xkj97 August 11th Updated PvE Suggestion box with current suggestions and responses. August 6th The Meteor Storm & Alien Scavenger Hunt have been announced. The event will be available once P is back up post-fundraiser, with 15/20 clues available from day one. The remainder available the following day. July 26th The first admin hunt of the revision has been announced for this coming Saturday. July 25th We held another padmin meeting yesterday. Due to more frequent meetings, our agenda is greatly reduced. Here are our public notes from that meeting. July 24th Updated icons for grinders on the live map to skulls vs the little house icons. Towns will remain house icons, while grinders are now skulls. http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/live/ July 22nd Suggestion box responses have been published. July 23rd Rev 19 Carto is up and viewable http://wiki.nerd.nu/carto/pve/ July 20th: New safeguards have been introduced to hold us to account better. July 19th: Novelty gift shop "Gnome Depot" opened at the rear end of spawn. This has included a redesign of the spawn structure now allowing for horses to pass through the building. July 18th: Improvements to EasyRider have been made. Read here for the original post. July 17th: For those unfamiliar or unaware, our team tends to hold a padmin meeting once a month where we discuss a range of points. We do spend a good deal of time assigning ourselves to tasks, setting deadlines and discussing current issues regarding P. Due to a request from Zomise, we've decided from here onwards to declassify our meeting notes as much as possible. We are going to continue redacting quite a lot of the details but we hope that these public notes are at least somewhat worth your time to read. Specifically, we have left out our deadlines as there are instances where our team meetings have planned actions which for one reason or another do not come to fruition. Mid-rev feedback topics have been locked. Declassified padmin meeting notes from 16th July meeting. July 11th: Mapworld plots will persist going into the next revision for any completed plots. This will allow a map you create this revision to persist. July 9th: P has updated to 1.12 - Big shoutout to Dumbo for making this happen. Parrots are unlikely to spawn naturally on P. We are looking to introduce spawn eggs for these across a number of current and upcoming events. Sir_Didymus is now a part of the padmin doppel roster and will spawn as part of the padmin doppels. Custom traps now have a chance to spawn a trio of illusioners. We are awaiting a MHF_skull update on these to add an illusioner skull to their drop list. For now, these are just a challenge to face! July 8th: Spawn Apartment Contest Began. July 2nd: NITWITS Challenge Began. June 30th: Mid-Rev Feedback Topic now available. June 29th: Adventurer's Guild News Update. June 26th: Creeper Hunters event announced. June 25th: Fun prizes added for Zaliek's trial at spawn. If you have already completed this then please modreq (preferably at a chest with your existing prize within) and we'll update your prizes. Villager added to a new room, directly above the melons at spawn (follow the green carpet). This villager is for people who have found all 20 temples from the first Adventurer's Guild challenge to trade their certificate of completion in for a choice of prizes. Prizes consist of either 2 x notch apples, 1 x diamond horse armour of 10 x gold blocks. June 14th: The second revision 20 blog post is now available. New iron golem spawner upgrade costs introduced. June 9th: Redwall has updated NerdMessage. Using /ignore will also block incoming mail now. Ignoring an individual without using the correct case sensitivity is no longer an issue. May 28th: Revision 19 map download is available. Fundraiser Community Maze building has opened up in mapworld. The padmin doppelgangers will now only spawn as a trio with either cujobear, defiex or barlimore. May 27th: Announcement for 2017 Fundraiser Community Maze build posted May 25th: Dragon spawning is available once more. May 15th: Dragon spawning is temporarily disabled due to crashes. May 14th: New Iron Golem Spawner Costs... and the first Revision 20 Blog is up! Alert List updated and cut down to 22 alerts! May 4th: A disturbance in the force has resulted in the view distance being increased at various times of day from 4. This should now adjust in line with peak times up to a view distance of 6. April 30th: Spawn plots are now available for claiming and decorating! Further reading on the guidelines available here. April 29th: Portal owners can now request a single hole to be made in the nether-side roof above their respective portals provided you've tunneled up to the bedrock! April 27th: The livemap is now available! April 22nd: Update made to Info Post & Wiki page on how to create a land claim. Update made to Info Post & Wiki page on Nether Portals: Must be made from obsidian, but can be decorated as players see fit! Added 1st Adventure Guild Challenge announcement to all platforms: The Hunt for Socarch's Buns! April 14th: Rev 20 beings!
Because I have no life, I've joined "Erasethisplace" on the Place in Reddit. We're having problems trying to sort out our teeny little triangle of nothing. If anyone wants to join in and has a reddit account, that'd be fun! You get to place one pixel every five minutes. WE're trying to blank out that triangle and sort of set up a latice with the light grey. https://www.reddit.com/place
Oooh, Overwatch? There a bunch of us that play, both well(everyone else) and badly(me) if you're looking to play with anyone.
Two words: Grave Traps.