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Head Admins
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Everything posted by defiex

  1. No one-day-multi-hour Head Admin Meeting in August the below was discussed over the course of August: HR Issues Fundraiser planning and finalizing & more fundraiser planning Ongoing low-level priority projects Financial document
  2. August 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins Fundraiser planning update Pvp, Minigames, PvE type activities being planned and details about each. PvE Restart times still being fiddled with Creative 1.14 planning, maybe new rev soon? Techadmins - nothing new this meeting
  3. Since I haven't gotten a response from you. I'm going to go ahead and close this appeal for now. Please reach out to let me know that you have read the rules and confirm you understand and then I will unban! 😄
  4. September 2019 Changelog Mewcifer stepped down from staff (Cadmin) DrTim58 stepped down from staff (moderator) August Public Staff Meeting Notes Posted - September 21, 2019 August Head Admin meeting notes Posted - Steptember 21, 2019 Lobby/Head Suggestion box is currently borked, looking into solution for fix, until then, submit via pve or creative and mark it lobby/head suggestion! - September 21, 2019
  5. Hi __kimchi__, Thank you for your appeal. Here is some quick documentation for our records: You were originally banned for griefing a build that did not belong to you on P.nerd.nu, disregarding requests to stop griefing, ignoring admin chat when we tried to reach out to you, and when you did respond, you were rather rude in chat. Please take a moment to read the rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/ and confirm you understand. Once you have responded, I will go ahead and unban you since it has been so long. Thank you, -defiex
  6. July 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins Funraiser planning update Chaos updates and future looking nerd.nu website updates Modreq's & You! on both C & P - notes about training and completion PvE Revision 24 has begun and staff related updates Creative Spleef night upcoming! 1.13 Still being tested (note 8-10-2019 - creative has since upgraded to 1.13!) TechAdmins Welcome back Dumbo!!
  7. Will be away from Aug 17th to the 22nd.
  8. August 2019 Changelog July Head Admin meeting notes posted - August 4, 2019 gk_ryo has joined staff(moderator) - August 21, 2019 Hollifer stepped down from staff(moderator) - August 22, 2019 July Public Staff Meeting Notes posted - August 22, 2019
  9. Head Admin Meeting Notes July 2019 HR Issues Activity update - postponed until after fundraiser Fundraiser discussion New Staff discussion Ongoing low-level priorty projects Lobby Discussion
  10. June 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins Fundraiser planning update Minigames replaced with Chaos PvE New Revision planning update Creative 1.13 testing is ongoing Tech Admins 1.14 for PvE testing 1.13 for Creative testing
  11. July 2019 Changelog bermudalocket stepped down from staff (Moderator) - July 16, 2019 Lobby Suggestion box - No current entries June Public Staff meeting notes posted - July 27, 2019 Dumbo52 has returned to staff as a TechAdmin - July 27, 2019
  12. Will likely be away 4th of July weekend (Friday-Sunday)
  13. During the 2018 fundraiser we received $2,378 in donations, and we currently (2019) have around a year worth of funding. We are currently paying for two servers - the primary one where pve, creative, event, chaos, the main site and forums run while the secondary server hosts the wiki, map downloads, and development servers. Our current contract that started this year (that came with fancy new hardware) is a 3 yr contract for $118USD/month and secondary box is $51USD per month. The forums are still $25USD every 6 months. We've also got some fees to register the wiki domain, nerd.nu domain, and pay for some S3 backups. Below is a summary of our expenses since the last fundraiser, and the document we use to track expenses can be seen here.
  14. June 2019 Lobby SuggBox no entries
  15. June 2019 Changelog May 2019 Staff Cleanup update has been completed - June 3, 2019 Flumper has stepped down from staff (Padmin) - June 11, 2019 Fazaden has joined the Head Admin team, permissions pending update - June 21, 2019 Lobby Suggestion box has been updated - June 25, 2019 2018-19 Current Financial Update posted - June 29, 2019
  16. Hello everyone, Here's the May update for staff-cleanup. (Started in April, dragged through May!) Current staff can be found on the staff page. Based on activity levels (and conversations with players) Moved from INACTIVE to PAST STAFF None this rotation Moved from MODERATOR to INACTIVE Grenbug - per request. We have reached out to an additional 7 staff members regarding their activity levels and willingness to remain on staff. (New category!) Other staff updates that have happened since the last cleanup or didn't fall into the above categories: Moved from INACTIVE to PAST STAFF Dumbo(techadmin) -per request Moved from Admin to Moderator bermudalocket(techadmin) -per request
  17. Head Admin Meeting Notes May 2019 Returning staff HR issue Changelog updates New headadmin search reviweed lobby, creative & PvE discussed fundraiser
  18. May 2019 Lobby SuggBox no entries
  19. May 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins announcing chaos 1.14 staff update on fundraiser planning/work returning staff request discussion head admin search - thank you for suggestions, currently discussion submissions PvE events discussions (ongoing and upcoming) New Revision Discussion/planning discussion about bots on PvE End of revision activities discussion staff training area updates Creative no new updates (has been only two weeks since last meeting)
  20. May 2019 Changelog Lobby Suggestion Box has been updated - May 4, 2019 Head Admin Meeting Public notes posted - May 4, 2019 March 2019 Public Staff Meeting Notes posted - May 4, 2019 marting11 (moderator) returned to staff - May 11, 2019 April 2019 Public Staff Meeting notes posted - May 15, 2019 Creative Suggbox updated(link to Creative Suggbox updated on subreddit) - May 15, 2019 grenbug has requested and been moved to inactive mod - May 19, 2019 x.nerd.nu is now running in chaos on Minecraft 1.14.1 May 20, 2019 May 2019 Public Staff Meeting notes posted - May 28, 2019 cheezychicken has joined the PAdmin team, permissions updated - May 31, 2019
  21. April 2019 Staff Meeting Head admins Fundraiser Planing Discussion re: Ban Appeals and updated how-to for staff on how to respond to a ban appeal Spring Cleaning on the Forum starting int he Private Mod Chat/Admin to clean up old posts which includes Moving old posts to "closed status" categorizing old posts (staff meeting vs staff cleaning vs fundraiser planning and so on) in the closed status section Return of old staff to current staff: Marting11 PvE New Moderation Guide updates Review of Easter Event (Currently ongoing) Review of upcoming events Next Rev Pre-planning to begin son Quick discussion about 1.14 and when to expect PvE switchover to it. no plans to move to 1.14 during current revision. Creative Discussion about updating to 1.134 and testing of FAWE Open floor Discussion about list of plugins old list on wiki more current plugins on GitHub List of plugins is not a secret, though some of the live-configs info is not shared for game-play reasons. Clarification of the rule regarding impersonation - rule covers player impersonation rather than just staff impersonation Lobby Contest Update - waiting on 1.13.2 on C before going live with the contest.
  22. March 2019 Staff Meeting Head admins Mod nominations and needs changelog Head admin meeting notes [redacted] PvE Upcoming Events Training updates COLLECT ALL THE THINGS continues! Modreq handling clarifications Creative Weekly build returns Minigames ideas post made - deadline April 13th to respond Fundraiser 2019 Planning continues! open floor Forum Questions Fundraiser BANS Financials Public Staff Meeting Notes Tech Admins State of hardware
  23. Head Admin Meeting Notes April 2019 Activity update ongoing ban appeal posting standards discussed reviewed financials changelog updates (none for April as of meeting date) new headadmin search discussed fundraiser discussed server policies and reviewing (making sure they are up-to-date/at least looked at once a year) HR issues Reviewed Creative, Lobby, & PvE
  24. Head Admin Meeting Notes March 2019 Returning Staff Leaving staff Activity update Changelog Updates Staff Moderation guideline discussion Reviewed Creative, Lobby & Pve Reviewed Minigames Discussed Fundraiser
  25. Out of town April 27th through May 4th for family stuff. (this is backdated since my two day-away turned into a full week and I didn't have access to the forums while I was gone)
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