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Head Admins
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Everything posted by defiex

  1. January 2023 Staff Meeting Head Admins Moderator Things Voting threads - go review, vote. Reach out to the Heads if you have any concerns. Conduct policy discussions PvE Admins Dragon fight is out! Valentine's Event info to come Trivia Train - Go try your luck! Choo choo! Creative Tonight is spleef! Still looking at 1.19.3 updates Minigames discussion Tech Admins New Servers Migration has begun Carto when? Soon™ Requests /ignore mode that is more permanent discussion /mute Open Floor We love you.
  2. Early-January 2023 (post Holiday) Staff Meeting Head Admins Welcome back! Moderator Things Welcome New Moderator Andromeda4210 Fluffhead555 Passed Nominations - Heads will reach out to see if they are willing. Voting threads - go review, vote. Reach out to the Heads if you have any concerns. Comment Threads - Review, comment, & reach out if you have any questions or concerns. PvE Admins Christmas Event things have been removed from spawn Friday/Saturday Events going well Updated to 1.19.3 which borked some things, but fixed now. Working on Dragon Fight issues Creative Speed build was yesterday, Spleef next week! Swing by if you can, more participation! Cadmins are exploring adding minigames (Thimble,etc) Exploring an update to 1.19.3 Tech Admins 1.19.3 update on PvE - had some bugs, are being worked out/have been worked out New Servers are a'coming. DynMaps as things migrate - please be patient. Dimension issues on current map should fix themselves Open Floor We love you. Discussion about Skyblock & New Snapshot - thoughts on throwing each up How often to update snapshot? Be polite & Friendly in chat when moderating
  3. April 2023 Changelog Early-January 2023 (post Holiday) Staff Meeting public notes posted - April 8, 2023 January 2023 Public Staff meeting notes posted - April 8, 2023 February 2023 Public Staff meeting notes posted - April 8, 2023 March 2023 Public Staff Meeting notes posted - April 8, 2023 April 2023 Public Staff Meeting notes posted - April 30, 2023 Zedadex moved to past mods (from inactive mods) on Nerd.nu/staff page
  4. March 2023 Changelog CaptainShivy has joined staff as a moderator - March 31, 2023 XeTrain has joined staff as a moderator - March 29, 2023
  5. February 2023 Changelog Tadrogers has returned to staff as a moderator - February 2023
  6. January 2023 Changelog (Post Holiday - this is a December 2022 replacement) Andromeda4210 has joined staff as a moderator - December 2022 Fluffhead555 has joined staff as a moderator - December 2022
  7. Closing and moving this as it was handled in ban appeals.
  8. Hello Mumberthrax, It is good that you have taken the time to look inward and think about your actions in the past. Unfortunately, we have not changed our stance on your ban. Your comments and actions at the time were to egregious for us to be comfortable allowing you back. We wish you well, The Head Admins, defiex, pez252, & Fazaden.
  9. As it has been over a month, I am moving this appeal to closed ban appeals. If you would like to have us unban you, please make a new ban appeal and let us know that you have read the rules as per Nasty's request. Happy New Year! -defiex
  10. Hello Timlybadger82, Thank you for your patience. Since zedadex is no longer on staff, I will be taking over your appeal. As it has been nearly three years since your original ban, I have unbanned you. Please take a moment to read the rules and happy playing! Welcome back! -defiex
  11. Hello NatalieTay, Since it has been a little over six years since the ban happened, I've unbanned you. Please take a moment to read the rules and happy playing! -defiex
  12. Thank you for responding and your patience. I have unbanned you. Have fun! -defiex
  13. Hello BaconLover07, Thank you for submitting an appeal. The ban was not for an individual occurrence, but for them collectively in such a short time frame. You griefed once (the sign) and were told not to grief again. While you did give the hive back, you did not ask permission before you removed it. Using the word "homo" or logging in and immediately greeting the players at large with a "Hello my African Americans" is not appropriate. Please take a moment to review the rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/. Once you have, please come back and let me know that you have and understand them. I will then unban you. Thank you, -defiex
  14. Hello GrayCountertop, We will not unban you. Again, we politely suggest that you find another community with which to play. The Head Admin team, defiex, Fazaden, & pez252
  15. defiex


    Xetrain! ❤️
  16. Hello XXX10TACTION, Thank you for your patience. Since the ban was from three years ago, I've gone ahead and removed it. Please take a moment to review the rules and have fun. If you have any questions, please let us know. -defiex
  17. October 2021 Changelog September Public Staff meeting notes posted - October 15, 2021
  18. September 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins New Mod Voting Fundraiser Discussions Next Staff Meeting Dates (current conflict with holidays) PvE Admins Nothing new to report Creative Spleef tonight! Chaos/Snapshots Back and Running on 1.18! Branding shifting to "snapshot server" rather than "chaos server" as many people think Chaos means racism/hacking is OK. Open Floor Updates on Carto? Deaygo is working on it
  19. Out of town for family emergency, not sure when I'll be back.
  20. September 2021 Changelog August Public Staff meeting Notes posted - September 10, 2021
  21. August 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins Staff Updates & how stepping down/inactivity works Welcoming new moderator TemporarilyAlive Discussed pending moderator Fundraiser Planning Discord - discussed specific rules for moderation PvE Dragon fight - amazing! Rev 26 Download: Soon(tm) Discussed PvP Discussed Xray Creative Nothing new to report Speedbuild is this weekend! Tech Admins Discussed Tech updates Chaos & Skyblock Chaos - still down for now Skyblock - still up! defi does pop over during restarts. Open Floor Cross Server Chats S-Revival Talks Request to keep servers on the same version in future
  22. Moving this to closed appeals due to non-response. Please make a new appeal if you would like to be unbanned. Thank you, defiex
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