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Head Admins
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Everything posted by defiex

  1. Moving this to closed appeals due to non-response. Please make a new appeal if you would like to be unbanned. Thank you, defiex
  2. Moving this to closed appeals due to non-response. Please make a new appeal if you would like to be unbanned. Thank you, defiex
  3. July 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins Reminder that we have an inactivity page Voting threads for new moderators Defi's bi-annual - Slack vs Discord vs Forums question everyone has their preference, not planning on changing how things are done atm. Staff Activity Page defi is just about done reviewing and will be reaching out to inactive moderators/etc. Mumble permissions - defi is coming for you for updates Fundraiser - info for moderators coming soon PvE Headmart is open! Dragon Fight 99$% done. Coming Soon™ Mapworld Update is updating slowly if you see that a marker hasn't/isn't updating, please let Defi know! /petfinder is back! Creative Spleef tonight! Discussion on build contest Tech Admins LadyCailin has been doing All the Things behind the scenes. Send her some love! Chaos We need a stable launch, not just snapshots Open Floor Give defi your pictures for instagram/twitter! Looking for a good 1900x250 type images for the subreddit header, too.
  4. June 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins LadyCailin returning to tech admins Fundraiser discussions beginning/starting/plotting PvE New Rev launched. On time! Going well! discussion about further plans for new revision down the road New region claim processes Leaves not decaying issues - being looked into Eyes of Ender issues - can be modreq'd Creative Weekly Build has resumed! This week's theme: Patriotism Open Floor Watch out for Spawn rails, make sure they doing get too tangled up/borked/etc.
  5. May 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins Discord discussions New Tech search ongoing, interested has been expressed PvE New Rev announced (mojang is being rude so plans have changed) PaVe - will discuss 1.16 vs 1.17? Probably 1.16 Creative New Revision launch went well Speed build tnight at 9pm eastern
  6. April 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins Wholesomememes channel on Discord and Rules discussion PvE Mods are awesome and the Padmins love you! Rev 26/27 discussions and details Creative New Revision SOON Discussion about new map discussion about chaos at end of revision Chaos Discussion about resetting and working out details Skyblock Unless there are issues, don't plan on taking it down for now or resetting Plenty of empty plots to go around defi does check for modreqs at least once every day or so.(mostly new players asking for help finding signs) Lobby lobby issues: it's haunted. Tech Admins Issues with modmode being weird discussed, let admins know if it happens to you. Open floor discussion about inactive/past staff Survival - keeping an eye on the channel, discussion in channel and the doc they've started
  7. March 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins Keep on keeping on! Wholesomememes channel is live PvE still reviewing possibility of 1.17, nothing concrete Trivia updates coming! Hopefully will update every two weeks Creative Looking at New rev Stuff Map is nearly finished still no launch date as of yet Speed build tonight! Chaos waiting on Mount Terrain to be updated before bringing back will be starting with a fresh new map Open Floor issues with the lobby -seems to be timing people out at restarts -being looked into
  8. February 2021 Staff Meeting Head Admins New Lobby is live! New Moderators: NastyHabits, Ocelotpotpie, AndyJF - accepted and one player declined. two pending moderators to go to review Survival Discussion - Discord channel made to discuss PvE Reminders about modreqs Rev 27 planning is on going, more info to come mid-rev community build (Behold the Anti Cube!) St. Patrick's day event being worked on Creative New Revision in April? Saturday night events going well, Speedbuild is getting more players in Crashes - we know, it's being worked on Chaos updating the map putting up a fresh map discussion on keeping/resetting/nuking the map disussion about chaos and stability of 1.17 Reminders that Chaos is a temporary server! (Don't plan on retiring there!)
  9. August 2021 Lobby Suggestion Box: Very much empty! But hey, PvE has been keeping theirs updated, why don't you go take a look!
  10. August 2021 Changelog Trooprm32 has stepped down from staff - August 11, 2021 schererererer moved to inactive moderators - August 1, 2021 zedadex moved to inactive moderators - August 11, 2021 ttsci has moved to inactive - August 1, 2021 No new Lobby Suggestion Box entries February - July Public Staff Meeting Notes posted - August 16, 2021
  11. July 2021 Lobby Suggestion Box: Very much empty! But hey, PvE has been keeping theirs updated, why don't you go take a look!
  12. Uh...Right, so I was away this past weekend. (Forgot to hit enter).
  13. Hello Blue! Welcome to the server. 🙂 We're glad to have you. -defiex
  14. Moving this to closed appeals due to non-response. Please make a new appeal if you would like to be unbanned. Thank you, defiex
  15. Moving this to closed appeals due to non-response. Please make a new appeal if you would like to be unbanned. Thank you, defiex
  16. Hello, I'll be taking care of your appeal since TheNightsKing is no longer on staff. You were banned due to griefing other player's builds, killing farm animals without rebreading them up and trying to kill player pets. As it has been some time since the ban, please read the rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/ and msg back here when you have read and understood them. I will then unban you. Thank you, -defiex
  17. June 2021 Changelog LadyCailin has joined staff as a Tech Admin - June 23, 2021 Spook6 stepped down from staff. - June 26, 2021
  18. No worries. You've been unbanned either way. We just recommend that you make sure your account is secure. Have fun, -defiex
  19. Hello Dycool, Since barneygale is no longer on staff, I'll be taking care of your appeal. At one point, it appears that your account (about 8 years ago) was compromised. If you have had this account for some time, we recommend that you update your password. I have unbanned your account. Please take a look at the rules and have fun! -defiex head admin
  20. May 2021 Changelog Nels_nelson moved from inactive mods to past staff (on nerd.nu/staff) - May 8, 2021
  21. April 2021 Changelog Update of Discord #wholesomememes channel rules (posted to the channel itself) April 27, 2021
  22. Hello PixelFox64, I am the Head Admin that banned you, again, for posting videos that we have asked the player base at large not to post. This go around, you posted three short videos with loud screaming and a racist-leaning video. None of which are welcome here at NerdNu. If you do not wish to be banned every time you post something in the Wholesomememes channel, I suggest you take a moment, to read the rules and actually review the pinned note on the wholesomememes channel before posting. I have inserted an image down below of where you can find the pinned note. I have PM'd you twice on Discord with a link to the rules and my previous ban also had a link to the general rules for the entire NerdNu community. Here are the links to the videos you recently posted that I placed the ban for. This does not include the images that were removed by other moderators. https://youtu.be/xtbJyhVQdIw https://youtu.be/m1bSWQOvLzE https://youtu.be/sntGta76v6Y https://youtu.be/pGdVFwtfDTI I am setting your ban at one week since this is not your first ban for the same issue. You may reappeal after the week is up if you have not been unbanned.
  23. Hello PixelFox, Thank you for your patience. You were banned on Discord for "Inappropriate posting of videos that include racial slurs after being spoken to by both moderators and admins." Since it has been over a week, I have unbanned you on Discord. Please remember to read the rules and post accordingly. As you already know, we've asked the community to refrain from posting inappropriate videos that suggest inciting violence, racism, and low quality videos that that have loud sudden noises. There is a pinned comment in the wholesomememes channel and there was also a post before Completeandtotalstupidity channel was shut down. Both were brought to everyone's attention. Please be more mindful of what you post on the wholesomememes channel. Please read the rules and remember to have fun. -defiex
  24. Since there has been no reply, I'm going to go ahead and close this appeal. If you would like to re-appeal, please let us know. Thanks, defiex
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