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Head Admins
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Everything posted by defiex

  1. March 2020 Changelog Grenbug moved to past staff - March 8, 2020 Kirstae has stepped down from staff (moderator) - March 14, 2020 March public Staff Meeting Notes posted - March 28, 2020 Heysofia moved from inactive mods to past staff (on nerd.nu/staff) - March 28, 2020 MasterCommaThe moved from inactive mods to past staff (on nerd.nu/staff) - March 28, 2020 ieuweh moved from inactive mods to past staff (on nerd.nu/staff) - March 28, 2020 TheKnightsKing - moved from inactive mods to past staff (on nerd.nu/staff) - March 28, 2020
  2. February 2020 Staff Meeting Head Admins Apply for a Mod has been fixed Discussed Moderator Nominations Discussed Staff Activity Discussed Lobby Update PvE Weekly Friday Fun nights - still going strong! Discussed New Rev Planning Discussed Weekly build (co-hosted on Creative) for new rev map sprucing Creative Discussed Revision 35 Discussed Weekly Build (co-hosted with PvE) for PvE new rev map sprucing Tech Admins Apply-for-Mod has been fixed Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech World Edit has been updated for 1.14 Openfloor Defi's ongoing request for pictures for Nerdnugaming's instagram
  3. February 2020 Changelog fawkes01 has stepped down from staff (moderator) February 6, 2020 kumquatmay has stepped down from Padmin to Moderator - February 9, 2020 January public Staff Meeting notes posted - February 11, 2020 Febuary public Staff meeting notes posted - February 23, 2020
  4. January 2020 Changelog Please note there was not a December or January Head Admin Meeting tict0c has joined the PAdmin team (from moderator) - January 26, 2020 i_c_e_ has joined the PADmin team (from moderator) - January 26, 2020
  5. January 2020 Staff Meeting Head Admins Discussed New Lobbies PvE Weekly Friday Fun nights - still going strong! Discussed [redacted!] Discussed New Padmins Creative Discussed upcoming Revision 35 Refresher training for moderators available Tech Admins Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech
  6. December & January - No meetings
  7. Time and Date Link
  8. December 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins Discussed New Lobbies Applyformod - Application is currently down - will be posting how to submit until it is fixed PvE Weekly Friday Fun nights - still going strong! Discussed [redacted!] Discussed 12 Days of Christmas Event that is currently ongoing Sekrit Santa completed and was fun! Creative Discussed [redacted] Join Creative for Christmas weekly build, now ongoing! Tech Admins Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech Open Floor Next week Multi Server event! See subreddit post by Fazaden for more info
  9. November Head Admin Meeting HR issues Advertising ideas Website updates (on hold) Staff Activity Update completed in October -reviewed process Lobby Suggestion box responses (Lobby box was borked for a while) Discussed Creative/PvE/Chaos
  10. October Head Admin Meeting HR issues Advertising ideas Website updates (on hold) Staff Activity Update in process Lobby Suggestion box responses (Lobby box was borked for a while) Discussed Creative/PvE/Chaos Fundraiser Wrap-up Discussed
  11. No Head Admin Meetings for September
  12. December 2019 Changelog November Public Staff Meeting Notes posted - December 8, 2019 Lobby Suggestion Box (from october) updated - December 8, 2019 Please note: There was not a September Head Admin Meeting October Head Admin Meeting notes posted - December 8, 2019 November Head Admin Meeting notes posted - December 8, 2019 December Public Staff Meeting Notes Posted - December 15, 2019
  13. November 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins Post Fundraiser Feedback thread was posted and pumped! Please take a look! PvE Weekly Friday Fun Night events are going well! Discussed Late Rev Feedback thread(coming soon) Discussed slow times of day and moderator coverage Creative [redacted] News coming soon! Training refreshers discussed Tech Admins Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech
  14. November 2019 Changelog Nerdnu's 2019 Financial update posted - November 2, 2019
  15. Hello everyone! As promised, here is our 2019 NerdNu Financial Update. During the 2019 fundraiser, we received $3,259.30 in donations($135.31 of that was taken for fees). Typically, we like to ensure that we have more than a year worth of funding. We are currently sitting around two years. We are currently paying for two servers - the primary one where PvE, Creative, Event, Chaos, the main site, and the forums run while the secondary server hosts the wiki, map downloads, and development servers. Our current contract that started last year (and came with fancy new hardware) is a three year contract for $118USD/month and the secondary box is approximately $51USD/month. The forums are still $25USD every six months. We also have some fees to register the wiki domain, Nerd.nu domain, and to pay for some S3 backups. Below is a summary of our expenses since the last fundraiser, and the document we use to track expenses can be seen here. And as requested, our Fundraiser Feedback Post can be found here! We have been discussing next year's fundraiser and the possibility of donating either a portion or all of the donations for 2020 to a reputable charity. In previous years, we had donated to Child's Play, a game industry charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games. We would love to hear your thoughts on this idea and will be bringing it up again with you when we begin planning for 2020's Fundraiser. Cheers, -The Head Admin Team pez252, fazaden, ttsci, & defiex
  16. October 2019 Staff Meeting Head Admins Post Fundraiser Posts coming this week! Chaos snapshot server is up and running, go visit the bees! Pve Friday Funtime Events are going well! Halloween Celebration went well! If you hear of any players that wish to run an event, let the Padmins know! Creative Training refreshers for Mods discussed [redacted]News coming soon! Halloween Contest is still on! See the subreddit: https://redd.it/djga6g Tech Admins No new announcements at the moment. - Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech Open Floor Halloween Town review End Dragon issues discussed Shulker issues discussed
  17. Hello Rieng, Since your banning moderator is no longer on staff, I'll be handling your appeal. Here's some info about your ban for documentation purposes: As it has been over two years, I'll go ahead and unban you. Please be cognizant of other player's builds in the future and please make sure you are familiar with our rules. Welcome back and have fun!
  18. October 2019 Lobby SuggBox - fixed! via Creative Suggbox - Do a donation drive for advertising only and use that money to buy ads on subreddits like /r/gaming and /r/minecraft so we can get more users (moved forward from last month) This is certainly something we will think about and look into to see how it works and what the cost would be. The new nerd.nu/staff page no longer shows past staff beyond most recent staff. Could this be fixed back to including everybody? The staff page is linked to our forums. If the staff member no longer has a forum account, then they will not show up on the staff page. With the massive amount of lag we see from 1.14, with it most likely getting worse in 1.15, why not open a Win10 Edition Server? We will not be doing so at this time. put modreq in lobby 😛 check out 9984 67 9992 - was that sign always here? We think so!
  19. September 2019 Staff Meeting (held first weekend of October) Head Admins Discussed upcoming staff meeting dates (happy holidays!) Fundraiser Wrapup - thank you!! NOT THE BEEES! - Chaos update - working on getting the newest snapshot up on chaos PvE Thank you for the hard work on getting modreqs done! Weekly Friday Events - New to PvE Admin Hunt was a success! Had participation from all the timezones. Discussed ways to raise player count for all servers. Creative Weekly event tonight! SPLEEEF! (speedbuild is next week) [redacted] More news coming soon! Tech Admins No new news at the moment - Keep yourselves updated by checking out the Tech Admin blog: https://nerd.nu/b/tech Openfloor Discussion platforms mumble vs discord slack vs discord subreddit vs forums Nerdnu Branded game nights - HR
  20. Missed one! Here's the October 2019 update for staff-cleanup. Some of the below staff members stepped down/were placed on inactive between now and May/June when the last Clean-up post was made. Their permissions were updated when the actual change was made. Current staff can be found on the staff page. Based on activity levels (and conversations with players) Moved from INACTIVE to PAST STAFF Hollifer - per request Ruthlesssss Moved from MODERATOR to PAST STAFF Bermudalocket - per request in July DrTim58 - per request Moved from Admin to PAST STAFF Mewcifer - per request Moved from MODERATOR to INACTIVE MasterCommaThe QueenBombus HeySofia TheNightsKing Moved from Moderator to CAdmin Marting11 Joined/rejoined Staff gk_ryo - moderator Dumbo52 - TechAdmin We have also reached out to an additional staff member regarding their activity levels and willingness to remain on staff.
  21. October 2019 Changelog Lobby Suggestion Box fixed - October 7, 2019 Staff Updates (permissions updates pending) Queenbombus moved to inactive staff (moderator) - October 13, 2019 TheNightsKing moved to inactive staff (moderator) - October 13, 2019 HeySofia moved to inactive staff (moderator) - October 13, 2019 MasterCommaThe moved to inactive staff (moderator) - October 13, 2019 Marting11 joined CADMIN team (from moderator) - October 13, 2019 Ruthlessss moved from inactive to past staff - October 13, 2019 October Staff Cleanup Update has been completed - October 13, 2019 September Public Staff Meeting Notes posted - October 16, 2019 October Public Staff Meeting Notes posted - October 29, 2019
  22. September 2019 Lobby SuggBox - not fixed yet! via Creative Suggbox - Do a donation drive for advertising only and use that money to buy ads on subreddits like /r/gaming and /r/minecraft so we can get more users
  24. August 2019 Lobby SuggBox no entries
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