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Posts posted by redwall_hp

  1. All i was saying was that drama is unavoidable and yet Im blamed for "derailing" a thread about how to expand from MC? I am actively trying to run a steam group for nerd but cannot from drama and I give a warning of how it cant be escaped as long as nerd.nu is involved, suddenly I've become a hooligan who is inciting people to drama.


    We already have an official Steam group, which we've been working on (albeit slowly) giving perms to current admins and moderators. Not sure why advertising yours, which has an almost confusingly similar name, is relevant to the discussion, either.

  2. Well, I happen to run a Trouble in Terrorist Town server, which has been popular. So there's that. I've been working with twilexis (who primarily funds it) on plans to move it away from Tristan's mostly-abandoned FTB network and onto its own separate domain and then remove the password and open it to the public. Seeing as it's been popular with Nerd players, as one of the few reliable servers, I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of affiliation if we decide to go with this idea.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I mention it because in a non-modded client, a player's nameplate behind an obstruction will disappear when the player crouches - so this feature in Zyin's would provide more information than could otherwise be obtained by a vanilla client, as well as gives additional information about what a player's y-level approximately is (a little more than what player radar on minimaps itself offers).


    On P, maybe this isn't that much of an advantage, but given that it gives more information than player radar, I'm feeling a bit iffy about it.  (I definitely don't expect something like this to fly on S)


    Yeah. That would be a "no" on S. Any sort of mod involving player positions is a no. (As are mods that sort inventories, such as Inv Tweaks, as having your potions or food or whatever snap down to your hotbar, or quickly auto-chest items, is a PvP advantage.) We've always had a stricter policy on client mods.

    • Upvote 2
  4. This is the default behavior of the worldborder plugin.  It tries to move you back a configurable number of blocks, and if there is no free space, it looks for a safe spot to put you up the Y-level.  If that fails, it teleports you to spawn.


    This seems like reasonable behavior to me.  What would you prefer it did, if it can't find a safe space to place you backwards?


    This is really the only safe and reliable way I can imagine it working. Otherwise there'd be a lot more complaints of being pushed into walls and dying...

    • Watson: Shows LogBlock history in a graphical format. Useful for grief and xray detection. Only useful for staff as players have little use for it, though I have noted several players installing it. Should be harmless.


    I think they're mostly using it for the chat highlighting features. Should indeed be harmless, though.

  5. Bumping, I personally think banning a player for this is extreme. As sapphic said you can literally tape your mouse and do the same thing. Why are we banning for this suddenly? What changed?..


    For those who weren't there: the player in question was not doing something that could be achieved that way. When teleported away from the endermen, he continued to run back and forth, punching, in an obviously automated fashion for several minutes. It was 100% automated, not merely autoclicking.

  6. It's worth noting that the /warn* commands are still not functioning properly since the last update of the /mail system. It's still sending repeats of the last message, and discarding the others. It logs the correct messages in the server logs, but the display shows multiples of one message, and the user receives the multiples as well. I was reminded of this when I warned somebody on S recently and they were confused by the partial message.

    • Upvote 1
  7. While I'm all for this server, I don't really see why /r/minecraft should stick its neck out for us. They are the subreddit for general minecraft, and to be honest I don't really see why they should specifically recommend us. Sure we still call ourselves the "official reddit minecraft servers," but really how true is that anymore?


    Because /r/Minecraft was *our* subreddit a long time ago, before we moved to /r/mcpublic so it could be used for general Minecraft submissions. We could have held onto it...

  8. Wayne, I like your idea. I think I'll try to code something up, and see if people like it. Ideally, if someone typed "/afk", it would come up with all possible arguments for the afk system:

    • "/afk toggle" - Sets your status as AFK. This will NOT broadcast anything in general chat. While a player is set to AFK, anyone who messages the afk player, or says their full name in chat, will get a message saying "Player is currently listed as AFK".
    • "/afk list" - This would bring up a list of all players currently listed as AFK.
    • "/afk PlayerName" - This would return one of two options: "Player is currently listed as AFK" and "Player is currently listed as not AFK".

    I'd like to hear some feedback!


    I like this idea. Only I'd make it /afk instead of /afk toggle, for faster AFKing. Perhaps /afk message <msg> could set a custom message for players to see when they message you.

    • Upvote 5
  9. Ban Information

    Ban for bcb228 on c.nerd.nu for Inappropriate behavior in chat nerd.nu/appeal by redwall_hp on 2014-06-30 03:47:42 UTC+0000

    Previous Bans


    Hello, BCB228. You were banned for multiple instances of inappropriate behavior in chat. But first, clarification. This is not in regard to the incident that BeastBruiser recently warned you for. In that case, you were reported on the 25th for harassment when you retaliated to another player's homophobic remark (which they were also warned for). You were warned by /mail later on.

    The issue at hand is your more recent behavior that we recieved reports of...

    Calling other players "autistic shitlords," which is derogatory toward the autistic as well as being generally distasteful.

    2014-06-26 20:42:16 | <BCB228> well im going to go to sleep because i cant sit around and pleasure autistic shitlords all night

    Insinuating that players are either disturbed killers, or encouraging them to become one.

    2014-06-27 00:52:59 | <BCB228> [redacted] have you ever thought about shooting up a public place?
    2014-06-27 00:53:12 | <BCB228> because you're showing alot of typical signs of public shooters

    Accusing players of making references to hate groups.

    2014-06-27 00:55:11 | <BCB228> ill just hide in my base up here
    2014-06-27 00:55:16 | <BCB228> cool kids club
    2014-06-27 00:55:21 | <[redacted]> kewl*
    2014-06-27 00:55:34 | <BCB228> wow.
    2014-06-27 00:55:36 | <BCB228> thats racist
    2014-06-27 00:55:45 | <Casey1975> tf? lol
    2014-06-27 00:55:46 | <BCB228> ./modreq [redacted] wants me to join the kkk

    And autism pejoratives again.

    2014-06-27 00:50:17 | <BCB228> autism alert ! autism alert !

    All of this together is grounds for an immediate ban. And this is all after you were recently unbanned, and warned by a headadmin that "any future infractions will result in ban lengths of at least a year."

    So, why do you think we should give you another chance when there's an ever-growing list of priors?

  10. The ever-helpful techadmins just rolled out a fresh batch of improvements to Survival.


    Bed/Spawn Improvements (slide)

    If you die near your bed, your spawn point will no longer be fully reset. You will spawn in a random location to prevent bed camping, as before, but if you die again...you'll go back to your bed! No more running 1200 meters when a creeper explodes next to your bed.

    Also, the issue with spawning 1-2 blocks into the ground should be fixed.


    Horse Improvements (TheAcademician)

    • The issue where horses weren't removed from your GPS list after dying should be fixed. (And admins can now remotely unlock horses in the off-chance that the issue still happens.)

    • You can now grant another player permanent access to your horse with access lists. /haccess +beastbruiser would grant BeastBruiser th ability to use your horse, while /haccess -beastbruiser would remove that permission. (Basically, it's like /cmodify for horses.)

    • You can now untame a horse with /horse-free (after unlocking it with /uncorral)

    • When pushed into the void, locked horses no longer fall endlessly. They will be automatically teleported to the spawn point. (Unless the horse is on its vulnerability cooldown.)

    • Upvote 3
  11. Hello, legendlife35. You were banned for logging out to avoid combat, which is a violation of the server rules. (Any abuse of login/logout functions to evade combat or otherwise gain an edge is prohibited.) You were previously warned for this, on May 28th. (You were warned, whether you actually read the messages you were sent or not.)


    Side note, to alleviate your confusion: you may not have been online at the times listed in the notes. Those are just the times when the moderator who issued the warning processed the modreq that lead to your warning. In the case of this ban, you logged off by the time the logs I needed became available.


    Without further ado, here is the log:


    2014-06-12 19:54:50 | ClanChat: [blood]<legendlife35> logg!
    2014-06-12 19:55:22 | ClanChat: [blood]<legendlife35> LOGG RIGHT NOW
    2014-06-12 19:55:32 | legendlife35 left the game.
    [LB] 06-12 19:55:39 GizzleTinks killed ModernWarfare483 at 28:68:-137 with diamond sword
    [LB] 06-12 19:55:43 GizzleTinks killed majesticninja101 at 28:67:-141 with diamond sword
    2014-06-12 19:58:13 | legendlife35[REDACTED] logged in with entity id 902460 at ([world] 10, 81, -111)
    2014-06-12 19:58:42 | legendlife35 left the game.
    2014-06-12 19:59:17 | legendlife35[REDACTED] logged in with entity id 912962 at ([world] 10, 81, -111
    2014-06-12 19:59:26 | legendlife35 left the game.
    2014-06-12 20:06:55 | legendlife35[REDACTED] logged in with entity id 930832 at ([world] 10, 81, -111)
    2014-06-12 20:07:00 | smdavis93 took down legendlife35 with a diamond sword



    First, you warned your clanmates that PvPers were coming and encouraged them to log out. Then one of the attackers killed two players in the area, while you watched from nearby. (The height difference in the coordinates is because you were standing on a wall, while I assume the players who were killed first were in the courtyard below.) You then logged out. You returned a minute later, for a few seconds, to see if the coast was clear before logging right back out. You then waited several minutes to log back in again, after which you were killed.
    I will leave this thread open for now, and on June 15th you may post here, stating the specific rule that you broke, and you will be unbanned. In the meantime, please review the rules.
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