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I find that many days i log onto nerd.nu and find myself bombarded with people (on C mostly) acting like players from other nerd servers are completely seperate people. Isnt nerd.nu's bace idea that we are all one community that comes together to games isnt it? Why the hate for the other servers? P's are care bears... S's are jerks... and C's are 8 year olds... I mean come on people. we all have our diffrent opinions of what servers you like better but do you really need to act like its a diffrent race? (for lack of better term). I can almost garentee that im not the only one who notices this. Post here with your ideas on what could be done to stop the madness!

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One way in which we are able to bring the servers together is through events, usually these things are said as circlejerk however I find that it can push the bounds and it can split players into groups which I'd like to avoid as much as possible. In terms of bringing the community together perhaps mumble nights e.g. open mic nights where all the community can get together and participate in something. In terms of minecraft based things I'd say huge spleef tournaments involving all the servers would be one possibility. These can both be organised by general members of the community so if you would like to combat the possibility of the players on each server growing apart, I'd suggest organising something along those lines. Hope this is useful Diff as you have brought up a valid point.

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Carebears are the official name given to PvE players, as seen on http://nerd.nu/ It was like that when the server was first started, I believe.


I don't see any madness here at all, but that may just be because I am unobservant of this happening. The C's are 8 year olds also comes way back to 2011, back when people acted childish on there. Since then I believe this name has slowly died off and I don't see a problem there anymore.


People just have a personal preference. S has many nicknames, in fact typing in drama.nerd.nu into your minecraft multiplayer list will redirect you to s.nerd.nu.


I know CTF brought us all together, and we all had fun, we were mixed with S, C and P players and there wasn't any fighting going on about which server we play on at all.

Edited by coolgamerovr90
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Buzzinbee also introduced me to the fact that some of the staff members are not trained for the other servers. you have mods who spend there time on P log on to C for example, and not know the rules. In the end buzzin and I agreed that maybe mod training could involve all the servers in detail.

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Buzzinbee also introduced me to the fact that some of the staff members are not trained for the other servers. you have mods who spend there time on P log on to C for example, and not know the rules. In the end buzzin and I agreed that maybe mod training could involve all the servers in detail.

The training does involve all the servers in detail I said that it would be useful to have slight reminders every now and then on ways in which you moderate the other servers. So generally mods and admins as I am guilty of this as well, should try and keep up to date with moderating on all three servers.

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Carebears are the official name given to PvE players, as seen on http://nerd.nu/ It was like that when the server was first started, I believe.


I don't see any madness here at all, but that may just be because I am unobservant of this happening. The C's are 8 year olds also comes way back to 2011, back when people acted childish on there. Since then I believe this name has slowly died off and I don't see a problem there anymore.


People just have a personal preference. S has many nicknames, in fact typing in drama.nerd.nu into your minecraft multiplayer list will redirect you to s.nerd.nu.


I know CTF brought us all together, and we all had fun, we were mixed with S, C and P players and there wasn't any fighting going on about which server we play on at all.

They may be nicknames from long ago, but they are still used today are they not? CTF was a great event for the community aswell. Most of the argument i have seen have been in C. (Most likely because lack of players has made them board and thinking about what is wrong in this community)

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They may be nicknames from long ago, but they are still used today are they not? CTF was a great event for the community aswell. Most of the argument i have seen have been in C. (Most likely because lack of players has made them board and thinking about what is wrong in this community)

They are still referenced today, I just notice it not being used as much as they used to be.


Yeah, I do think most of it is involving C currently. S has players for 1.7, P is live and full of people. C doesn't have as much people on currently, as most of them are playing on other servers. Don't get me wrong, C still has lots of people who visit it, I'm just talking about how we are noticing lots of conversations have started over "low player count" and more


There was even a now deleted post on the subreddit asking for the head admins to shut down P for a week to bring more players to C.


That's all that I have noticed on this topic

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They are still referenced today, I just notice it not being used as much as they used to be.


Yeah, I do think most of it is involving C currently. S has players for 1.7, P is live and full of people. C doesn't have as much people on currently, as most of them are playing on other servers. Don't get me wrong, C still has lots of people who visit it, I'm just talking about how we are noticing lots of conversations have started over "low player count" and more


There was even a now deleted post on the subreddit asking for the head admins to shut down P for a week to bring more players to C.


That's all that I have noticed on this topic

I dont know where you have been but im seeing this 5 times a week.

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If I remember correctly, the term "Carebear" was used initially as a pejorative by those who favored S, and many PvE players embraced that term. Many players tend to associate themselves with one server because it requires significant investments of time, and it oftentimes leads to players specializing in that particular area. Also, most of the suggested "hate" that I've noticed has been, as previously suggested, circlejerk between the community and not actual conflict.


There was even a now deleted post on the subreddit asking for the head admins to shut down P for a week to bring more players to C.


I also saw that post. I believe it received so much negative criticism in such a short time that the author removed it.

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I agree with this a bit, but not on all counts. S, to me, isn't actually as toxic as people make it out to be, but nonetheless is called the "hatetoxickill" server. C is generally regarded as the "stupid child" server, and P is basically the popular "carebear" server. Most of us embrace the terms for S and P, however most of the C players dislike the terms for C. I do know what you're getting at, and can understand it entirely. However to me, S is in a better social state with P and C than P and C are with eachother. That being said, it's quite often that a C player brings up a statement of dislike against P, often regarding the P players building their towns all over the map or simply being unlikable, and most of these are fairly agreeable - not all, keep in mind. I guess a little bit of toxic-ness between the servers can help to keep the nerd community as it is, rather than it becoming an "everyone, praise and love thy neighbour each minute from the heart" community. It's always fun to piss each-other off occasionally, but sometimes it goes too far - I guess that can't be fixed without breaking something else. 

Edited by EeHee2000
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People are defending the choice they made, and the effort they put into their choice. As a 100-hour build can't be moved between servers, players will defend the choice to build it on the server that they did. We can't get around this, it's human nature and entirely valid. On the other hand, comparing servers is a problem. The social state of each server is largely about the community once you're accepted in it. A P player going on S might find it more difficult to get accepted into the community than the other way around, which is necessary due to the risks involved. P and C risks are almost entirely grief-related, and undoable with a modreq, S players can gain and lose items from each other, which seems to come up in server comparisons. We're unified, offering different things in different places, and yet many of us care about other servers or games we might compare Nerd to. If we have nothing to universally agree as lower/not-better than Nerd then we're left with in-fighting.

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