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Event Ideas and Suggestions | Event Change Log


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I have an idea for something that can take place around a week before chaos. Zombie apacolyspe! It would take place on the same map as the server it is being hosted on. There could be random chests that spawn around the map holding some things like food and weaponry, a chance of becoming a zombie when you die depending on how close you were to one when you died, when you die as a zombie there would be a 50% chance of spawning back as a person, and all chests before the event would keep there contents. Before I get shot down (maybe shot down, no idea if I will) for this being unoriginal, think of all the times you have gotten bored from having a lack of things to do while playing on maybe P or C, and then think of how much fun you could have surviving with your friends, hunting down zombies for sport, or perhaps killing other survivors for their gear. I'll give you a moment. Seems fun doesn't it?  Now think if that occurred maybe midway through the rev or a bit before chaos. Then you could look forward to it and perhaps build a shelter before it all starts. It could even attract some more players to S since there is the challange of building a non-op shelter like you could on C. Then you would be getting the full experience of making a shelter from nothing with people trying to kill you before the impending apocalypse. Think of the challenge and joy of making and completing your shelter and using it as a place to survive the nightmare of both enemy groups of people and zombies! Fun isn't it? Even if you were to build the most overpowered shelter on C, you would still have to get in by making it through waves upon waves of zombies to get back to that cozy little shelter, gear up, and kick some ass! Please take this idea into consideration, and thank you for taking the time to read this!

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Another idea that could take place about every six months. A maze of rooms where everybody would be spawning in different rooms and be able to grab gear and make it through the maze collecting things like food, armor, weapons, and potions while trying to find three treasures that will free you that are guarded two withers each. The withers would spawn every time somebody enters the room with two being the max (maybe use some sort of mob limiter to prevent there from being more than two per chunk) per treasure room. These treasures would take you to an exit and an entrance back into the maze where you could relive the experience! The exit taking you to the lobby where you could either go back to the maze, or play a minigame for a while and then maybe go back to the maze. In the maze itself there would be pvp enabled so you could beat the shit out of somebody and steal all their shit. Doesn't that sound like a nice little challenge, maybe with some false exits and some signs reminding you that you need three treasures to leave. The treasures themselves would just respawn so other people could get out. But if leaving isn't your thing, you could form a little nomadic tribe, or a peaceful nomadic tribe sort of like the yellow team in CTF. Once more, thank you for reading and please take my idea into consideration  :smile:

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here is a minigame for events


I think we should have that since Agar.io is loads of fun to play, and playing an MC version with all your friends/fellow players would be great! I now really hope that this becomes an event for nerd perhaps every other month on the mc servers!

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I have an idea for something that can take place around a week before chaos. Zombie apacolyspe! It would take place on the same map as the server it is being hosted on. There could be random chests that spawn around the map holding some things like food and weaponry, a chance of becoming a zombie when you die depending on how close you were to one when you died, when you die as a zombie there would be a 50% chance of spawning back as a person, and all chests before the event would keep there contents. Before I get shot down (maybe shot down, no idea if I will) for this being unoriginal, think of all the times you have gotten bored from having a lack of things to do while playing on maybe P or C, and then think of how much fun you could have surviving with your friends, hunting down zombies for sport, or perhaps killing other survivors for their gear. I'll give you a moment. Seems fun doesn't it?  Now think if that occurred maybe midway through the rev or a bit before chaos. Then you could look forward to it and perhaps build a shelter before it all starts. It could even attract some more players to S since there is the challange of building a non-op shelter like you could on C. Then you would be getting the full experience of making a shelter from nothing with people trying to kill you before the impending apocalypse. Think of the challenge and joy of making and completing your shelter and using it as a place to survive the nightmare of both enemy groups of people and zombies! Fun isn't it? Even if you were to build the most overpowered shelter on C, you would still have to get in by making it through waves upon waves of zombies to get back to that cozy little shelter, gear up, and kick some ass! Please take this idea into consideration, and thank you for taking the time to read this!

0.o I like! Hmm it might even be fun to just put up a map with a spawn, maybe a few villages that could be built through other events, add some supplies here and there and tell people in x days we will have a zombie apocalypse get ready! I do like this idea and aside from plugins it doesn't sound too difficult to organize.



Another idea that could take place about every six months. A maze of rooms where everybody would be spawning in different rooms and be able to grab gear and make it through the maze collecting things like food, armor, weapons, and potions while trying to find three treasures that will free you that are guarded two withers each. The withers would spawn every time somebody enters the room with two being the max (maybe use some sort of mob limiter to prevent there from being more than two per chunk) per treasure room. These treasures would take you to an exit and an entrance back into the maze where you could relive the experience! The exit taking you to the lobby where you could either go back to the maze, or play a minigame for a while and then maybe go back to the maze. In the maze itself there would be pvp enabled so you could beat the shit out of somebody and steal all their shit. Doesn't that sound like a nice little challenge, maybe with some false exits and some signs reminding you that you need three treasures to leave. The treasures themselves would just respawn so other people could get out. But if leaving isn't your thing, you could form a little nomadic tribe, or a peaceful nomadic tribe sort of like the yellow team in CTF. Once more, thank you for reading and please take my idea into consideration  :smile:

The maze idea sounds cool, however we often have mazes built into already existing events, you may remember the last CTF had a maze in it. It wouldn't hurt if we have time to upgrade that mini event and make it a little more interesting next time we use a maze.

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0.o I like! Hmm it might even be fun to just put up a map with a spawn, maybe a few villages that could be built through other events, add some supplies here and there and tell people in x days we will have a zombie apocalypse get ready! I do like this idea and aside from plugins it doesn't sound too difficult to organize.



The maze idea sounds cool, however we often have mazes built into already existing events, you may remember the last CTF had a maze in it. It wouldn't hurt if we have time to upgrade that mini event and make it a little more interesting next time we use a maze.

Thanks for taking these ideas into consideration and even adding some helpful changes! Maybe I'll give some thought for more ideas  :happy:

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Another idea for an mc event that is easy enough to arrange but might require some plugins or command block work. You are inside a Steve's body and there are two teams. The attackers (who have to cause damage to vital organs) and defenders (who have to defend and repair damaged or destroyed organs) and in the style of the CTF events, there would be a set amount of rounds taking around two days. Or perhaps instead of destroying the organs the attackers could steal something like a redstone torch and once all of them are taken and put somewhere in the attcker spawn, they win. But, the defenders could steal them back, in which they attackers would probably have to leave some people to defend the torches. Once the attackers get all of the torches, it would prevent them from being taken back, an alert is sent to some control room saying that it's time to reset the map for another few rounds. I personally am more of a fan of the second one since it involves less plugins and I just like redstone. Do whichever idea you want. But remember to implement some sort of timing system so matches don't dragon on too long. Thank you for reading awns please take this idea into consideration  :smile:

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  • 1 month later...

Sir_Didymus has joined the Event Admin team along myself and SkrapssparkS. Please give him a warm welcome! :)


The second Fundraiser for the year is currently in development and we hope to have it going live towards the end of the year. No teasers yet but we hope to have some things to share in the near future.


Friday Night Gaming has started back up again and in future weeks we are looking into hosting some events on the Event Server itself for FNG. We are hoping FNG will turn into a weekly or biweekly events for the servers and other games.


The CS:GO Tournament is taking longer then expected due to inconvenient timezones, school starting back up, and players disappearing. We hope to have this wrapped up in the next week or so. After this CS:GO Tournament is completed a lot of players have expressed interest in a team tournament and we may do one in the near future.


SkrapssparkS has been hard at work putting together a Charity Fundraiser that we hope to have go live soon for everyone to enjoy and raise money for Child's Play.


We have swung the Mumble Fireside Chats under our belt and will be coordinating future get together's for it. We are looking at one or two per month and incorporating it into Friday Night Gaming.


There are also some other secretive events being worked on that we hope to share in the near future.


We are soon going to start planning Halloween and Christmas Events. If you have any ideas for us please let us know!

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  • 2 months later...

This will be my final update on Events as a EAdmin before my transition to the position of PAdmin.


The CS:GO Tournament winner was Noahyoda (Congrats!!) and he has received his prize as of early November. Second and Third place are still waiting for their match to be played and I will ultimately leave it up to them when they can work out a time as the prizes will be here waiting.


The second Fundraiser of 2015 has been pushed back to Q1 of 2016 due to so much work being required on a special type of CTF.  :smile:


There are currently 2 holiday events planned that we will be announcing times and dates for later this week.


We will soon be throwing up a holiday lobby and the lobbies will soon be approaching time for a change out and I have wrote up this schedule for what lobbies players can expect to see in the coming new year. Lobby Schedule


I will be sticking around and be hosting the 2 holiday events with the other eadmins as well as putting up the christmas lobby and finishing the second fundraiser.

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