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GrayCountertop/graymansnel [redwall_hp]


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You were banned from Mumble for participating in the continuing harassment of a player. In this case, the same didgeridoo nonsense (stemming from this old ban) that's been in vogue to target towards a certain Australian player. You sent a "Didgeridoo 10 hours" link to the channel twilexis was in, from the other channel where you resided.

[3:02 AM] (Channel) GrayCountertop: 
[3:02 AM] RokkuCXVII is now muted and deafened. [3:02 AM] (Channel) GrayCountertop: Shit wrong channel

And you confirmed your intent with the Mumble logs you dumped in your post in this thread:

[3:02:15 AM] (Channel) NEVAstahp: 
[3:02:27 AM] To Gaming:
[3:02:36 AM] To Gaming: Shit wrong channel

I find it hard to believe that you took a video posted in your channel, and then "accidentally" right-clicked another channel, pasted a URL into the resulting dialogue, and then sent the message. What other intent could you possibly have had than to harass/troll by sending that?


I would like to call your attention to the relevant section of our Community Interaction Policy:


Harassing or Defamatory
This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:
  • Insultingly refers to other characters, players, nerd.nu staff, or groups of people, be they in-game or external.
  • Repeated minor insults intended to harass or annoy another player or staff for an extended period
  • Are Trolling: to post inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.
Any player found in violation of the above policy may receive, depending on the severity as determined by nerd.nu staff:
  • A warning and note added to their account.
  • An immediate temporary ban from the one or all nerd.nu services without warning.
  • A Final Warning, with any further violations resulting in permenent ban.




Additionally, you were warned in the past that "this is your last chance to prove you can handle yourself in mumble" after an incident involving alt doxing, among other things. I'm willing to extend one more chance.


You may re-appeal on March 1st, 2015, provided you take it more seriously than feigning ignorance and editing your original post to simply read "lulz."

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