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1.8 Villagers


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In the 1.8 info thread on reddit it was said villagers would farm. None of the villagers in solace farm, none will accept thrown crops.


Are the villagers nerfed/bugged/something? I submitted a modreq but haven't heard anything such as "it's a bug" or "we're looking into it". Would like some info as the farm mechanic is integral to breeding villagers.

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Maybe LWC is blocking the movement of items into their inventories? I hadn't thought of this previously, but with the plugin update made specifically to make Hopper Carts unable to take items from protected chests, this could be a side effect. That's a complete guess, though, and a fix would likely be something they'd have to fix, rather than staff here. Again, a guess, I haven't tested.


Another possibility is that their inventories are full of wheat, so they don't have seeds to plant with. They have 8 inventory slots, which all should be filled with seeds before any farming starts to prevent slots from filling with wheat, if the farm's too efficient.
Also make sure that they have purely brown clothing. No apron. I don't think other types tend crops.
Remember to keep them in a sealed area, away from eachother, so that they don't share items in the case that something does go wrong; if they have edible items, they'll share them with others. If the crops themselves are edible, they may use up the items for breeding rather than planting. Personally, I'd stick to wheat so that you can keep planting and breeding items seperate.

Edited by Pyr0mrcow
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Whiteoak has been having this problem since the first day of the rev and here is what we have discovered. Hope this is helpful.


  • Our first 2 villagers were 2 fishermen, they would not replant/harvest but would pick up drops and would breed if given enough items
  • We replaced those 2 with 1 farmer and 1 shepard. These villagers harvested and replanted until they bred once, then after breeding they no longer will harvest but they will still replant
  • The same 2 villagers ended up breeding again and had another baby villager, the baby villager harvested and replanted while he was a baby, once he became fully grown he stopped harvesting
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There was also a bug a while back that made their inventories...become full of nothing, basically. But I think that was fixed.
Keeping breeding and harvesting villagers seperate is heavily advisable. Also, what color/attire/profession was the baby (when it grew)? I forget if they change professions or not when growing up.
Only certain professions are supposed to be able to farm, and I think it's limited to those with brown clothes (and no apron).

Edited by Pyr0mrcow
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