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What do you want to see in Player Ran Events?


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Hey there everyone, I mentioned before that I wanted to try and make "Player Ran Events" possible. These Events would be official events endorsed by admins and announced just like other events, but would be ran by players with admin assistance. My question to all of you is, what do you see Player Ran Events being?


Are you wanting events ran by players on each server or a big player event on E? Are you wanting events where prizes are handed out by admins? Are you wanting events where Admins run it but it was built by players? Etc.


What is it you guys think Player Ran Events should be and include?

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I was thinking of hosting some custom tf2, with friendly fire enabled, no random crits and full vanilla map rotation. I might need a hand setting it up, the last time I ran a server it was with Hamachi, but idk if that still works or if my current internet setup is good enough.

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What rules would the players be asked to use if they want the event to be endorsed? How strict do you intend to be with this?


I've heard many people talk about having professional rented servers not going to their full use, if that's correct then we can have top quality hosts all over the world (assuming their ToS allows it).

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What rules would the players be asked to use if they want the event to be endorsed? How strict do you intend to be with this?

I'm not sure yet as I haven't quite worked out the details - that's why I'm asking everyone, what do people think they should be able to do?


I've heard many people talk about having professional rented servers not going to their full use, if that's correct then we can have top quality hosts all over the world (assuming their ToS allows it).

I'm not sure what you mean by this or how it's relevant?

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In my eyes (and from my experience with running smaller arena events on S during rev 27) player ran events are better ran when they are ran completely by the players hosting them. As much as admin help and support is awesome and extremely helpful, I think letting the hosts of the event distribute prizes and run/enforce the general rules and what-not (all created by the host) wouldn't be bad. With that being said, I don't think admin endorsement is a bad thing, however I feel that excessive admin assistance has consequences which may result in the player part of player ran events being undermined in unintended ways.


I had a couple of questions from your initial post: Would events ran by players (regardless of whether or not it's on one of the servers nerd.nu hosts or if it's on a steam based game server) be endorsed by the admins? What would it take to be endorsed? Would there be a specific process with rules requiring you (the host) to do specific things in order to be endorsed? What is an admin endorsement in your mind?


I'm liking the fact the events server is becoming more open- we'll be looking forward for these kinds of things to begin to take place.

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In my eyes (and from my experience with running smaller arena events on S during rev 27) player ran events are better ran when they are ran completely by the players hosting them. As much as admin help and support is awesome and extremely helpful, I think letting the hosts of the event distribute prizes and run/enforce the general rules and what-not (all created by the host) wouldn't be bad. With that being said, I don't think admin endorsement is a bad thing, however I feel that excessive admin assistance has consequences which may result in the player part of player ran events being undermined in unintended ways.


I had a couple of questions from your initial post: Would events ran by players (regardless of whether or not it's on one of the servers nerd.nu hosts or if it's on a steam based game server) be endorsed by the admins? What would it take to be endorsed? Would there be a specific process with rules requiring you (the host) to do specific things in order to be endorsed? What is an admin endorsement in your mind?


I'm liking the fact the events server is becoming more open- we'll be looking forward for these kinds of things to begin to take place.

I agree and I wouldn't want admins to try and take over a player ran event. When I talk about being admin endorsed, or admin supported, I or another admin would be there to run things such as /broadcast or /mode, or other things that regular players don't have. The event overall would be ran by the player, but things that are restricted to staff only would by how the admins would help.


Would events ran by players (regardless of whether or not it's on one of the servers nerd.nu hosts or if it's on a steam based game server) be endorsed by the admins?

That is the point of this topic - If we are to introduce something to official "support" player events and be endorsed by the admins how should we go about it?


What would it take to be endorsed?

I don't know right now as I haven't worked out any details, but that's the point of this thread. What do you guys think it should take to be endorsed?

I don't want to make it super hard to be endorsed but it also can't be super easy and abused either. I want to know what you guys think is a good balance.

Would there be a specific process with rules requiring you (the host) to do specific things in order to be endorsed?

Of course, but before I work out any details or rules for endorsement, I want to gather the communities opinions on what they think some rules should be or what the process should be.

What is an admin endorsement in your mind?

Before I became a staff member I liked to host cool events and things on PvE. I would even often go with the Rev theme or with whatever admin event was going on at the time. When I did these events, I thought it would be cool to have it officially announced with /broadcast and have help from admins to make it more awesome. I wanted to do server wide events that was supported by staff. Unfortunately though when I approached staff about it I was told that we didn't do that, which was a huge let down to me. Once I became staff and later an EAdmin, players have started coming to me with TONS of ideas for events. It is insane how many suggestions I have gotten. I write them down and hope that I can get around to them some day. This is the problem though - The shear number of ideas and events people want to see happen I simply can not do. I just don't have the time. I go to school and have a life like everyone else and I can't spend 12 hours a day on making events. Don't get me wrong though, I love doing the events and making things for everyone to enjoy, I just can't do as many as I would like.


With that in mind that's how I came up with the idea for admin endorsed events. I want players to be able to build and host there own events for everyone else to join in on with support of staff. To me, admin endorsement is having your event officially announced, having support from admins for permissions and commands players do not have access to, such as using creative mode for prizes, or using /o for announcing or WE, teleporting players, using easy-signs, using warps, ETC. The player runs the event, but the behind the scenes and support is from admins/staff.

I'm liking the fact the events server is becoming more open- we'll be looking forward for these kinds of things to begin to take place.

E is used very little in my view, and we are not taking full advantage of what it could be used for. I want to open it up and put it to it's full potential. But I also don't want to detract from the other servers player counts. I want to limit actual events on E to every month or two, but have it open for building events, and have other events take place on there respective servers (C, P, S).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm going to be holding a pinata event around july 2-4


The event will be followed by a firework show. It won't be a long event, but I'm sure people will love the rewards. ;)



More details will be revealed closer to the end of the month.

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Guest Former Staff
More details will be revealed closer to the end of the month.


If you could release the details (when you're ready) in the Events forum to include the time (& timezone), date, where to participate and any other information you wish to share then I'll make sure it's added to the calendar to gain prominence.

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If you could release the details (when you're ready) in the Events forum to include the time (& timezone), date, where to participate and any other information you wish to share then I'll make sure it's added to the calendar to gain prominence.



will do!

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