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[PMC] 2016 CTF Fundraiser - Staff Feedback


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Hi all,


This thread is for any CTF feedback you would like to share, but feel is more for staff eyes only. There is a public thread for anything more general here:




I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff who helped throughout the development of the fundraiser - I'll be reiterating this when the public wrap-up post is finished, but for now I wanted you to know how much we appreciated the effort from so many of you.


Hope you enjoyed the event we made together! Time to prep for next year... :P



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Next CTF event maybe take away WG bypass perms for all non-head/tech admins? At first I was breaking into planets I didn't realise were protected until i did /rg i.


That's something I would have liked to do this time, but it would have required building an entire permission scheme from scratch, as modmode confers WG bypass and admin groups necessarily inherit certain things from the ModMode group. There was just too much on my list to justify working on that.

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