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New Server Icon Contest!


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Come one come all!


With the introduction of Minigames we've decided to run a new server-icon contest!


In order to qualify:

  • You must submit a generic nerd.nu icon as well as an icon for each server: PvE (P / PvE), Creative ( C ), Minigames (M), Event (E), Chaos (X) for a total of 6 icons
  • The icons must be 64x64 pixels and in PNG format
  • The best icons will somehow include the nerd.nu glasses logo to be consistant with our branding
  • Icons do not need to be identical but sets that match will receive higher marks.
  • Icons MUST conform to community rules

Submissions will be accepted for 1 month, at which point they will be evaluated by head admins and icons that meet the requirements will be put to a vote.


Post your submissions below (imgur links are preferred)


Good luck!!

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Your best bet is probably pulling from the forum header if you can't access the files as I think the only other image is marting's original mock-up:




I used the bottom right for the twitter banner (because, like a prat, I didn't notice the one in the forum header, thanks!  :laugh:) and it's noticeably blurry in comparison.

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Didy has made this image, transparent background .png if you'd like it.

Welp, I did it a different way-


I used Inkscape to crop the image out, so I have a cropped photo of the NerdNu Logo, which I can use to make the logos and etc.


but I'll just use the transparent one.

Edited by Abitcat
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