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Question Time with the Survival Admin(s)


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I'd probably point you towards the response I gave earlier in this thread about our community, but honestly just remembering to treat each other with the most basic form of decency would go a long way and it's something i'd like to see everyone do. I know a lot of us get caught up in the atmosphere that comes with a combat environment, and I think we'd all do better just to take a step back and realise what we're saying sometimes. The server as a whole actually has a wonderful community, but this isn't quite as prominent as the few that promote and engage in the typically more destructive behaviour that has become associated with Survival. It's become in some ways more of a running joke to be unnecessarily hateful towards each other, as well, which I feel has increased somewhat as a result of the negative rep we all get. To outsiders though, a conversation between two people (e.g. myself and N00ble_6) where they're insulting each other can seem unnecessarily harsh, where in reality they're probably good friends just mucking around with each other. The toxicity certainly exists within particular players, and typically these are the more vocal of the community, but they're not restricted to just Survival. I'd love to see a change in attitude across all three of our servers, and for everyone just to remember that we're all humans at the end of the day and to treat each other as such.



+1, haha thanks. I've actually played on S slightly more than normal the last few weeks, they aren't all bad...(I can't believe I just admitted this)

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Potato or Carrot?


I would encourage anyone to take their life lessons from the good book:


Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Potato

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Slightly less known is the quote "Never take a friend for granted, because some day you may wake up and realize that you have lost a dimond while you were busy collecting stones."

Even fewer realize the quote goes on from there to say: "So keep an eye on your friend or you may have to run after them when they eventually steal your dimonds."

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