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Everything posted by GetaFever

  1. Thanks so much. I appreciate the alacrity from the both of you in this note appeal process. I'm happy we could get this figured out! You are good to close this now. Thanks again ~Geta
  2. Hey, so I've just seen that we can now appeal our notes. I'm going to go ahead and appeal all seven of the notes on my account. I'd like to have them all removed seeing as they are all at least a year old, some of them even more than twice that. In addition to that, the majority of the staff members who wrote them are ancient and/or long gone from serving as staff and even members of the community. I feel compelled to mention that I am a completely different person than I was a year ago, and even more different than I was two years ago. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I've made a concerted effort to improve my attitude and treatment of others on the server. These notes are no longer necessary nor relevant. I'm going to assume that given the significant amount of time, the staff can will feel more obliged to remove the aforementioned. However, if that is not the case, I am willing to elaborate on any notes that one believes should remain on my profile. Thanks for the help, Geta
  3. Couldn't hurt to try and would only improve the community if it worked. +1
  4. I'm ecstatic that you took the initiative to do this, natdog. If the drama is kept to a minimum in this thread, I don't see how this couldn't be helpful to the community.
  5. No server is perfect. Improvements can always be made. I guess you can say I'm fine with how we approach our improvements. I like the polls, threads and general collaborating that goes on in our community. As long we stay on this track, nerd will continue to be the great server it's always been.
  6. I've spent a lot of time speaking with my clan about group x-raying on S. I have to admit that I cannot think of a just and reasonable way of handling this. It is just so tricky. Since I was a victim of this, I immediately wanted a new rule similar to guilt by association. After stepping back and thinking about it further, I realized that it's just not logical or reasonable to implement a rule like that. One thing I do know for sure is that the S community needs to collaborate and look into a way of dealing with this issue.
  7. I agree completely. Recently, Survival has been focusing more on the CivCraft plugins. Implementing an Enderpearl cooldown was never a pressing issue, and in my opinion not necessary. After the admins poll on the Civ plugins and see where the community wants to go with those, we could take another look at the Enderpearl cooldown idea and the bugs surrounding it. But for now, I think we've looked into it enough. Also, for everyone confused as to why a cooldown wasn't added, The reason is pretty obvious. Every poll and thread was completely conflicted; and there was never that much of a majority in favor of the cooldown. Sure, a few players difference in favor of it, but nothing overwhelming..
  8. I think I kind of over-did my post and murdered that thread; sorry guys I do think this project should be continued though.
  9. BUMP because we need to get more of these.
  10. Did you know that you spelled "Coyote" wrong when you made your IGN? What does the 911 stand for? Is it named after the number you call when you need help? Why do you have so many pets? Do you miss being a C admin? Which admin do you like being better? Creative or Head?
  11. Why are you so good at building? Can you teach me your ways? How many diamonds do you love? 1? 2? or 3? Have you enjoyed your moderating experience so far? What do you expect in the future for Creative?
  12. I think you're in the wrong place. The problem you're encountering sounds like a probably with reddit.com. We are the Reddit Minecraft servers, and this forum caters to that, and not technical errors on reddit. If I were you, I'd check the FAQ section and if you can't find anything there, trying contacting reddit.
  13. YES. I agree that the biomes are redundant and boring. Can we please get some more Mushroom biomes? I can't stand the dull green grass in mountain biomes. Especially in speedbuilding. Don't even get me started on that. I was having to use green wool instead of the grass because it looked so bad. *Hint Hint, Creative staff- Speedbuilding NOT in mountain biome next rev!* Also, more unique biomes with overhangs and enormous cliffs would be interesting, like the ones on Survival(Extreme setting, I think it is?). Molten lava biomes with Volcanoes sound spectacular and sinister. I definitely think some nice builds would come out of those. Anyways, this is a good collaborative post, EeHee. MCPublic could use more proactive players like you.
  14. Our server has plumped EXP has a whole. That means all EXP is multiplied by a certain amount. While you are right that killing mobs does yield significantly more EXP than mining or breeding does, you are wrong that it is because PvPers need them to. Mob breeding and Ore mining is a terrible source of EXP in vanilla minecaft and you will see that in every multiplayer server unless they have customized it otherwise. Also, you say that a "regular game" requires PvPers to hunt, mine and breed animals to get their enchants. The funny thing is that we all do hunt, mine and a surprising amount breed animals (to acquire an efficient food source). It's just that using grinders is the most efficient method of gathering EXP; just like it is in probably 99.9% of the Minecraft servers out there. Survival already lacks PvP almost entirely not including arenas, in my opinion. Making potions and ender pearls difficult to obtain would fully eliminate PvP. Not to mention the countless players that would quit. There is risk to PvPing. Some of us don't have the patience or time to be mining all the time. I don't know about you, but it takes me a lot longer than "a few minutes" to replace a set. The last little bit actually made me laugh because that's just it: This is an arena-like PvP server. We have arenas every week. That's how we like it. Please hear me out as I'm not trying to be short or rude, but a large fraction of the player base on Survival prefer PvP heavily. This server has always been PvP heavy/oriented. MCPublic hosts a server that sounds much more like your style, PvE. The severe altering or changing of the Survival to cater to the type that prefers minimal PvP has been the source of many past conflicts. In fact, PvE was created for those types of players. As a final note, please understand that I'm not trying to discourage you from playing Survival, I just think I can speak for Survival when I say that your idea of significantly altering it probably won't get very far. If you disagree, that's fine. I suggest making a poll on your ideas.
  15. Preach it. Much less is probably an understatement, to be honest. S is like a ghost town in terms of PvP compared to revisions 16, 17, & 18.
  16. This sounds like a great idea for players who have grown bored of Minecraft and don't check the subreddit or forums often, but still want to be involved with the community. Even though I don't play any games besides Minecraft, it would still be really nice to see more veteran/old players returning for server events.
  17. Yes, Sanctuary was amazing. It was so nice to have an area on the map where there would always be players hanging out and building. I loved building my Viking style roof house there and adding my bunker under it. I never got to see it on the carto and it truly does look amazing. uni0 and TheAcademecian did a spectacular job. I hope someone builds another city on S soon. What about getting a pkome AND Slugfrompluto statue in? http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s19/carto/#/-416/64/-32/-1/0/0 That's surrounding the Vega base, revision 19. Also as a side-note, despite how much everyone disliked the grid system for roads in revision 21, my crew really loved them. You can also see how many great builds came out of that rev, too. ------------------------------------------------- Anyway though, Here are some that I liked: -Exaveus's castle base, revision 18. http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s18/carto/#/-640/64/-34/-1/0/0 -The sandstone temple, orange road. Revision 18: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s18/carto/#/13/64/-1624/max/0/0 -Adda717's Japanese style roof house, revision 18. http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s18/carto/#/43/64/658/max/0/0 -I think this is a great shot of multiple bases. The Equalists' base, gustavberg's GoodWill shop, The Sandstone Temple(Can't remember who built that), Willravel's public wheat farm- before carrots, papadopolis's little bunker thing, and the last Nerdia base before it merged with Vega. Anyway, here it is: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s18/carto/#/5/64/126/-1/0/0 There are countless memories in this one. :'( Maybe it just has huge sentimental value, I dunno. Cheers to an honestly amazing revision for survival though, because it was jam-packed with PvP. -Shesgoneagain's Potatoville(Forgot the actual name), revision 21: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/1565/64/715/-2/0/0 -The entirety of Pootersaurus's clan Awesomo base, revision 21: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/-487/64/622/-2/0/0 -This shot describes S, in my opinion. Giant cities with nice, planned builds aren't common. It's much more likely to find nice little houses or bunkers. Anyway, here it is. Revision 18: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s18/carto/#/-1321/64/-11/max/0/0 -The ice dome and PvP-oriented box base, another one that speaks to S. Revision 18: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s18/carto/#/16/64/-105/max/0/0 -Diamond Dominion's tower, revision 21: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/64/64/816/max/0/0 -Carrotville, revision 21: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/295/64/832/-1/0/0 I can't remember the name of the guy who built this for the life of me. Anyone else remember? -sketchyartist's and MajorBunnyColvin's base, revision 21: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/658/64/959/max/0/0 I know we've already mentioned Sanctuary, but here are the ones I liked from there. -The Sanctuary Arena, Willravel's song building, the checkerboard, and that nice spruce stair roof building on the far right: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/1194/64/-1790/-1/0/0 -The sanctuary harbor and tropical peninsula: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/1022/64/-1499/-1/0/0 -The farm building: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/1049/64/-1753/-1/0/0 -The town hall: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/1061/64/-1857/-1/0/0 -No to the Vega clan village base, rev. 18? Didn't think so: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s18/carto/#/307/64/133/max/0/0 Just realized that I've posted way too many but there are just sooo many good builds and memories. EDIT: Forgot to add one of my most favorite bases that I used to hang out at all the time. DrManta's base at one of the hidden nether portals: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/1555/64/1350/-1/0/0 I better stop looking before I find more. DOUBLE EDIT: Everything in this shot: http://redditpublic.com/carto/survival/s21/#/-1019/64/875/-2/0/0 Okay, I'm done.
  18. Although we probably aren't looking to be a gigantic community with 1,000+ players, I think what he's saying is there is more cross-server interaction. I hate to say it but we don't have much of that. The only exception being when people build on C to plan for Survival or Pve. Some people hate it but I think we could do more community-wide events. Players from different servers could meet each other and give different servers a try. This has absolutely nothing to do with advertising, though. No, it doesn't sound silly. YouTubers could bring a lot of traffic to our servers. I have one YouTuber in particular, he does videos for servers called "Server Spotlights". I played on a PvP server that payed him ~$50 and it brought an influx of new players to it. It's success & popularity could actually be acredited to that video. I know for a fact that he sometimes does the videos for free but usually he charges. If you were wondering what this YouTuber's name is, It's HuskyMUDKIPZ. I have no idea about the costs for a video now, though. Another person I have in mind was actually a former moderator here. Some of you may be familiar with her, aymbot. I tried contacting her a couple weeks ago when I first saw this thread. I inboxed her on reddit, but I did not get a response. Perhaps we could try to reach her another way? I'm sure that a former moderator and player of MCPublic would do us the favor of making a video on it. However, Her YouTube channel is much, much smaller than the aforementioned. -GetaFever
  19. Hey I don't have a lot of time right now, but I just wanted to bring this to the tech's attention. Basically if you choose a colored stained glass block on creative(e.g. green, purple, blue), It will inevitably turn white. Times vary, but it always ends up turning to a white stained glass block. That's pretty much all I know about it. I'll be doing a little testing and post more later, but that's all for now. Thanks, GetaFever
  20. Yeah it doesn't explicitly say that, but everyone on S knows that whoever ends up with the griefed items is responsible for replacing them.
  21. I completely agree with this. It really sucks if you're harvesting a large farm and get killed. A new rule for this needs to be defined. We currently have a similar one for "breaking-and-entering" to gain access for exploration or PvP. Basically whoever ends up with the griefed blocks is responsible for fixing the PvP edit. I definitely think the same should responsibility should be applied to crops. +1
  22. SimpleClans is one of the best things that's happened to S. It is so nice to have things official; all the unclear mess from previous revs about broken alliances and things is gone now, because a simple command will show you how you stand with other clans. Even though everyone hates the colors in chat, I speak for my whole clan when I say that we all like it. 5 characters keeps them short and sweet, and the colors really do help distinguish between different clans. I would be very sad to see that go, but after a chat with several different people, I've found a nice compromise. We could make it like the factions plugin(or something similar), so that dependent on your clan, your clan mates are in green, allies are in purple, and enemies in red. That way, you can still distinguish who is who within a glance of checking chat. Also recently, we've lost the ability to toggle friendly fire for whatever reason. I for one, think that's ridiculous(and by the looks of chat when it came up, many do too). Too often people end up killing their classmates or allies and friendly fire prevented that. Myself and many others would like to see that ability returned to us. But yeah SimpleClans is a great plugin, thanks for adding it.
  23. ………………….._,,-~’’’¯¯¯’’~-,, ………………..,-‘’ ; ; ;_,,---,,_ ; ;’’-,…………………………….._,,,---,,_ ……………….,’ ; ; ;,-‘ , , , , , ‘-, ; ;’-,,,,---~~’’’’’’~--,,,_…..,,-~’’ ; ; ; ;__;’-, ……………….| ; ; ;,’ , , , _,,-~’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ¯’’~’-,,_ ,,-~’’ , , ‘, ;’, ……………….’, ; ; ‘-, ,-~’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’’-, , , , , ,’ ; | …………………’, ; ;,’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’-, , ,-‘ ;,-‘ ………………….,’-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;...

  24. Couldn't have said it better myself.
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