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Everything posted by Electifried

  1. I'm closing this appeal due to inactivity. You may start a new appeal whenever you wish to be unbanned, just make sure you read the rules and remove all client hacks first.
  2. Digging it out is only half the battle. You still need all the best builders to make it look amazing.
  3. I suggest we don't make part of the map have WE and part of the map not have WE (be it an area with no WE or a time period with no WE) because I worry that the area with no WE will be drastically underused unless none of the areas have WE, and I don't think anyone really wants that. For community builds, we ought to stick with cities/towns since digging large holes is now trivial (though that doesn't have to stop us from making cities in holes ). Having them be staff run would make them work much better as it would be easier to (re)move unwanted/ugly builds, which has been a big problem I've faced with previous community projects I've run.
  4. Hello Andonaras02, or AndonisTroller as you go in-game, this is what I banned you for: Looking at your block edits, I saw you had mostly just placed a bunch of lava and sea lanterns, which right away made me think you were only here to grief. To be completely sure, I did some further investigations and found that you had spammed lava on some player statues, which is what got you banned. To add on to that, I found it very likely your account was hacked as you had set off No Cheat Plus several times as I was investigating. - Luckily for you, we are willing to forgive, but not without some consequences. As this appears to be your first ban, I'm setting the length of your ban at two weeks from the day you were banned. If you would like to return and be a constructive member of this community, then go and read the rules and reply to this thread on the 12th of June stating that you have read and agree to them. I also ask that you remove any hacks you may have on your client and state you have done so. Once you've done both of these things no earlier than June 12th, I or another staff member will unban you. Keep in mind any future bans for the same thing will be much longer.
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