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Everything posted by Electifried

  1. Yes, the region name format is needed. If a player requests an exception, you could ask a cadmin about it, but you'll probably still want to stick with the format. If you're finding regions not made in the format (not counting spawn city regions and such), it's probably because whoever created the region forgot about the format or overlooked the fact that there is in fact a format for region names. These should be pointed out. I think the roads are to be treated like a community build, with the cadmins setting the specific rules for them.
  2. Here is my death fortress I started during rev 23. I ran out of time so it never got finished sadly...
  3. Dumbo and Timi have teamed up to take down Mrloud and save Cyotie. First, they...
  4. (Are we not doing the green/red names thing?) Suddenly, a wild Dumbo appeared!
  5. Here's the thing: that airplane was not perfectly fine. It was too small to stand up in, and it was freezing cold in there. Not to mention the lack of a flight attendant serving pretzels half way through the flight.
  6. Cyotie was shocked by this. He went straight to the appeals forum, demanding an unban and an apology.
  7. I can help out. And do tell us when we can make spawn secrets...I have ideas already =D
  8. I'm too lazy to go and take a selfie and upload it to my computer, so here's a video of me skydiving I uploaded several months ago that has my face in it:
  9. I'll be going on vacation for a week or so, starting tomorrow. Apologies if I happen to miss any ban appeals. I'll be back on the 18th.
  10. Edit: Looks like I got ninja'd D: The image still kinda fits so I'll leave it be, but it was meant for WyndySascha's sandwich.
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