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Everything posted by Mumberthrax
Bans and notes are handled by bungeecord, so anyone who is normally able to see them on nerd still gets the notifications even on vanilla 1.8, but regular players do not.
Seems like it would be less confusing if it searched in a certain spherical radius around the player for the nearest available location, but I can definitely understand why it works the way it does if that's simpler and functional method, and really affects players on a very rare number of occasions anyway.
This sounds fun. I'm really curious as to how you've set it up. I'd definitely be interested in playing, or at the very least watching if I'm not able to commit to the dates you choose.
The map itself is very close to being ready. We still need to paste in the "ring" roads, set aside a place and a road to LRO's trampoline arena, doublecheck all WG regions. There are also things sadmins need to handle that don't relate to the map, but rather plugins and configs. Here's a rough todo list I've been trying to update, there's an easysign at spawn that gives you a link to it, but it might be easy to overlook. https://gist.github.com/Mumberthrax/4d703d677578b722dfa4 when that todo list is empty, and I know there are a few things not included on it that sadmins alone are working on, then we ought to be ready for launch. We don't want to just toss this out without any notice of at least a couple of days, and we don't want to announce a launch date unless we're really ready. tossing up a chaos rev for a few days seems the most sensible option to us. making 1.8 work may not be as easy as we thought, so we may well have to use a 1.7 spigot server running an old map.
@tornadohorse, that's disheartening to hear that players builds were not used. Do you mean they built them but did not submit them? or they submitted them but the sadmins just did not use them? There will be arena matches (thus a need for an arena). There will be a spawn build. It will not be random spawn, or at least if there is a random spawn element it will not be like it was in revision 26, and players will at the very very minimum spawn in the spawn build initially. Can you let me know the names of the players who built things to submit which were not used? I'd like to get in contact with them to apologize, and see if they are still interested in sharing their creations.
relevant: https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2633-clarification-of-build-rules/
Something that has been suggested to me which I think would be great to try on S is a contest to design useful or beautiful shops. Any contest needs judges - unbiased and responsible ones at that, and who is more unbiased or responsible than admins?! :D I'd like to invite all of you, head admins, server admins, and techadmins, to volunteer to mercilessly judge whatever shops players may create to stimulate trade and creative interactions on the survival server for revision 27. I'm thinking we announce the contest before launch, and hold final judging about a month in. If "best designed shop" seems vague or not very useful in terms of contest titles/parameters, maybe someone has a more creative suggestion? I figure we can allow players to modreq to protect any redstone mechanisms involved, as long as it can't be abused for PvP purposes. That should allow for a greater variety of creativity than would normally be exercised on the server. If you feel like taking a few minutes to review the builds a few weeks from now and offering your expert or pseudo-expert evaluations, please let me know.
not sure how i missed that post. I've commented there, but I'll mention here as well: we're looking at getting that taken care of asap. Not to get anyone's hopes up, so don't go spilling this all over publicly, but we'd like to see about having a brief 1.8 chaos rev if it's doable. will be working with techs to determine feasibility of that later today. If it won't work. we'll toss up an old map on 1.7.
This post is not strictly for survival moderators. Anyone is welcome to help out. We're looking at launching rev 28 at 6-8 weeks after launching rev 27, barring tragedy or overwhelming outcry to extend rev 27. There are a few projects sadmins want to present to mods and the other admins here to offer the opportunity to help out with. 6-8 weeks will put launch day near the end of November and beginning of December. Everybody in the northern hemisphere will be quite chilly (I suspect the majority of our players are from up topside, sorry equatorial and southern hemisphere friends :/ ) so I was thinking a wintery theme for spawn/arenas might be cool (no pun intended, but heh). Particularly the idea of a sort of "winter palace" for spawn. I'd like to see if we can put something together, maybe hold a contest on C for it, with winner being selected a few weeks before launch of rev 28 (to give us time to paste it in and make sure it's all configured properly). Would anyone be willing to help out with this? Still need to run the idea by Cadmins. Or if you think you can make a decent frigid-feeling spawn or arena yourself, that'd be awesome too! We're going to continue trying new approaches to survival, whether that means new plugins, new events, different rules, novel map designs, etc. Sadmins may need help sifting through all of the ideas that have been submitted in the past, all of the seemingly endless discussion threads or reaction polls. xTheHundredsx gave me a list once of some of these, but I'm sure it's outdated now: http://paste.thezomg.com/15244/41210733/ If anyone would like to volunteer to help make sense of all of this, please let us know. If you have an event you have been kicking around for a while that you'd be excited to see implemented on survival, please share it. With our combined effort we can do more than we might as individuals. The sooner we can get them planned out, the easier it will be to make them work together as an integrated experience for players. I have a mini-ctf arena that's been languishing for a while now that really just needs a few things tweaked and maybe given a mild makeover with 1.7 blocks, i just haven't had the time to work on it. We can put together a list and make it happen. And if it's an idea that may seem too big to work on S, it might work on the event server, or in a multiverse'd dimension on S. Nothing is really off the table currently from sadmin's standpoint. Beastbruiser, redwall, and I will be trying our best to engage non-staff further in planning/preparing for rev 28 and beyond. If anyone has ideas on how this might best be achieved, please share. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and much gratitude to you for all you do here.
Don't know how I missed this post previously! D: I think a chaos is a good move. Beastbruiser has suggested it to redwall and me, but we haven't made it happen yet. it's 5:30am for me right now, but when i wake up i'll see what we can do about this.
This seems like it wouldn't be too hard to do with commandhelper.
quick update development server is up. sadmins are pasting in roads, arenas, setting up protections, etc. a few moderators have volunteered to help out so they're whitelisted. should be an announcement post shortly.
I imagine any sort of auto-rollback thing would be configured to not drop the blocks if it were used in the context of a server using citadel, to prevent duplication of any kind. In the context of our traditional setup, where griefing is not allowed and players normally must replace blocks after breaking in, it might be set up so the blocks don't drop as items, or it might be done such that the blocks drop as items, and if the player hasn't replaced them after x period of time then an automatic notification is sent to moderators, and it might have a blacklist of items that won't be restored automatically (like ores, diamond blocks, etc.). In the past when this sort of thing has been discussed, the issue some folks had with it was that it would encourage a culture of griefing and not giving a crap. That's one reason why i like the idea of still requiring players replace the broken blocks (thus requiring the blocks to have dropped as items), especially in cases where a build isn't protected and it gets griefed - I would not want us to get to a point where people who forget to or don't protect their builds get left in the dust after getting griefed.
MCPublic General Meeting #1 - Time & Agenda
Mumberthrax replied to Mrloud15's topic in Minecraft General
donor perks isn't one of the topics, unless you consider a badge on the forums or tag in-game a perk. I'm not really sure how the question of allowing badges on the forums or in-game depends on the financial state of the server to any strong degree. I can see the logic in grouping the subjects together since they both deal with money. They also fit with the third topic of badges or flair for competition/event winners. I see no strong reason to rearrange the agendas when we have a workable one now. -
Sounds like a great process. Wouldn't mind seeing the document and voting spreadsheet if that's possible. Or maybe just a mockup if there is sensitive information or something on them.
Slide, if we had something like that I'd be down for trying it out. I've long felt S needs delayed automatic rollbacks, and it seems like it could work alright with a citadel style gameplay.
sure. I'll try to hang out on there, and you can message me when you're around.
So currently for advertising we have this: http://minecraftservers.org/search/MCPublic which players can vote on once per day. We have an account on Project Wunderfal, and have done some adverts on minecraftservers.net, but it costs money. From what I'm told, about $15 will get you 2-3 days of ads, but it's kind of weird in that if someone outbids you then you don't get to advertise. While we do have funds in our account, none of it is explicitly set aside for advertising in a budget. I will speak further on this with head admins and see what options we have available to us, and how much we could hypothetically budget for advertising.
The issue today was the castle on the main island. The lamps in it were switched off, and torches in their hallways were broken. This caused endermen to spawn all in there, disrupting both end grinders. It was done intentionally to disrupt spawn rates in the grinders. The situation was getting ridiculous, much to the enjoyment of those responsible I am certain, so I turned off mob spawning in the region until padmins decide what should be done officially about it. I take full responsibility for my actions, and apologize if I've overstepped my authority on the server.
I am Mumberthrax. Feel free to Ask Me Anything.
Mumberthrax replied to Mumberthrax's topic in The Archives
actually thinking about this a little more, at least on morrowind, my favorite thing might be accumulating overpowered unique items/artifacts. boots of blinding speed, that lich's robe, helm of oreyn bearclaw, those white gauntlets i forgot the name of, mage's staff, that mehrunes dagon dagger, amulet of shadows, etc. -
What can you tell us about that? In what way is it different from a regular factions server?
Hey avada! Thanks for the upbeat attitude and kind words. :D I agree that advertising would be a good idea. I don't know of any plans at the moment other than what has been done in the past. When I wear my sadmin hat I have been focusing on preparing for the revision itself, but broader concerns like that are probably something we should focus on too. I know it's been said many times in the past that we need advertisement, and I know that steps have been taken but I haven't involved myself in those projects directly. I'll talk with the other admins and see what the situation is on that front and report back here.
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I know you three are really passionate about playing a style of survival that's different from what we've traditionally done, and what my brief description of the next rev sounds to be like, and I'm very happy you guys share that passion and make sure we know how you feel. I know that citadel and prisonpearl introduced elements which are really appealing to you, and there are undoubtedly those who aren't as vocal who share that appreciation. I also know that this revision died down much more rapidly than any other in the past (from what I understand) despite having very high turnout at launch time, and that many people have come to me asking sadmins to fixitfixitfixit asap. Believe me, I want to experiment and have fun new features as much as anyone, and I also want to have something players can enjoy in the meantime more than a relatively empty server. I also know that an overwhelming majority of respondents to the feedback polls and discussion threads were unhappy with prisonpearl and citadel. (personal bias admission: I have been opposed to using prisonpearl from the beginning and somewhat hesitant about citadel as well). I also know that the server looks griefed to hell, there have been some really shitty people abusing prisonpearl to prevent others from enjoying the game, citadel is not noob-friendly, and there was way too much xraying going on that takes advantage of the weaknesses in citadel and a lack of griefing rules. Now, I don't intend on having a huge argument over why we're removing the plugins, the merits of them, etc. We can do that another time but I just don't have the energy to contend against the combined passion you three have for the subject. I'm sure that there are strong and valid reasons to keep things as they are, but I'd like to ask the three of you and everyone else if you'd be willing to bear with us, enjoy this 'throwback' revision for what it is (which will hopefully be more than the brief rundown I have presented above), and we'll get on to trying more novel and experimental things shortly.