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Everything posted by smiler100
Due to popular demand, the command /mr-note can now be used to add and remove notes to and from modreqs which are viewable to other staff. Hopefully this command will make it easier to add extra information about requests as to assist other mods. The command could probably also be used for extended discussion of requests, such as warp requests on C. Usage is simple enough, being `/mr-note add <request id> <note>` and `/mr-note remove <request id> <note id>` to add and remove notes respectively. Notes are only visible to staff, and can't be viewed or made by the player making the request. Notes are viewable through /check.
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Unbanned. -- Ban for monfmonf on c.nerd.nu for Temp study ban nerd.nu/appeal by tornadohorse on 2014-11-03 12:13:53
I've written this and it will be running on all 3 servers after they restart. Usage is basically exactly as dizney described: /warn <player> <message>: Warn a player. /warnings: View your warnings. /warnings clear <#>: Clear a warning; only players who have been warned can run this. Every 30 seconds, if you've been warned, you get a rather obtrusive warning in chat, so it can't be missed. I've also hooked up /warncrops etc to it, but I haven't changed the messages (although I do agree some of them are a bit snide).
That's right; S is a PvP server while P is survival without PvP. You're unbanned.
Hey iWithered, you were banned a long time ago and as such I'm willing to give you another chance. Before I unban you, please read and refamiliarise yourself with the rules and reply here once you've done so.
Personally, I think that it would be best to keep it on GameSurge, at least for the time being. I think that we'd get more than enough control for the relay on there, despite the netsplits. In my opinion, running our own IRC server just for the relay is more trouble than it's worth.
Bringing this one back from the dead as well. As noted previously we have this pretty much completely working, so if there aren't any objections I wouldn't mind getting this one running this weekend as well as modlogs. mark2 is still working fine, despite being EOL, and I don't really see any harm in setting this up.
Hi toolman199, Sorry for the wait. This ban is pretty old, so I'm willing to give you a second chance. If you could read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules/) and reply here to let me know you've read them, I or another staff member will unban you.
Buch contacted me in IRC about a week ago about putting the map for his event on a nerd testing server. I told him that it was possible and I figured that he would get back to me with a world save or similar, but I haven't heard from him since. I also offered to help with writing a plugin for it and he seemed pretty enthusiastic. We also discussed the mechanics of the event slightly, but we went no further than figuring out how space suits would work before he timed out. According to /seen, he was on S just last night. Has anyone tried to contact him via in-game mail or similar? Personally, I'd like us to try something other than a CTF this time around. Or, at the very least, some big changes to the mechanics - this would be our fourth CTF in a row and while I do agree that CTFs are plenty of fun, it might pay off to try something different for a change. However, the deadline of the 5th anniversary doesn't necessarily allow this.
The map's live! Join it by typing /event on any of the servers or by going through the portal in the lobby. Have fun building/destroying/whatever stuff.
Fixed, with the caveat that you should use '/mumble' instead of '!mumble'. This should also be reflected in the rolling [server] announcements.
Whoops. Forgot about this one. The problem stems from SimpleClans. The wrapper doesn't recognise when a player with a long name + clan tag (in total longer than the minecraft username length limit) tries to run !mumble. The best solution in my opinion would be to make the /mumble and /irc commands (currently in effect on P) usable on the other servers. I'll do that tomorrow if another tech doesn't beat me to it.
What is your in game name?
Ban for xdshadow224 on c.nerd.nu for Attempted Nuker usage, hacked client. nerd.nu/appeal by ROCKONN on 2013-12-13 21:00:16 (no more bans, no notes) Please wait for ROCKONN to respond to your appeal. If he does not respond to your appeal within 48 hours, feel free to bump this thread.
Ban for spachoni on c.nerd.nu for Xray on P nerd.nu/appeal by trooprm32 on 2013-09-15 18:37:26 (no more bans, no notes) Previous appeal: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/966-spachoni-trooprm32/ As per your previous appeal, I have unbanned you. Welcome back.
Ban for theeblocker on c.nerd.nu for Hacked client and griefing on C with maxbombblocker. nerd.nu/appeal by mrloud15 on 2013-12-06 19:57:59 (1 more bans, no notes) Please wait for Mrloud15 to respond to your appeal. If he does not respond within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal by posting here again.
Ban for dontera on c.nerd.nu for Xray on P nerd.nu/appeal by trooprm32 on 2013-11-30 13:21:28 (no more bans, no notes) Trooprm32 will respond to your appeal as soon as they can. If your banning moderator does not respond in 48 hours, feel free to bump this post.
Closing. Please re-appeal on or after the 14th of December, following the instructions I have made in my previous post.
Hello BigFallsCreek, thanks for appealing your ban. I banned you for the use of an xray mod. This allowed you to see through the ground to locate and acquire diamonds and other ores illegitimately. For your information, the edits which led me to believe you were using xray occurred between 20:02 and 20:12 MST on the 14th of November. As I am sure you are aware, we ban by accounts, not individual players as there is no way to tell who is in control of the account at any one time. Between these times, for every diamond ore block you mined, you only mined 3 stone. Here are some images I have taken of your edits – note how the tunnels in question travel directly towards the ore. The smaller grey boxes here represent your stone edits, whilst the larger blue ones represent your diamond ones. The standard ban length for xray is one month. To be unbanned please re-appeal no earlier than the 14th of December, stating you have read the rules and will follow them from now on. I'll leave this ban appeal open for a while in case you wish to comment.
I like the idea. A lot of other minecraft servers do this, and when I have seen it done it complements the server. According to the spigot website, BungeeCord is OK for 1.7. There's a spigot build available too, but all that appears to have been done so far is support for the new protocol. Terrain generation etc is still on 1.6.4. It's likely to be rather unstable, although it is functional. In my opinion at this stage it would probably be best not to use it, however it does suggest that progress is being made towards it being updated.
Ban for egz7 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on S nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-04-30 02:15:57 (no more bans, no notes) It's been a while since you were banned. Please read the rules and post here confirming you will follow them from now on.
Ban for SiNdAcIt on c.nerd.nu for racism nerd.nu/appeal by smiler100 on 2013-05-10 16:47:44 (no more bans, no notes) It's been a long while since you were banned. Please confirm that you have read the rules and will follow them from now onwards, and I or another staff member will unban you.
You know exactly what you did, and that it wasn't allowed. You should have known better - you've been around for a while. Frankly, I'm not sure what compelled you to spam chat like that, however I do hope it doesn't happen again. It's been a while since you were banned, so I'm willing to give you another chance. Please confirm that you will not break the rules again, and I or another staff member will unban you. Thanks.