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Everything posted by Tharine

  1. Hey Rabbid3squirrel1, thank you for being honest and forthcoming in your appeal, I did indeed ban you for this incident of griefing. I'll only ask that you go ahead and read over our rules to better familiarise yourself and respond here once you have done so. After that, either myself or another moderator will unban you :)
  2. Personally speaking, i'm all for another CTF. I know that whenever i'm asked about something coming up again it's always "when's our next CTF?" as opposed to "when's our next event?" so I think there will be a lot of people looking forward to it as well :P What I thought would be quite a good set up is something similar to last time where we had the CTF map with KOTH and fazaden's obstacle course providing additional buffs/items to the teams that completed them (and maybe a few more mini-events that did similar) - and in addition have something set up for the creative players that tend to miss out on doing something they enjoy during the event. The biggest limitation I could see for this is space, however, if we go with 2 teams instead of four, this would free up some map space we could dedicate to such areas. Maybe have at least one of the spare corners of the map dedicated to a creative-building zone, and we could incorporate it with the CTF by encouraging players to build themed things that we could later worldedit into the rest of the map? I'm thinking along the lines of abandoned structures, parachutes with supplies crashed in the middle of a jungle, and so on. I think along similar lines, if we have the tech/time availability to do so, we could incorporate some of the other ideas (such as hunger games/zombie survival) into the map, but I worry that sounds like a bit too much for the time frame that we have.
  3. Sounds good, unbanned
  4. Quoting as per Ludeman84's response in your original appeal: Frankly, I've seen this same behavior from you on Mumble in the past. The conversation seems to derail in Mumble basically every time you join, as you repeatedly act disruptively by talking over players and provoking controversy. If you're going to be on Mumble, you need to show a basic level of respect for other people in the channel. You've been muted many times before, though as far as I can tell this is the first time it's escalated to a Mumble ban. Since this has been such a recurring problem, and given that you tend to only pop in every couple of weeks anyway, I'm going to recommend a 1-month ban from Mumble, to end on May 11. Note that you're not banned on the servers themselves. I do think you know that you made mistakes, and I'd like to think you'll learn from this, so you'll be able to get back on Mumble after that. That said, if something like this happens again, it will be clear that nothing is going to change, and you'll be off Mumble for good. Unbanned.
  5. Hey Vostran, it's typically the 48 hours since the original post that we ask people to wait until before bumping. I'll go ahead and unban you now and only ask that you ensure that your account stays secure from this point onwards. We ban accounts, not people, so if something like this were to happen again in the future, we would have to count it as another infraction on the 'Vostran' account. In addition, let's have no more comments like this: Thank you very much. You're unbanned, welcome back.
  6. Hey xoxx, apologies for the short delay in responding to your appeal, i've kept quite busy the past couple of days. As Mrloud15 has explained, the bans from all three of our servers are listed as c.nerd.nu on the bans system we use, which can be a bit confusing. Your ban was indeed for locking another player's chest on Survival. Of particular note was that you did not only lock their placed chest, you locked it using /cdonation, which would give off the appearance that the other player locked it themselves and you would be free to take their items at your bidding. This behaviour is abuse of the LWC protection we provide players, and not something we tolerate. I have since unlocked and relocked the chest to the rightful owner, so there is no need to undo that yourself. Whilst LWC abuse in this form isn't strictly one of the greater offences you can make on our servers, this comes after a long line of small offences i've seen associated with your name these past couple of weeks. These are the notes that you've gained over the course of the last month: Note #30088 for xoxx on c.nerd.nu: Warned for further logging to avoid combat - ban on next instance by Tharine on 2013-04-19 03:37:29 Note #30654 for xoxx on c.nerd.nu: Random grief found around. by AvengerOfThings on 2013-05-01 19:03:01 Note #30770 for xoxx on c.nerd.nu: sexual harassment on s, warned. by bhrossman on 2013-05-06 15:22:26 And you've slowly edged your way towards earning a ban with these smaller incidents. I would like you to take an honest, thorough read through of our rules and I would like you to respond here only when you're certain you can respect and follow them. Any further rule breaking on your part is more than likely to earn you another, longer ban from our servers.
  7. After discussing your circumstances with your banning moderator, i'm going to set your unban time 5 weeks from now. Four weeks are for the ban length that you evaded using malakies, and an additional week for the incident of combat logging on that account. You are free to make a new appeal on or after the 28th of June to be unbanned. Any further evasion of your current ban will result in a permaban from our servers and you will not be welcome back.
  8. Totally digging that Ronnie's reputation precedes him. Here's the mini dachshund: I also have Bailey, who's meant to look a little bit more like tacodude3's dog, but for some reason he doesn't look like most other westies :P
  9. Ah well, the horses were already tamed? This was at a riding school, so they were all properly trained and whatnot. I don't know This has been open for some time now, and I was hoping we were going to see a bit of progress on it. I'm not terribly tech-capable, so i'm not sure what we're waiting for to get those changes pushed through. I've always found myself a bit at odds when it comes to PvP in Minecraft. In most games i'm pretty defensive and strategic, but in Minecraft I usually find myself just running in head first and seeing how much damage I can do before dying :P I evidently don't PvP all that often, but when I do it's not very organised. I strongly dislike the potion game because I have shoddy perspective skills and trying to throw a potion whilst running is not something i've ever managed to get the hang of I'll think about the top five memories and get back to you
  10. Unbans aren't automatic, we would have needed your response here to show that you understood and followed our instructions. Please exercise some patience in the future, unbanned.
  11. Not something we usually make posts for, but an incident cropped up on Survival recently that prompted me to set up a bit of a discussion on how best to moderate this type of issue.The rules regarding logging in combat scenarios are as follows: Using logging as a function of PVP is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: Logging off while engaged in combat. Relogging to gain an advantage such as invulnerability for PvP or to prevent fall damage while being chased. Timing logins to attack players at specific locations. Playing with multiple accounts to give yourself a PvP-related advantage Users who do any of these may get warned by a mod or kicked/banned by an admin The incident in question revolves around this modreq: [Redacted] And whilst the circumstances were actually more innocent than they would initially appear for this, it did cause me to realise that we don't actually have a proper policy on how to handle this sort of issue. I was hoping we could get a similar kind of standard going for this sort of thing as we do with typically sticking to one month with xray bans. It's not the type of incident that I can see coming up quite often, which is why I think it important to set out something that wouldn't be too subjective. I thought something along the lines of ensuring that both accounts (despite being the same person) receive a warning and, if necessary to do so, the exact same ban length (and would perhaps require both accounts be appealed for?). Whilst using an alternate account to do something that the original one cannot do typically winds up in a permaban, I thought that might be too harsh for this sort of thing. Is there anyone that has any suggestions on how we could go about handling this sort of thing?
  12. How long does it typically take to craft a new revision of PvE? Do you (or Denevien, or thrawn21, if either of them are able to comment here) have a particular favourite revision? Any elaboration as to why/why not? Are you looking forward to horse-ridden buzzie chases in the 1.6 update as much as I am?
  13. How long have you been a member of MCPublic? What groups have you been a part of in your time on Survival? Do you have any memories or events you're particularly fond of from your time here?
  14. I think Survival's pretty fractured at this point. There's been small issues creeping up for some time now, and I like to think we've started working towards fixing some of them. I'd say the biggest one would probably be our community. Not that the community isn't great, but it's quite clear that we have several different approaches to the type of server we are, and there's a lot of discontent and conflict that arises from that. I find we often struggle when it comes to making the greater game-changing decisions in considering everyone's stances and opinions, because of how varied they can be. I think we would be doing ourselves a disservice by not recognising that we're also not the most welcoming of environments for newer players, let alone those that do not share similar views to our own. I would say this is limited to a small minority, but it is that minority that is the most vocal, and typically so. We're the delinquent child of MCPublic - a title i'm sure some of us would revel in - and we could definitely stand to make some improvements in how we treat each other. I feel like our in-fighting is one of our more prevalent issues, and I think that even showing a little more consideration towards each other in the day to day interactions we have would go a long way towards improving that. pokegeek1234 isn't eligible for the Head Admin position until he actually makes use of his plot on Survival Sure, 1,000,000,000 Haste beacons are on their way! I think he speaks for himself - pokegeek1234, ladies and gentlemen. Sounds awesome I used to go horse riding when I was much younger, it's a lot of fun!
  15. Hey itachi956, It looks like your original appeal back in January was closed due to inactivity, and your latest one was caught out by our move to the new forums - our apologies for that. I'll only ask that you go ahead and familiarise yourself with our server rules and respond back here once you have done this :) Ban for itachi956 on c.nerd.nu for griefing nerd.nu/appeal by edk141 on 2012-03-13 17:37:36 (no more bans, no notes)
  16. Hey Terminis_mag, Thank you for going ahead and changing your skin, i'll only ask that you take a look over the rules and reply here once you are familiar with them. Ban for Terminis_mag on c.nerd.nu for Farm grief on S. NSFW skin. nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-04-08 14:52:08 (no more bans, no notes)
  17. Hey Vostran, Please allow 48 hours for trevorman to respond, at which point you may bump your appeal and either myself or another moderator will handle it :) Ban for Vostran on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C. No legitimate edits. nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-03-23 05:59:46 (no more bans, no notes)
  18. Ban for 7fattykiller7 on c.nerd.nu for Xraying on S. Direct mining to ore. Confirmed with Watson. 121D 170I 4548S nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-04-10 16:51:20 (no more bans, no notes) This account was banned on the 10th of April this year and given a month-long ban. However, it's come to our attention that you have evaded this ban altogether using the account malakies. 2013-05-14 18:12:24 | [MCBouncer] 7fattykiller7 attempted to join with IP [Redacted] 2013-05-14 18:12:24 | Disconnecting 7fattykiller7 [iP Redacted]: Banned: Xraying on S. Direct mining to ore. Confirmed with Watson. 121D 170I 4548S nerd.nu/appeal 2013-05-14 18:22:13 | [MCBouncer] 7fattykiller7 attempted to join with IP [Redacted] 2013-05-14 18:22:13 | Disconnecting 7fattykiller7 [iP Redacted]: Banned: Xraying on S. Direct mining to ore. Confirmed with Watson. 121D 170I 4548S nerd.nu/appeal 2013-05-14 18:22:55 | malakies[iP Redacted] logged in with entity id 703774 at (Co-ordinates redacted) During the time in which the account 7fattykiller7 was banned, you've also earned two bans on malakies. A minor griefing ban on the 25th of April, and another ban for repeated logging to avoid combat on the 14th of May: Ban for malakies on c.nerd.nu for loggin in combat nerd.nu/appeal by Slugfrompluto on 2013-05-14 18:09:07 (no more bans, no notes) The account malakies has now been permabanned per our policies on ban evasion. I will be discussing your ban with trevorman, please allow 48 hours for either of us to respond before bumping your appeal.
  19. After discussing this with another staff member we've come to the conclusion that, given the circumstances, a two month ban is appropriate. Your edits have been fully rolled back, your chest locks removed and the contents completely wiped from the map. Any stray accounts you have that had access to these things will not benefit from them. Please make a new appeal on or after the 16th of July in order to be unbanned. Any further offences, particularly of the xray variety, after this will likely result in a permaban.
  20. I didn't realise they were being crafted like that, that does make quite the difference :/ I see in looking up the issue on the LWC github that it's been reported with apparently no answer yet, and that ticket also describes an exploit using hoppers and trapped chests too, which is a bit worrying as well. I know we made some changes to LWC of some kind upon the 1.5/1.5.1 update - are any of the tech admins able to comment whether we have something in place that would prevent the latter from occurring? Providing there's no better alternative, I can see us being able to make dispensers mod-placeable similar to how we handled sticky pistons a while back. It's tedious, but I think people would rather see their chest contents kept safe and have to wait a while for a dispenser or two to be put down than suffer the consequences otherwise.
  21. I'm running through and 'bumping' old topics/issues for Survival that have been suggested and planned so far this year that still require implementation, so look forward to seeing a few of these types of posts from me in the upcoming days This thread i'm hoping to gather input from anyone that might be able to help in getting set up the /ignore command that we had planned to include in the current Survival revision. A NerdBugs ticket was put in about a month ago by Ludeman84 to get a start on implementing this, but a recent comment from one of our tech admins (LadyCailin) suggests that it shouldn't be handled in CommandHelper (which I believe we originally planned to use) and also that it should integrate with CommandHelpers' clan chat - presumably so that /ignore would work there as well. I'm not knowledgeable on plugins in terms of how well two different ones would work together, so i'm looking to the community at wide for anyone that might be able to help with that side of things. I've also tried my hand at searching for plugins that include a type of /ignore command in them, but from what i've found a great deal of them have several other chat components that we're not looking to make changes on - and I can't be too sure how these sorts of plugins would work with our existing ones. So, i'm hoping there's someone out there that knows a little more about this sort of thing that could be of some assistance. I think there will be a lot of people who would be immensely grateful if we could work on getting this set up sometime soon, and I would also love if any of the tech admins could give their input here as well.
  22. If anyone has an interest in discussing such a feature for either of the other two servers, please open a separate thread so we can keep things better organised. The nature and usage of LWC is a little different on all three servers, so discussion pertaining to one will not correctly apply to all. On behalf of Survival, sorry we took over the last thread
  23. 1 - I think i've been very lucky that my general (usually incredible) clumsiness has managed to not interfere too much with my actions on the servers. In terms of moderating, I remember handling a modreq for farm grief very early into my time as a moderator (probably only a couple of weeks into the position) where someone had broken some melon stems. I did a general /trace of the guy and noted that he had legitimate edits elsewhere, and carelessly rolled him back in about a 20 block radius to fix the farm grief - not realising that he was in fact one of the builders of the house right by the farm itself. Half of the house popped up and disappeared in front of my eyes and the two players inside, and I remember immediately thinking that my stint as a moderator was going to end right there. I recall very worriedly typing into the mod chat something to the effect of 'luke I fucked something up, please help oh my god' and he came over immediately to handle it for me. I think I spent the next week completely avoiding him out of shame 2 - Best thing to happen? There's probably loads of things that have happened that i'm immensely grateful for, but I think the most heartfelt and most amusing would be the birthday party organised for me last year. I'm very unfortunate to not have the screenshots on my current laptop to upload, but a lot of effort was put in by some Survival regulars into getting the event set up on a private server for my birthday. On top of the elaborate and wild decorations and redstone work that went into creating it, there is probably nothing more heartwarming than walking down a hallway plastered with signs wishing you a happy birthday - especially when it comes from some of your typically more foulmouthed friends I do have one screenshot [nsfw pixels, oh golly]: NSFW Yes, that is Naughts73 dressed as a stripper. Hopefully that gives you some idea of how amazing it was. 3 - Probably draykhar, to be honest. I imagine I spoke with people in a friendly manner before meeting him, but it wasn't until I got lost in his clan's mine system (goddamn you and your freakishly tall mines, cakesphere) and he spent the good part of an hour trying to navigate me out of there and back into his base, that I started to really involve myself in being a part of the community. If I hadn't met draykhar, i'm not sure where i'd be nowadays. 4 - Question for you teddylover: I read in one of the other AMAs that your birthday is coming up next month - any big plans for that? :)
  24. Is there any significant meaning behind your forum avatar? How do you prefer your carrots? Do you have any particular favourite amongst the bases you've designed throughout the Survival revisions?
  25. Wait, there are people that play Survival that aren't Jauris? For serious, couldn't honestly pick favourites, i've met so many wonderful people through my time playing on Survival. Someone seems terribly observant If you're interested, be on the lookout for some upcoming changes in staff positions. Because~
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