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Everything posted by Pyr0mrcow
I've been curious about this for some time now, though I guess it'd be pointless to ask about it regarding 1.7 since the Rev's ending. However, 1.8's coming soon, and with it, even more autofarming possibilities; made much simpler and much less resource-draining with the use of Hopper Carts, as opposed to legions of individual Hoppers in small spaces. With that in mind, and with the LWC bug with Hopper Carts stealing from chests having been fixed quite some time ago, can we expect the re-enabling of Hopper Carts with Rev 15? Or is there another limitation beyond the old bug? For a general idea of what I'm talking about with the new autofarms:
I'm unaware of how an actual Chaos-specific map usually works, but if you plan to add plugins, MobArena is quite good for boss/wave centric arenas. Used to use it, and at least back then, it was very versatile. Special attacks, waves, bosses, kits, edit reverts post game, you name it.
Huh, I forgot that this topic existed...might as well use it again. I've found a few interesting things in my time back, hehe. I posted this particular expiriment on the Sub, but figure it can't hurt to do so here. Spinning horsie: The vines are evolving. Apparently they can now jump block gaps...I didn't place the ones on the ceiling: In Rose, Chest locks Cat: Some classic floating rails: I think this is the closest I've come to becoming the embodiment of a pincushion without being dead: And finally, some wonderful community input in the bottom half of this chat log: I'll keep an eye out for anything further that's strange or out of the ordinary. Here's to an interesting Rev 15!
For a future event, if enough people play League of Legends, I suggest this or some varient thereof: Hide and Seek
Supposedly, in the far future, the console version of the Ender Dragon with the acid spilling attack and whatnot will be imported into the PC game, along with a method of rebirth. Though, that has no relevance here and now, I guess. There are other forms of efficient grinders for XP in the overworld, more made practical in 1.8, which are incredibly underrated, it's just obtaining the pearls that would become problematic without an End Grinder...it's a matter of convenience. Teleporting vs getting stuck in a gap and waiting for someone with permission or staff to come get you out, going all the way around the giant inconvenient wall instead of over it, ect.
Yyyyyeeaaaaa that would be exactly what I missed. How'd I ignore that post... Welp, time to rush the Dog Works. And maybe visit the End. I haven't even done that yet. Pretty much what I meant though, the staff seem to do a fine job picking a time for the rev's end. Lot of people have been asking for the end of the rev, builds have slowed down, and for the most part the only people still working on major projects started really late, like me. Good time for a fresh start, I think. That and 1.8 BY THE MIGHTY DOG HORDE DO I WANT THOSE SEXY DOORS and you know plugin updates and whatnot.
There's a reason that I try to never ignore people, whether it be here, in a game, or otherwise. By ignoring someone, or, let's say, by deleting their posts...you're just making them more angry, or injecting now-justified anger/frustration into a discussion. You're making the rage, or trollish nature, or whatever it may be fester. In the case of deletions/bans over simple arguments, others see that, causing them to be quiet and furthering the problem: Someone eventually gets the brunt of the pending explosion. The rage is spread. Lies are told. Communities die out, slowly but surely. Witnissed it multiple times. The problem, for the most part, isn't in the posts. It isn't in a bad joke, or someone hastily telling an entire community to go fuck themselves. It's people being unable to take criticism, to read opposing opinions without being set off like a nuclear bomb, or to think for even a second about the validity of the other side's arguments. There's a lack of understanding of why people get so frustrated, and make the sort of posts that you've been speaking against, and an unwillingness for people to see their own problems. Deleting posts, preventing people from speaking, ect, will only make things worse. You complain about Kitty, Mag and d3, challenging them with the thought that they have no valid arguments, that they have no opinions held back, and that if they do, that they should state them outright; yet, you're arguing to silence said voices in this very thread. You insult your opponants by brushing them off as abraisive and rude. You dismiss arguments as logical falacies, while yourself suggesting a stomp-down approach. This is why people make those posts. This right here. This is what I like to call censureship by pressure. Delete comments and ban users, and you simultaneously shut up everyone who thinks similarly to them. Impliment some idea like this, you're worsening the problem. If a person believes that they'll be shunned for speaking their mind, they won't do it till they're ready to leave. I suppose at this point, I might be slightly known for speaking my mind on these kinds of issues. However, I have three subjects I've held back on, not because of better judgement, but because of staff intervention in ending those conversations, and my not seeking to be banned. Me deciding not to make a 9/11 joke? That was common sense. Those three subjects? In one case, not speaking is because a user was temporarily banned over the issue and their comments deleted with absolutely no context given by the staff as to what they were, or why they were deleted. The second? Because one of the most vocal people on the subject was said user, honestly; I stayed out of it to avoid giving the subject life again, and chance the same thing happening again to that person, and that decision left the discussion unresolved. The third was because a Head randomly rage-typed someone into submission over another subject, though that rage-typing in itself was the issue. This is a real thing. I wouldn't say it's huge right now, but this suggestion can only make things worse. If it takes a leaving post to point out hypocracy, crappy decisions, ect, then so be it; so long as said post is constructive. Hell, we allow introduction posts. Lastly, let me point something out... lol sorry I kind of just did exactly that Yea, there's a bit of a problem there. I pretty much already addressed why this sort of behavior is a negative influence. I could easily make-believe and say that you're a shit-stirrer for disagreeing with me and say that your opinion is invalid, that you're only trying to start drama in the community, that all I've seen of you is this kind of trouble-making post because I've chosen to ignore any valid arguments you've made...but that'd make me kind of a dick, I think. I wouldn't like people to see me as that. TL;DR, people should stop getting their undergarments of choice in a bunch over disagreements and naughty words. If you like the idea of living in a police state (server), check out some of the servers made for younger children. You won't find any of those bad old 'fuck everyone and here's why' posts there. I'm really not trying to offend anyone with that, just saying, the ideal world stated in some of the arguments under these posts does exist, and certain people may be much happier in another place. :3
I'm going to have to agree with Ultra on this one. While I'm usually all for more openness and community input/control, there are so many ways that a rev-ending vote could go sour. For an issue such as that, people may create extra accounts over time to control the vote. You could bring in a group of friends who've never played the server to turn it in your favor. Players from other servers or who've had a bad experience might vote to end the rev just to spite people and stir up trouble. Ect, ect. That's not even addressing what happens after the vote. There's likely to be at least some resentment for the winning party from the losing party. People will complain that the vote was unfair. If it's on here and not the Reddit, people might complain about being excluded due to not having a forum account. They might try to claim that something from the first paragraph happened, influencing the vote. I'm talking about way overblown scenarios, sure...but that's what you have to be prepared for. Looking at that option, comparing it to what we have now, it's not preferable. I think it's fine if the staff estimate when the best time for an ending should be. With a little warning, of course. Also, I feel like I missed something. Was there an announcement on the rev end?
Not saying there's anything wrong with this, but j's immediately made me think of... and I thought of doing the molon thing and you beat me to it damnit scherer :/ On another note, do we want particular theme colors, or was the plan to stick with the current white/blue with black accenting?
Aaaand guess when I was busy :( Well, maybe next time.
If they do something actually banworthy, sure...but people should be able to take at least a little flak. It takes so little to cause a burst of outrage. And I'm talking about both ends of the issue, there. The issue is general rather than something that staff should jump into and regulate on its own special terms. Attitudes ought to be adjusted, and that should be done by the community. If someone really is just stirring the shit for the sake of doing so, then their arguments tend to be flakey, and it's simple to counter or completely ignore them, removing credibility and making them less likely to make such arguments in the future. If that isn't the case, than it's possible that there's more to said argument than shit-stirring. Someone knocking an organization is actually a pretty common thing. No reason to criminalize it unless it's incessant to the levels of spam/harassment, includes heavily derogatory terms, ect. If any of those are true, then yea, go for it, in those cases. Calms heads save lives. Er, accounts, I guess.
I think we could do with a smaller map. Not super small like those of days gone by, but smaller than the current one. The post about time investment was correct. I actually quite like the current ore plumping, including that of Nether Quartz and Glowstone. Despite the plumps, I was still constantly in need of more Glowstone during early construction stages of my current lair. I don't think that limiting/not limiting item amounts is a problem, seeing as nearly anything can be had in large amounts given enough time and effort; rather, the plumps make things easier for people with less time to invest, and balance the effects of a limited map, which may otherwise be expended of resources to the point of having to move outward frustrating distances (if the map were smaller). But the storyline of P and all that? Yes. I'd go so far to say that maybe people should be appointed just for that. Building dungeons, coming up with large-scale events on P itself like the aforementioned spaceship and egg things, etc. I also like the idea of more access to special items, for the previously mentioned reasons of time and effort invested, though I'm not sure of how to do it in a fair way here, other than making said items extremely expensive, possibly increasing the price as the rev goes on. I've seen that decorative command blocks are usable on S; an item such as that would be another goal to work toward, if accessible via something in-game. Expanding on my earlier mention of dungeons and their prizes... First, I seriously hope that there's a Killer Bunny spawner somewhere in the world, even if it's an addition later on in the rev. But really, we've been talking about item availability and whatnot. Items themselves could also be prizes in dungeons. 1.8 will add several new items, particularly the sea-oriented ones. Sponges will be obtainable, but difficultly so. Sea lanterns and such are a similar case, more immediately plentiful but limited in the long term. More ways of obtaining such limited items would be welcome, I believe. And as mentioned, I don't nessecarily think that all dungeons have to be ready and accessible at the beginning of the rev. Opening, or even building them in stages, might work quite well. EDIT: Maybe enable the spawning of special mobs in the wild, very rarely. Zombies outfitted with decent armor and a sword/axe, Skeletons with better bows, Spiders with higher than usual speed potion effects, ect. There's also a good bit that can be customized via attributes.
Emotions get the better of people, sometimes. Get too heavy-handed with punishment and it never goes well. One series of unfortunate events, and even the nicest of players can descend into a fit of destructive rage. Doesn't nessecarily mean that they should be permenantly removed from the community. People should do their best to control themselves though, of course.
I'm always in favor of custom dungeons around the map. I would go so far as to say that you should hide spawners in a few, in rooms built to allow the maximum spawning frequency for extra difficulty in obtaining them. Or, simply hide them in the dungeon as prizes. Some options include moving the standard bunch into dungeons for added difficulty at the beginning of the rev, or groups of 2-4 spawners in close proximity for the construction of super-grinders; or 'special' spawners, such as one that spawns Giants, potentially usable for future arena battles after the dungeon is conquered. Custom map generation...I've seen it done, and I really like it. It gives variety to the server. But rather than going extreme all over, I'd say focus more on variation. Change only a few parts of the map, leave the rest vanilla. I was a fan of Rev 4's terrain. Rev length...is a strange issue. There are a lot of people who come only for the rush of the new server, to start big projects (especially transportation), then leave. But plenty of core players stick around. We've got healthy numbers now, from what I've seen. Not maximum capacity, sure, but it's a satisfying amount, and we do get new players who stay, even this late. I remember being surprised, upon returning, that there was still a player which I'd seen first joining months ago when I popped onto the server to look around and got lost on Carbon. Personally, I've found it fun building this late in. The cities are established and visitable, the rails and portals allow easy transport across the map for events and visiting other players...ect. My only desire for rev length is that, once it gets to this long, they should tell us a minimum time that it will continue to go on. For instance, a statement like "At the least, it has another month." would make people more open to building on the current rev. I have seen a couple community building projects in my time on the rev, as well. I think they're good...but not if they're different from others. There shouldn't be special official status for particular projects over others. But if the staff want to start a project, support another as being a good idea, or work on one themselves? I don't see why they couldn't do that. If it brings in extra players as a result, so be it.
From a completely outside of survival perspective, Tornado has a pretty decent ability for staying neutral/not exploding/not completely shutting down those with opposing views. It's a valuable skill for staff to have, regardless of where. If use is made of that skill, he could potentially be a unifying force for what seems to many outsiders as the increasingly unstable (remnants of the) S community. Really, I don't know what happened to cause (only using these as an example of how perception is turning) all of those comment deletions/that ban, alongside the two admins stepping down, and I'm not going to ask about any of it and the details shouldn't be discussed here...but with little public knowledge, the situation looks really volatile. Calm heads can always help to settle the community.
Formerly, the cap was 6, though that was fairly simple to bypass; with the release of dedicated servers, it's now even easier to have player counts well over that amount. I've seen up to 24, though I'm fairly certain you could do as many more as you want with appropriate hardware and connection speeds.
Will participate if I have the time. Probably will. My only suggestion is that maybe we could look at the openly developing Don't Starve multiplayer edition for a future event, given the pretty chaotic nature of it, recent general release of dedicated server software, and need for players that aren't just joining for the sake of setting everything on fire. (Though there is at least one Steam mod to control that.)
The assumption is that they're going for 1.8, so probably not until all the bugfixes for external plugins/updates for server-developed plugins are completed. There were still some bugfixes going on major plugins about a month ago. Then, account for time of setup, configuration, and familiarization with new systems, as at least 2 plugins are being discontinued, (hell if I remember the other but) one being WorldBorder due to being obsolete. Well, WorldBorder's sort of updated, but...if it won't continue to update under the current system, then it's best to move away from it. Uh...that is, if I had to guess.
Will the servers be able to handle the new mojang name changes?
Pyr0mrcow replied to King_'s topic in Minecraft General
So long as the plugins themselves are updated to use the UUID rather than the player's display name, things should be fine. But...that's a good topic. Are there any plugin versions still in use on the server (specifically PvE) that aren't updated to rely on UUID? I expect not, since the change is literally tomorrow, but figure it can't hurt to ask. -
So after some time of sitting back from it, I came up with an even more neutral logo based on the current(ish) quad of servers. I know we're planning expansion, but something like that still represents the origin, I think. Server quad: I also updated the PSD with an optional backdrop of the forum's logo bar for previewing convenience. This uses the same PSD as the previous submission. The new PSD and this submission will be added to my initial post in the 3rd slot of this topic momentarily.
That's a signature, rather than a part of his post. Read carefully :P
That actually sounds like a decent compromise. Ranks in Steam groups are rather configurable; to have the ability to do what we've been talking about, all a person would really need is the ability to schedule events. The ability to make regular posts and kick from the group/chatroom would be helpful as well, of course. Bans are something that I could see Nerd.nu management being nervous about handing to 'community' staff, so maybe we could leave that ability to people who're already staff on the server and trusted to use it sparingly, for the time being. There is a secondary rank that could be made use of.
I can't disagree that he should have attempted to contact someone among the staff, particularly you since you've shown interest in the Steam expansion in the past, though I don't personally know if he tried to contact another member or not. Switch is right though, the issue now is the existance of doubled up groups. One does need to shut down. D3, perhaps you could remove yours for now (or at least make it private if you don't want to delete it), and then the discussion could continue on how to continue with the new group which is listed as official?
Yea, I was around during a few TTT events. Don't really have time for both that and MC, sadly. I wouldn't be one to appoint for this lol, though I'd be willing to give guidance when needed, of course. I just mean that now is a good chance to change things. We've got the name change going through currently. If the players and staff manage to cooperate, and 2-3 people who can afford to be as active as you in this subject are appointed as Steam-specific staff, preferably less active in Minecraft and more in Steam games, we could make some progress.