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Everything posted by Pyr0mrcow

  1. Maybe appointments specifically for the Steam group could be made in the same way that we have moderators and server-specific admins. It is kind of unrealistic to expect people who aren't exactly part of the Steam community to do regular update posts, host events, ect. We don't even nessecarily need servers for the games, just active organization. If we really are venturing out into other games with this name change, then Steam will almost inevitably be a major part of that. If anything, I'm glad to see that people are excited enough about it to jump so far ahead. That said, there should of course be cooperation with the staff. Of course...that was the plan from the start, so nothing to say there.
  2. Hm, yea, I think it looks better that way. Submission images replaced, PSD reuploaded with alterations, text shadows should also move in unison if changed now. Forgot to set that back the first time. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. I'd like to mention that he said much earlier on that full management was to be transfered to the staff when that was possible. TH was added already, but I'm pretty sure you actually have to join the group before addition is possible. Mountains out of molehills, seriously.
  4. Not sure what we're going for, so I made it simple and tried to keep the style/proportions similar to the current logo. Head: A more 'quirky' version: Server quad: NU: Slanted: Blocky (with forum backdrop version for visibility): Here's the PSD: [Mega] Also, transparency. I'm hoping that whichever of our logos wins will be able to be used across the multitude of network sites. Remember to make it transparant. Good luck to everyone who makes a submission! (Because this actually came up in discussion: feel free to reuse the text if you just want to make a logo. It took almost no effort to format that.)
  5. To be honest, I'm rather sickened by the outlook of certain players that anyone who isn't staff has to act like a helpless child. It's a common thing I've seen on these forums since returning. I don't understand it, because all it does is stifle potential progress and cause tension, needlessly giving people who already have problems with the staff more fuel. d3 is trying to help with a rather large transition of the network, and specifically stated that he would add any Nerd.nu staff who requested addition as soon as reasonably possible. He literally offered to do all of the work and then let you take over. No offense, I know that everyone has a busy schedule, but if you can't jump on one particular issue immediately and another player can, and said player is doing it well so far, there's no reason to complain about extra help. Get added to the group, change what you want, fairly simple.
  6. I get the feeling that the logo won't take long. I can't be the only person who made one the moment the idea was mentioned lol
  7. Whatever you want to call it xD Someone with the ability to do so should go through and change those to redirects, along with making a post about it there.
  8. And the slightly smaller text that displays right next to the group name. Second most visible place on the page. (It's listed "Abbreviation" I think. That or "Headline".)
  9. I suggest changing all titles, tags, desctiptions, ect that are easily editable to the url of the new group. While Steam specifically seems against changing group names, you can change quite a lot to redirect people.
  10. https://soundcloud.com/scott-slucher/starbomb-sonics-best-pal I find the drops in this one to be particularly exquisite. Give it a moment.
  11. Who would you suggest for off-hours staffing? Purely curious.
  12. Pyr0mrcow

    PvE Map Poll

    If we're talking about the older generation styles, personally I liked Rev 4's double-layered land...it was the first time I played on a decent server, so there's probably a lot of nostalgia involved, but I do like unique land generation of that sort. It had a really novel feeling to it, you could use the land in different ways. So, maybe not nessecarily that, but something interesting of that sort. The new custom world options included in the game are actually really good. Maybe just screw around with those and see what happens? also hello again
  13. I remember logging in to S last rev to send some messages to people about PvE since the people I wanted to contact completely stopped going there (which, to slide's point, were more or less shot down immediately), and while standing at the spawnpoint had someone in full enchanted diamond plating jumping up and down shooting fire arrows at me. That seems like it'd be at least a little intimidating to players looking for a server. Personally, I tend to only go on survival servers if griefing or at least some form of chest stealing is allowed, so that as a newcommer I could at least have a chance to catch up. But that's me. On that point though, there are some plugins for giving people a chance to break into chests in exchange for an item or other aspect. This one hasn't updated in a while, but the general idea is there: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/allow-lockpicking/
  14. Definitely, good to have some sort of general info available to cover basic questions. Lot of servers do it in banners, but depending on if you've got a graphics guy or not that could be annoying to keep updated, heh.
  15. *as blowing up every instance of Seneca with a cannon I actually find TNT cannons very interesting to work with. There are many possible layouts with different results. Usually involving explosions, of course. ...usually.
  16. This would enable things such as remote-controlled devices...giant MacGuiver machine anyone? Only problem is that being able to set commands would more or less give the editor the powers of an op, due to the powers of a command block...I haven't seen any plugins that really limit them enough. But, perhaps if it was just a really occasional thing done by the staff heads for special projects that really need a command block, this could be done.
  17. That would be an interesting idea, since the old MC versions are easily downloadable now... The only suggestion I'd have is to leave it up for 2 days in a row, so people have a little more time to look around. And, in the case of players from way back when, have a little more time to find things that they may or may not have burried underground. Noone in particular there. ..... *cough* But yea, there are 2 days each week when it's Thursday somewhere in the world.
  18. Yea, there are at least 4 or 5 plugins that do it with no mod required eliminating the some players having advantages over others thing, and as far as I remember on a couple of em, distance wasn't an issue. But of course, whether it's good for here is up for debate.
  19. 1.7.6 actually. Already made an adjusted version of my skin to take advantage of the new system, heh.
  20. Seen other people mention that they do have alternate accounts so that's not the question...it's something rather specific. If I missed it in the rule book, whoops, but: Like a lot of people, I have one. Though, I haven't had a reason to use it here yet. Question is...are there any limits on them? Specifically, are you allowed to be logged into two accounts at once here, or no? If the answer to the above is yes: If I was feeling lazy, the main thing I'm wondering is could I use it for mobile storage? I'd probably mainly end up using it for getting multiple perspectives on builds and such, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
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