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Everything posted by totemo

  1. Unfortunately, we cannot establish the identity of the person using an account when our rules are infringed, so we hold the account itself liable. You are banned for a month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 25th of November, stating that you will abide by them from now on. Your edits:
  2. If we turn off starvation, you will never experience this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1UtgAiCRHY
  3. I feel sorry for your niece. She is unbanned. alainjvd, don't disappoint me.
  4. Looking at the Minecraft wiki page on spawning I see that a reduced view distance can have a dramatic effect on mob spawning. I've experimentally raised it back to 10, but if it ruins the tick rate, I will probably back it off again. EDIT: And the result: more entities related lag, no drastic improvement in slime that I could see.
  5. You gonna tell me you never used rayne's account? 2013-10-01 03:58:40 [INFO] [rayneawesomegirl -> Kirstae] where are you 2013-10-01 03:58:49 [INFO] [Kirstae -> rayneawesomegirl] home 2013-10-01 04:00:14 [INFO] [rayneawesomegirl -> Kirstae] lying whore 2013-10-01 04:00:19 [INFO] [Kirstae -> rayneawesomegirl] wot 2013-10-01 04:00:28 [INFO] [Kirstae -> rayneawesomegirl] this better not be Rayne 2013-10-01 04:00:42 [INFO] [rayneawesomegirl -> Kirstae] ur face is rayne m8\ 2013-10-01 04:00:53 [INFO] [rayneawesomegirl -> Kirstae] come at me bro 2013-10-01 04:00:54 [INFO] [Kirstae -> rayneawesomegirl] oi m8 fite me 2013-10-01 04:01:17 [INFO] [Kirstae -> rayneawesomegirl] dont you have shit to do?
  6. I have a few concerns with the use of the account: * alainjvd built rayneawesomegirl's house. * rayneawesomegirl's IP address changed after alainjvd was banned, which looks suspiciously like an attempt to conceal the relationship between the two accounts. * alainjvd has not appealed his ban, which could conceivably be because you intend to evade it on rayneawesomegirl's account. Given the manner and extent of your rule infringement, how are we to trust that you will honour your ban?
  7. Ah. Ok. Apologies for the mistaken ban. That is indeed an acceptable explanation and within the rules. You're unbanned. Please come and re-lock some chests I had unlocked in preparation for the rollback.
  8. Please explain what motivated you to dig straight down onto the following four diamond deposits, numbered 18, 19, 20 and 21: #18 - #20: #18: #19: #20: #21:
  9. Ah yes, I found the old appeal (https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/802-omgitsazza-totemo/). I take it from the existence of this post that you have read the rules as requested. Accordingly, you are unbanned.
  10. Watson automatically pages through results for certain commands. do: /w config auto_page on /w config max_auto_pages 6 /w config pre_count 60 /w config post_count 60 the pre_count and post_count settings are the number of edits to query when doing /w pre (edits before) and /w post (edits after). The auto page settings automatically page though any "coords" result from LogBlock.
  11. Ban for smellykid50 on c.nerd.nu for Xray on P nerd.nu/appeal by trooprm32 on 2013-10-06 14:00:11 (no more bans, 1 notes) Trooprm32 will respond to your appeal within the next 48 hours.
  12. They're server side. At the moment, just /we cui and /lb toolblock on when entering ModMode.
  13. Ratios are just supporting evidence. I regard them as most helpful in putting some suspicious looking mining into context and thereby rejecting xray as the explanation. They're useless for the current crop of xrayers on P who are spelunking for already-exposed diamonds with xray texture pack. I'd be wary of handing out //count permissions just because WorldEdit is one of the easiest ways to inadvertently take down the server.
  14. If we're just talking about giving players access to /lb me, then I'm fine with that (more below). If it's to do a selection for them and count blocks... :/ I'm not sure I want to dob in the mods for the extra work. I can't recall the exact reasons behind removing /lb me permission - whether it was concerns about people loading the server by spamming the command, or whether it was a worry about sophisticated xrayers attempting to game the system by boosting their stone counts to look more innocent. If it's the former, we could wrap '/lb me' in a new command like '/stats' that throttles it to once every 5 minutes or so. If it's the latter, those xrayers would be in the extreme minority and I think our xray detection practice is too sophisticated for it to matter.
  15. bPermissions I guess. One additional change to ModMode today: admins now retain their admin permissions when in ModMode. Because of this, as an admin you will always be listed as whatever kind of admin you are, rather than /list showing you as ModMode when in ModMode.
  16. I'll take the above as an indication that you have read the rules. You're back in business.
  17. Thanks. I appreciate you not wanting to waste our time in the appeals process. You're banned for a month. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 6th of November stating that you will abide by them from now on. Representative edits:
  18. From http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=rPKAtxyZxL0, apparently you used to be quite sympathetic to Avo at the very least: I'd be surprised if it went down exactly as you say. It's my understanding that the staff were always held to a much higher standard of proof and we would have been running LogBlock, I believe. Nevertheless, 2 years is an awfully long time. Please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below stating that you will abide by them and you can be on your merry little way.
  19. Recently one moderator complained of losing inventory when returning from ModMode. I haven't been able to replicate the issue (I toggled ModMode 100 times in a row before running out of patience), but as a precaution ModMode now retains two backups of the player's inventory state. A snapshot of your inventory is taken every time you run /modmode and backups are superceded by new snapshots. If you think you're missing items, refrain from running /modmode until we can reconcile your inventory against the backups. ModMode can now run configurable forced commands before and/or after activating and deactivating ModMode. We use that to run "/we cui", "/lb tool on" and "/lb toolblock on" when entering ModMode. Staff have been granted the NoCheatPlus permission that allows them to bypass the chat spam check for commands. Consequently, you can now spam LogBlock commands to visualise tunnels or grief with Watson. You will probably want to adjust the Watson setting that throttles the rate it issues commands (to avoid tripping the spam filter), as follows (0.2 here is 0.2 seconds between commands): /w config chat_timeout 0.2 These changes will be available on the next restart of each server.
  20. Ban for herobrine_lover1 on c.nerd.nu for griefing. nerd.nu/appeal by marting11 on 2013-09-12 14:43:04 (no more bans, no notes) The staff member who banned you, marting11, will respond to your appeal shortly. In the meantime, please read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and reply below stating that you have done so. I edited the title to show your in game name and his.
  21. The /kits command is implemented by a CH script in plugins/CommandHelper/config.txt and there are multiple versions of this that need to be reconciled so that I can check in just one. The code you want looks like this: config.txt: *:/kit [$] = >>> # Note: on creative anyone can /kit. #_assertperm('restricted', 0) _kit($) <<< auto_include.ms: http://paste.thezomg.com/11379/85909138/ EasySigns logs one warning to the console when a "do-something" sign is destroyed by WorldEdit, for example. Other than that the only thing I can think that might be doing messages warning about signs is the WorldGuard blacklist.txt.
  22. ModMode is dependent on the VanishNoPacket and TagAPI plugins. To you will also need the following permissions: - modmode.showvanished - modmode.unvanish - modmode.vanish - vanish.see - vanish.vanish Kits: mod: 1x 280, 1x 345, 3x 16, 1x 269, 1x 268, 1x 8, 1x 10, 1x 51 wool: 64x 35:0, 64x 35:1, 64x 35:2, 64x 35:3, 64x 35:4, 64x 35:5, 64x 35:6, 64x 35:7, 64x 35:8, 64x 35:9, 64x 35:10, 64x 35:11, 64x 35:12, 64x 35:13, 64x 35:14, 64x 35:15 clay: 64x 172, 64x 159:0, 64x 159:1, 64x 159:2, 64x 159:3, 64x 159:4, 64x 159:5, 64x 159:6, 64x 159:7, 64x 159:8, 64x 159:9, 64x 159:10, 64x 159:11, 64x 159:12, 64x 159:13, 64x 159:14, 64x 159:15 Some of the CommandHelper commands need to be located at the top level of the CommandHelper directory hierarchy in order to access data files. These commands tend to be the most divergent between the servers. There are at least three different versions of these top level scripts and it's probably been that way for years. I have not yet had the time to combine them into a single version that can be checked in. Although it's on my todo list. You need to enable custom events in the LogBlock config.
  23. Difficult1 has implied that this ban was conducted in a negligent manner - that we rolled back kennya's edits without proper investigation. That is not the case. These edits were examined by myself, Trooprm32 and tompreuss before the rollback was conducted. They are so ridiculously blatant that it is completely laughable to deny them on kennya's part. It is in fact extraordinarily benevolent of the P admins to undo any of the effects of the rollback on this town. We roll back xrayers for multiple reasons: As punishment and a deterrent. To remove illegitimately obtained resources from the game, and accordingly, to remove builds that were made from those illegitimate resources, or assisted by the use of tools created from them. In this case, kennya mined 150 diamond ores, of which only approximately 70 were accounted for in his inventory and chests: That means that approximately 80 diamonds are unaccounted for, or 260 if a Fortune pick was used. It's reasonable to assume that some of those missing diamonds were given to other town members, but so far only admanta has volunteered to surrender diamonds given to him by kennya, despite the overwhelming evidence and kennya's belated admission. kennya, you're banned for a month. Read the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and open a new appeal on the 30th of October, stating that you will abide by them from now on.
  24. You pillared up to #26: For #32, you turned directly to a diamond exposed in another mineshaft: You pillared up from the mineshaft below to get to #33: You turned left and diagonally down to #36: You again pillared up to #41: Overall, you mined 150 diamond ore, closely spaced in time:
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