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Posts posted by tobylane

  1. I think a lot of people get bored with PvE. Sure, it is mostly about the community, but some people choose P because they don't like the idea of having to peer over their shoulders every ten seconds worrying about other players. Some like the sense of community along with the idea of a sense of challenge when exploring. Hard mode would add that sense of challenge. I personally like the idea of testing it out first.


    Since the poll runs after the start, that would perfectly support the idea of testing it out for a week or two after the post ends, then turning it back down if people don't like it.

    Some people don't want to have to look over their shoulder for mobs either. For me, the Versus Environment means the challenge of controlling it, having the wild very separate from the city/home life, and easily accessible or farmable. Standard angry mobs are too easy, so we have wither and dopplegangers.


    The main reason why I'd be OK with hard after a week is Rei's death markers. That means my reasoning is somewhat invalid, as new players are much less likely to have Reis. Therefore no.

  2. 12 people disagreed with the following on Reddit, where I got no other feedback. Can anyone offer some here?



    Staff are volunteers and therefore should have no such time demands. The most you can ask for is some sort of time to acceptance, but that feels useless. What questions are there that can't be answered by either 'It depends on the tech' or by a nonstaff player?

  3. I've always thought it would be a cool idea as to why we change worlds (revs), in story form of course.

    For instance, the current P rev is a spaceship, why not have it "take us" to the next rev, and leave remnants of it around the future spawn? Just something I think would be neat :)

    When the spaceship engines start it'll destroy UMC's farm, my home and pretty much everything to Clark Shores. Maybe we could get it looking like that in PAvE.

    • Upvote 1
  4. The only negative affect I'm aware of from enchanted items that everyone has access to is the quick deaths. If people are given armour, which appears to be the case, then that is equaled out. It's a minigame where there is a set number of attacks to kill a person, shouldn't it be the same for everyone and also adjustable by the admins? E.g. the first game of the night you have Fire Aspect weapons and Fire Protection armour, another game you have sharpness V and no armour, last game you have wild-pvp-like enchantments on weapons and armour.

  5. Unce people probably need to use someone's farm before they start looking for a spot to build, and might naturally collect other resources like logs.


    I imagine that people with the one hour timer are rare, and newbs. It sounds like a minor handicap to you, but one that is worthwhile for the growth of the server. The more of that hour they enjoy (and being alive/still heading away from spawn is often a part of that) the likelier they are to stay.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Nick the people who'd misuse it have their client look for griefing the second they join. The *tech* admins recently decided for the server admins that a true plugin list would be too great a vulnerability. I guess flightspeed is the same.

    Compasses let you in protected structures where you can edit repeaters, so until they are protected we can't do that.

  7. This was sort of done in the past and it didn't go well as I understand. It needs so much municipal planning, as things like farms and underground development can cause issues.

    Bräunecador (Bräum and Seneca twinned, with Endor as a Seneca district) would be a good test of that. Bromgoth had one single farm in the middle, and rail was left to each half.

  8. I don't see how it can take anyone more than 30 minutes. Most other servers have very clear rules that about these things. Also, "Don't be a dick" is extremely subjective.


    If it was clearly defined, this thread wouldn't exist.

    Have you tried? You're a good person to do it, as you're the player who would try to find the loophole or gap in the rules if it meant more killing. This thread exists, the consensus exists, because we can imagine what you'll do. Which is wonderfully creative, but undesired.
  9. Is it possible to limit how many high level enchants can be done, say four a week? If this was matched with some alt-tracking (which is a big thing that could be left to later), then it could provide some balance, or some greater value to clans.

  10. The poll is 25-26. It may well have gone on for long enough, but Jcll says "looks like the poll is in favor of turning it back on".


    Now I know that we can see who's voted on a comment, I vastly prefer this to Reddit's system. Can we make it more obvious that clicking on the number gives more information, like your screenshot?

    • Upvote 1
  11. Another possibility: Portals randomly placed between 1000 and 1400 out, border at 1500. Or 1200, 1800 and 2000 respectively. Quickly, as in as soon after the tps and population stabilise (two weeks?) expand.

  12. I said [bad words], I accept that using either in any way is wrong, I just didn't know which rightly earned me the ban. That was all that I was confused over. I'm sorry for using both, and I won't use either again. The rule I broke is Universal, part two "No sexism, racism, homophobia or any type of hate speech, especially targeted at specific users."

  13. Circle stone is unobtainable in vanilla. If it was put in strongholds then the strongholds would get cleaned out even faster, or be more difficult to walk through as there are holes. Good, but not ideal. Cracked and mossy stone don't run out in the strongholds I've seen near the end of the revision.


    Glowstone underground works well, as it is pure digging effort to get it. Somewhat the same with mossy cobble, though there spelunking helps. Lapis is rare, though that is generally solved by plumping.


    Lily pads are intentionally searched for and collected. Same with clay, though there's more deep down which we can get to later in the revision when potions are easier to make. Lilies are purely aesthetic, and I would be interested in seeing if having an abundance of them would be a bad thing. We've had a lot of glowstone this rev, and it doesn't seem over the top. Lilies have even less use, we might have a walkable ocean if they were common enough as there's not much else for them (very useful in farms).

  14. I haven't met an electrified creeper on multiplayer. I assume that with the settings we have and always will have, the creeper will simply hurt me more, or at longer range.

    I don't understand where the suggestion that electrified creepers will do block damage came from.

  15. That is more of a surprise to newcomers than the change in difficulty level.

    If you want something obvious and vanilla you could increase the rate of enchantments on mobs, and maybe a few creepers spawn electrified. I don't like these ideas, but they sound better than a non vanilla change.

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