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Posts posted by tobylane

  1. Thank you very much President Snow, we are grateful. And to the contestants, the odds are ever in your favour.


    Are UHCs ever streamed live? Big (empty) screens and Capitol skins in a town on P/C could be fun, mumble if everyone has headphones.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Could we have some sort of schematic export, possibly by modreq, to a public folder? If it's export only it lets us save our builds between revisions, and helps us use C as a testground, without filling up the map with any schematic we find online. In past revs I laid the groundwork for a large build and didn't come back to it, I could use a schematic download and something like Schematica to show me what to do in a new world.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Can vanished players be affected by non-vanished players? If that is possible TPing to players during a fight could cause major issues.

     I believe they are a possible hitbox for enderpearls, we were warned of this during spleef 18+ months ago.

  4. If Mrloud said something that players disagree with and S players are saying things that people do agree with, how are votes being misused?


    Downvotes are for content that doesn't add to the conversation, not for content you disagree with. Look at the start of this thread, Barney quotes from the redditiquette that I and others felt was implied here. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. tQQkds3.png


    Not complaining for being down voted but i think this shows how the downvotes / upvotes work on here.

    "I agree with all of this" is a classy version of "^^this^^". It is exactly what voting is meant to replace. The reddit rules on downvoting say downvote for something that doesn't add to the conversation. If you want to see downvotes being misused, look at the thread about the book on S. Mrloud is at 0 and S players are at +4 for several posts.

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  6. If the ingame rulebook and signs were one or two book pages, ending in a line like "Further details and examples of our rules can be found at (wiki/website address)" would that be acceptable? Any ban appeal saying something like "It wasn't obvious from the ingame book" wouldn't be acceptable, the player should feel the need to check their actions with the wiki or chat.

  7. I'd prefer the money goes through a disinterested party.

    Such as? Lets be constructive and make progress here. I guess this person will need motivation to write an ad that is deemed acceptable, then run an ad program for several months. I see the admins as sufficiently motivated.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Ridiculous the same rules are being enforced, it's just the culumation of past offences that is adding to the ban length. Abiuv did a lot to annoy the admins, it seems entirely justified that they are annoyed, and yet they could still fall back on extending the ban length because of past offences. Maybe it is toxic that the players need teaching, but isn't a better way to phrase that "The players are being toxic in ways that are set out in the list of things not to do if you want to stay on the server"? The way players choose to play does need to be moulded, we aren't 2b2t, we're four/five years into not being chaos. They aren't treated like children, every appeal at least starts off kindly and I don't see any ban appeal ending in childish actions from admins. Whenever there's been removal of rules there's been additions later on, because the players are testing the rules to the limits and finding something that the admins wanted to be covered all along.


    Basically, you blame the admins, and I blame the players. Thats why I said last thread it's no good basing people's views of the ban policy on these cumulative bans. You're emotionally invested in your friends availability, where this discussion needs to either focus on first time bans, or it'll keep going around "unfair ban", "it was his 20th ban, and lenient".


    Abiuv was a nice person when I talked to him, I worked with and near him for several hours. I'm not happy thinking that his actions are actions of one of the nicer regulars, but those are the facts in front of me.


    I feel like we've ruled out less leniency, ruled out automatic mutes/bans, and ruled out the possibility that there's too many bans. What do other servers do when they've got this far?

    • Upvote 4
  9. Another thing i would like to discuss: I think the ban appeal system is way too public. If a player is banned and would like to appeal their banned it should only be between the banning admin and player in a private thread. It is almost like public shaming a player for what they did wrong to get banned.


    In the real world there's something called case law, also called precedent, or stare decisis. If you heard from the banned player some reasoning used in their ban appeal you'd want the same reasoning used on you. But all you have to go on is their word for what happened, we want that to not be a problem. In some areas of real law large amounts of it are case law not statute law.


    People fighting their own bans is appeal policy, or cumulative ban length policy, I don't think that should be included in ban policy. Having all these bans extended by past number of infractions is confusing the view of some people, there aren't? good examples of people's first time bans for the same reason. Is there anything wrong with the ban lengths for first time infractions?

    • Upvote 1
  10. ​Breaking the rules doesn't always call for a ban. Take dobreira's ban for example, 1 year for hitting someone through a portal on PvE. 1 fucking year. Don't you understand how bullshit that is?



    A player who had several unrelated ban appeals in the past, including one saying this is your final chance, chose to abuse a bug that the admins were aware of. Context matters, though not as much on S. (edit I was having a go at a more accurate description of Dob's offence)


    Automated chat moderation sounds like a bad idea. There would be so many false positives (or claims of) that it would be watered down till it does almost nothing. Could someone provide some chat logs in text from S and we can see how many bad words are used in a jail-worthy way?

    • Upvote 3
  11. I wouldn't say this is a "troll" congratulations. After learning there have been around 100k bans in 5 years ( Unce- Thats like 54 bans per day for 5 years.) I thought i should point it out and discuss.

     What is there to discuss when the trend that got Nerd there has gone?


    I think the analogy is great, because the problem is invisible to the drunk guy till someone points it out, then they get angry. What would cold turkey be for here?

    • Upvote 2
  12. Please remember not to group everyone commenting into the same boat.


    There seems to be people commenting here that are just generally interested in seeing some change, and it's not fair that they be grouped into a comment like this, that's a very fast way to kill off user feedback.

    Who wants change that isn't in that boat? Especially people from this thread, but in general too.


    edit: I may have phrased that wrongly, I did expect there to be several answers. Four tells me roastnewt is one.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Denevien, I think what gsand is getting at is players spend the time to make a forum account, post a ban appeal, and wait for the admin to reply to tell them what they already know.



    I agree with what gsand is saying. It feels as if your in a submissive position because you feel like you have to plead for a chance to be unbanned.


    Good. Being banned isn't a reduction of your rights, it's a removal of a privilege. Generally if you are pleading for something you recognise that you have to go down a step and ask. We want this so that rule breaking is associated with negative feelings, not like it's some joyous rule-testing or looking for mod abuse every time. The following, from a pm. I'll leave it to them to identify themselves if they want,


    From my understanding as long as it is not Homophobic / racist it should be allowed to a degree

    no one ever told me "Hey, Can you not use autistic remarks?" during the entire i week was able to play

    <tobylane> Do you want ban reasons to say "The spirit of the rule" or do you want more rules?
    "the spirit of the rules" so atleast players know what they can and cant say


    • Upvote 4
  14. One topic I think will be popular is 1.8. Do you wait for the update then make a new rev, or update mid rev and bring new things in, make recipes for the new underground blocks. Also do you have a vanilla generation with the new options? The ocean temple blocks, maybe give the finders of the ones that generate (in old worlds too) a month or two then add trades/recipes for those blocks?


    Once we're in 1.8, there's an option for changing the tick speed (from 20 per second). I would like to know if we could turn on nearly every scoreboard counter, but not have anything show ingame. Have all that on a website? Any limits to slime block machines? Will we need a lapis plump? Any use of barrier blocks or the world border? The tinge from the border could be annoying for anyone living or working near it, so maybe have it 50 blocks past the worldguard border? Does worldguard need to consider sponge block placements near region edges? Villager willingness sounds odd - do we need something more obvious? "Slimes will now randomly despawn over time if no player is within a 32 meter range" - We might want that reversed?

  15. One nice thing about the Mindcrack UHCs is the variation in PVP skill, some of them are PVErs who will go build a tower (Arkas) while others hit most of their targets with a bow (Etho). You could put a willing PvEr in each team?

  16. If you listen back to the meetings Torn/Four_Down ran, we were interacting with everyone suggesting things, pointing out problems, trying to promote a conversation and find common ground etc etc. The beginning of this meeting seemed pretty disorganised - the admins would perennially warn people for being off-topic, but did nothing else to encourage people to stay on-topic.


    I didn't hear the start of this round, I entered the first one about 40 mins late (20 mins before Torn). I saw several people fighting any common ground in these meetings, thats why they were so off-topic. The previous meetings had dissenters, who were polite and quiet and thats why it didn't appear to get off topic. The dissenters in this meeting were not polite and quiet, and it took Torn something like two hours to get kicked because the admins were wanting to be inclusive (people still shouted at the admins for not being inclusive). I was probably the loudest dissenter and while I was not entirely polite I said about one rude thing per hour. I repeated one dissenting idea about five times, and once more here, only where they were an answer to the question of the moment.


    Pearl plugins, death bans, or whatever the game allows for retribution like base camping - It depends on the person doing it not how they do it. The culture of the server means that whatever sufficient tool you give players will be abused to an extent you won't be happy with. You're coming up with ideas based on how they are used rationally, and deciding they aren't suitable because you can predict how they'll be used irrationally.

    • Upvote 1
  17. It feels like long term schedules have never worked well here. If thats true I wouldn't want to see it tried again.


    What events would you like to see? Be conservative, in the past we've had Ctf, which required a custom plugin, even that had last minute issues.

  18. After attending both meetings this would be my winning formula,


    optimized version of civcraft+unique events/quests+a planned map=a lively server

    Sounds good. What are the details of the optimised civcraft you want, and how would each type of player like that, and how is it to moderate? What unique events are you thinking of, that are suitable if you don't get any more players, suitable if you get a lot more, and easy to make arenas for and moderate? Got any quests written up that can be used? What's a planned map? If you mean worldpainter, anything in particular that you've seen that can be done quickly enough for the short revision lengths you want?

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