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Posts posted by tobylane

  1. I am the most productive person in the world and you are either a commie or reading this like Clarkson. Perhaps my bad intentions that are 'evident' will make up for the lack of big ass text. Yes, the Big Text-ass that will not be used.

  2. How about a test rev for S with small PVE area/areas that can only be desirable for their safeness. Make them large enough for separate factions (ie two cities) but otherwise difficult. Maybe they are difficult biomes - jungle, ocean, swamp. Maybe they have a lot less ores if any, they start with the local difficulty set to max. The rest of the world is a standard S world, to keep the variables to a minimum.

  3. But then whats the point of going into the pvp zones if everything is already available in the pve area?


    a) That's been answered many times with: Plumped ores in pvp areas, possibly greater dungeons and spawners.


    b) For much of the reasons people use pvp arenas on P, or use S.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I entirely agree with the first two parts.


    We don't have any other S players, that's it, we're all used up! There are a few more casual players who weren't seen much after last revision and the only ones who've stuck around are the ones who really want to make change. I'm sorry if you're not happy with who plays on S and what they think of their own server, if you want to go and hunt down anyone else who plays on S for their thoughts on the revision be my guest, you'll probably be wasting your time as if they wanted to get involved and give their thoughts then they would have done so already as this "Lets change S" stuff has been going on for years.


    The activity page tells me something different. I'd like to at least hear from more people once - telling us that you speak for them, or that they don't want to use the forums.

  5. Ok, hostile environment is what you want. Chaos, with world border on, tnt off, no LWC, griefing/camping/bed breaking allowed? How can we be tense for you, but sufficiently welcoming to new people?


    As we are aiming for exactly what you want, we may need to not look at player count as a sign of success, its whether you are happy with the server regardless of how many people there are to play with. How would you judge success of getting what you asked for if there's few people to play it with?


    Tornado the group of S players that play is diverse and has many voices, the group of S players who come here and ask for major changes don't have substantially different opinions. If the forum had a diverser range of S players then there would be many voices.

  6. Reddit threads were downvoted, but here we'll have little idea what isn't liked. People will reply, then it'll turn into hostility and the thread will be locked. Could we save ourselves the trouble?


    We have had one group's point of view many times over, and that will be 90% of what we hear here. Can we do something specific to get new voices on the forums?

  7. I reckon a minigame server is the way to go, for example Four_Down's setup on his own network is pretty damn fun/successful. 


    The biggest words on the first minigame page of his site are "Purchase [game] to build your own kits". If you add eula compliance like Nerd would want to, do you have an example of that?


    edit: Yup, I was thinking of another server. Roast has said what I intended to find and quote.

  8. This seems as deserving of a test on S as the chaos variant did. Possibly even more so, as we can more obviously see how it would bring new players.


    Gsand those things are moving away from chaos, that doesn't always mean moving towards PVE.


    Schererererer the wild being used as a resource world is how it is in Runescape, it is how any PVP server is, especially if you're mining away from your successfully hidden base. The Runescape wild (when I knew it) had two minigames, several diamond ore, a very good afk experience gathering spot, a few shortcuts. It also had specific spawns of high level mobs, which were used despite everyone knowing clans would sweep by frequently in peak times.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I know some details about the planned server Barney is talking about. That plan made great efforts to keep the whole thing sustainable while still pleasing survival players. I think it'd need to be fairly close to that for a long running rev, otherwise it'd be an event. It seems a great fit for a test S revision.

  10. I can't be there either. It seems all of the questions come down to transparency. How much money is left over, how much is spent each month. Based on that do we need more income, will that be donator benefits of some small kind, or major events. How much effort do the servers require from the staff, and is there enough spare for modded servers. Same for resources of the server. I'm less sure that the staff progress fits into this, I think that's more a case of managing the expectations. Could there be more detail about each person's priority, as long as the community didn't use that to pressure something to be finished or done first?

    • Upvote 1
  11. Survival doesn't have to be a hardcore-pvp-raiding server, but I do hope that it doesn't just end up being a clone of PvE with the worldguard pvp flag set to deny allow.  If it doesn't differentiate itself from PvE, people will just play on the one with the larger community.


    If that is the most appealing (doesn't necessarily mean considerably appealing), new player generating form of PVP then it might be chosen/preferred by many who didn't love the Citidel rev as much as you did. Judging by what I see, of how far from vanilla other successful PVP servers are, and how successful PVE is, it sounds like a reasonable test for a revision. PVErs aren't going to PVP arenas, but you Survival players want to fight. That's the differentiation.

  12. I've watched a few of the HermitCraft Modsauce episodes. Their pack, especially the quarry, seems overpowered. For the sake of long term interest and server performance I'd like to start with a mostly visual modpack. ExtraBiomeXL, Carpenters Blocks and Chisel alone would make a fantastic second creative server, though I think this one modded server should be PvE to get the numbers. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. Tornado the majority want Citadel to go. What good is a plugin that is only fun for part of the time, for part of the players? I think that if the poll results are that the majority want the server to change to how it was last revision, then it was set up well and the admins have conducted the test as was asked of them. It's up to the players to enjoy what they together ask for. Maybe the next test should be advertising, but for a proper experiment you should test one thing at a time. Have a bog standard but pleasing setup when the advertising is tested.

    • Upvote 1
  14. Forum - Something simple like a group. It says above and below our avatar that we're members, if one of them says donator then it's still clear that person is a ordinary member too.


    Game - At most a server wide notice for donations >$5, limit of one per 20 mins and three per day. No changes to their own name in chat. Maybe a higher pet limit on C? Slippery slope there.


    Encouraging donations - Add Donate to the top nav bar of Nerd.nu homepage. I think that bar should be something like Live Maps - Donate - Appeal a Ban - Rules - Wiki - Forum - Subreddit - Twitter. Or move Wiki onwards to a second line, maybe that line starts Get Involved.


    Events - Stick with yearly for now, I think there'd need to be a good reason made very obvious to go more often than that.


    If there's no planned purchases like further DDoS protection, how about donating a little of the excess to Sponge?

    • Upvote 1
    • Alcoholic drinks usually only drunk by women (as judged by my friends) such as Archers and lemonade

    Hoarding digitally. If my home was on fire I'd grab the several art things I made (a 11 year old clay Noah's Ark is probably the most precious) and my computer because it'd take more effort to rebuild what is on the computer than everything else I own.

    Some bubblegum pop - Hillary Duff, Selena Gomez

    Laziness and exertion in odd proportions (as judged by my friends)

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