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Posts posted by tobylane

  1. What even.

    People have already been brought in from outside S, outside nerd even, and yet the people with the most liked suggestions and most well received ideas are the players.


    I dont know what you think to accomplish but nearly every post you make is an attempt to stir up drama or argue on subjects you dont know anything about, both here and on mumble. Just stop with this bad attempt at trolling.


    A lot of people came for the Civcraft rev, then the S players on the forums voted not to have an environment that the Civcraft people want, so they left and we're back to normal S revs.


    Most liked, most well received doesn't mean what you think it means. The only idea I've seen with enough detail is the mix of P and S on S. Barney and other reputable but inactive people made detailed plans for this for Junction. I saw the planning document (a few months ago) for a breakaway server that doesn't seem to have happened, it simply says "Survival (possible difference in gameplay to keep it unique)" when I saw it. When you have detailed ideas you can then, and I think only then, complain that your ideas aren't being taken seriously. Is it really trolling to ask you to have a detailed idea?

  2. I would love too, but I simply don't have the schedule for that, that's why I thought if we took the the time to automate the process, it wouldn't be such a hassle to round up people and move them to a specific area on the map. I think a good deal of people simply can't commit to specific dates/times/locations, I know I can't, which is why I proposed this being it's own server. Something that's running all the time ensures no one is left out.


    What do you think can be automated? If you can't get a group of people together at one time, who will be there at whatever you want on a new server?

  3. I think you might be exaggerating slightly there slide, but you're right that S isn't always a really positive, nor is it always welcoming to newcomers, however we cannot continue handing the majority of the blame for the servers failure on the players. The server isn't interesting and poorly handled. The players don't always make things easy but it's not their fault. I have been fairly active this revision and haven't seen a single new player ganged up on or driven away by the players. There's a few players who have been actively welcoming new players and accepting then into the community. You do have a point that we could be more welcoming, but that isn't why the server is dead.


    Why can't the players continue handling the blame? Why is it not the players fault that the players don't make thing easy? Why are you so sure that it isn't why the server is dead. Why would tackling this problem not be worth your time?

    • Upvote 1
  4. I heard a lot of complaints about JA, it wasn't some golden time before then (and I think that use of her disapproval is in very poor taste). I also firmly believe that words a new player can see in chat, within seconds of a join if they are unlucky, have a much bigger effect than them being around long enough to find out head admin actions. It doesn't have to offend them to see that it's not an environment they want to be a part of.

    • Upvote 4
  5. Suggestion: Why not make all swearing / name calling against the rules so the servers can be rated PG. Nerd.nu hates criticism and any type of name calling already, hell downvotes on the forums have been removed because players would get downvoted and cry.


    The current rules are a very common trade-off between freedom of choice of words, and keeping everyone happy. Do you have some other trade-off in mind, or just the absolute ends of the scale?

    • Upvote 2
  6. I commend your effort. I think you can see the effectiveness of the large text and swearing, and whether to use them next time.


    • People have tried many times to expand the community i.e. D3north, however many times he has been shut down by staff or members.
    • The main nerd steam group was taken over essentially by Redwall_hp and Twilexis' TTT server, now I understand they opened it for nerd players but thats not what ended up happening. It was for the select people they liked to play games with and was advertised on the nerd steam group. Seems a bit fishy to me... 
    • In case people think i'm targeting people or attacking I would like to state that I am just speaking myself and others opinions.

    Now on to what I suggest.

    • Firstly I think we should do what was already done and add a section in the forums to talk about games outside of nerd.
    • Secondly I think we should be able to ask admins and moderators in the steam group community to allow events to be added by players of nerd so we can try to organize game nights together.

    Thanks for reading,

    B M X


    D3north made a good effort. He was 'shut down' as in the official steam group is active and being worked on. Which is probably what he wanted to cause.


    Redwall made a good effort. He wasn't just suggesting games, asking for a server, but made a server. It just so happens to be the first one made without any great fuss. Which is what we're all wanting to cause.


    It sounds like there are discussions about game nights already, feel free to contribute to that.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Device - Mac and iPhone. There are so many cross platform games on PC/Mac(/Linux) and several on iOS/Android that we could have great choice within those bounds.


    Start with multiple genres - get more engaged from the publicity.


    FPS - The demand is there for TF2 and Gmod. Other, such as retro, racing and so on have some support.


    Free (libre/gratis) or near free or in Steam sales is a big group.

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