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Everything posted by fazaden
Hello, You were banned for griefing in another player's copper base. You killed a parrot and broke many blocks leading to a lava spill: (Zostałeś zbanowany za zamartwianie się w miedzianej bazie innego gracza. Zabiłeś papugę i rozbiłeś wiele bloków, co doprowadziło do wycieku lawy:) In the future, don't break blocks in another player's base without their permission. If you read the rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/, and reply here saying that you understand those rules, you can be unbanned. (W przyszłości nie rozbijaj bloków w bazie innego gracza bez jego zgody. Jeśli przeczytasz zasady na https://nerd.nu/rules/ i odpowiesz tutaj, mówiąc, że rozumiesz te zasady, możesz zostać odblokowany.)
Thank you, you have been unbanned.
Hello, You were banned for breaking and stealing the emerald blocks from another player's beacons (See the screenshots below.) Breaking another player's building without their permission is griefing, even if the area is not protected yet. If you want to continue playing on our servers, please re-read our rules: https://nerd.nu/rules/, and then reply to this thread when you have read them. Thanks, fazaden
Hi there! I'm technically the banning person of record here, so I'll be handling your appeal. First of all, thank you for owning up to your actions a year and a half ago. An important part of an apology is recognizing what you did wrong. Another important part is working to change your behavior. Hopefully, you've matured a bit since your ban, and have learned to find healthier outlets for your frustration. Are you willing to act more appropriately in the future?
On a practical level, it is honestly a very rare occurrence where people start holding full conversations in another language (especially more than 2 players at a time). Most of the time, it's a quick greeting, a sentence or two, and then they either swap to English when they see people talking, or things just kind of taper off. That's why, for the longest time, we never had an official written policy about languages at all; we'd just encourage people to switch to English if their conversation was filling the chat. And by "we", I mean the players in general that happened to be online at the time, staff or not. Somehow, as the years went on and different admins came and went, and trained different mod teams, we ended up with each member of staff understanding things slightly differently. People should not be (and as of our most recent staff meeting 2 days ago, will not be) yelled at by staff for what amounts to a few lines of introductions/greetings. Foreign languages are not disruptive. Spam is disruptive. Sending angry PMs in other languages for the sole purpose of harassment is disruptive. Starting riots in chat is disruptive. But nobody has ever been, nor will anyone ever be, banned for simply speaking another language. That being said, we are a community whose rules/website/genchat/Discord are primarily in English. While many of our players do speak a second language, there's no other language that we all have in common. We do welcome players from all over the world, but we also encourage players to take longer conversations to either a clanchat, or /msg. As Cailin has already mentioned, translating everything is not exactly tech feasible, but it is easy enough to set up clanchats for other languages. That's something I can crank out after work tonight. Hit me up with any additions you'd want to make to this list; I've just written the ones I've personally seen people speak here. (note: diacritics like ñ are removed for ease of typing in-game; native speakers please correct me on this if it's easier for you guys than using an alt code every time. It's why I haven't put Japanese, Russian, Cantonese, etc on the list yet, because they use completely different alphabets) Deutsch Espanol Francais Gaelige Italiano Norsk Portugues Svenska Suomi
Hi Yakkhyl, You were banned after a series of events where you echoed Russian propaganda, then insulted everyone who disagreed with you. Political leanings aside, the correct response to someone who doesn't share your opinion is NOT to spend over an hour sending them increasingly harassing PM's. When people ask you to stop, you stop. End of discussion. That doesn't mean "hang around their base for an hour", it doesn't mean "try to build right up to the edge of their claim and the claims of anyone who challenges me", and it definitely doesn't mean going around calling people Nazis. If you truly want to apologize, you need to do more than say the words "I'm sorry." You need to acknowledge what you did wrong, and work to change your behavior for the future.
Closing due to lack of response, but I will note that the user has changed their name.
It has been quite a long time; long enough now that hopefully you've grown as a player. Welcome back, please be sure to read the rules, and enjoy the new rev! Unbanned.
If you truly think that there's nothing wrong with that statement, then you are on the wrong server. Appeal denied, please find somewhere else to play.
I'm also not arguing against the ban, because by this point, you certainly know better. When you object to the behavior of another player on the server, the answer isn't to act even worse. When you object to the way people ask you to stop, the answer isn't to blatantly insult them. All you had to do was drop it. Replacing the c-word with any other insult would have gotten the same results. The ban stands, and will end at 3pm AEDT( 11pm Eastern, about 5 hrs and 45 mins from the time of this post)
Out of town this weekend from the 11th to 15th, I'll still be reachable on Discord if you need me.
Modreq is meant for in-game help, not for discussing things on Discord or bans. There will be times when you won't be able to reach an admin right away. We do have lives, and don't always look at discord during the day. Asking for a modreq to reach an admin for out-of-game events won't get people's attention any faster, as I hope you realize now. Sometimes, you just have to be patient and wait another hour or two. You're unbanned, but next time you feel like an injustice might have been done, take a little time to reach out in the proper channels first before you react as strongly as you did yesterday.
I'd like to add a little more context here. Mehl, if you had stopped after reason 1 listed above, things would have been fine. At that point, we could have left it at "ha ha it kinda looks like a dick, very funny, let's move on to something else." We removed those blocks because you would. not. drop. it. You can't expect to modreq for protection of a tiny assortment of blocks in that shape to actually go through; it's a waste of everyone's time. From there, you proceeded to make a petition and start spamming users in an effort to get signatures. Spamming the Call button on discord is exactly that: spam. You also insisted on messaging Temp with additional signatures you got on your petition: The answer is YES. Yes, it's still harassment. He asked you to stop, you didn't. The "fuck you temp" sign didn't help things, but insulting staff is no different from insulting any other player: it's always a dick move. It wasn't saying "you're in modmode" that got you banned, it was the spam. Next time, please listen when people ask you to stop. Incidentally, you also straight-up admitted to x-raying on Discord, and an in-game search confirmed that you x-rayed quite a few ancient debris. X-raying leads to a full rollback of your edits (which has already been carried out), as well as a one month ban. It will run concurrently with the one you're appealing, so I'm going to just edit your ban reason to "Harassment and X-raying". You may post here on September 30th acknowledging what you did wrong, which can get you unbanned. P.S. I would also like to remind everyone that a ban appeal thread should only be between the banned player, banning moderator, and any Head Admins (like me) that happen to step in. We do not allow other players to post in these threads because they typically don't have all the facts. The previous comment by an uninvolved user was in fact removed, but here are some of its relevant points (I bolded some text for emphasis): The ban isn't for NSFW builds, it's for harassment. This isn't the first time on the server people have looked at natural generation and thought "lol dongs", but it's the first time in a while that they've gone to such lengths to advertise it. He obviously didn't build the thing, but he took the joke too far. The blocks were edited in response to a frivolous protection modreq and also in an effort to change the subject, and I fully support that decision. That is true, but deliberately spamming private messages both in-game and on Discord (as well as spamming players with Discord's Call feature) is not the way to do it. The receiving party did indeed ask Mehlsuppe to stop, repeatedly. Please refrain from commenting on situations where you don't have all of the evidence.
It's not just you, the livemaps always do that right after a restart. Just refresh the page after a minute or two and it'll be fixed.
Since it has been some time since your last reply, I'm moving this to the archives. If you'd like to be unbanned, read through nerd.nu/rules and start up a new appeal.
The nominations are in! Voting will last for just shy of 3 hours - plenty of time to visit the nominees! Next to each island's name are directions to their warp sign so that you can pay a visit. Some categories only had one nominee, so the vote is for whether you feel they deserve the title. Islands may continue building right up until the end time, so you may want to wait until it's closer to the end time to vote.
This is the thread for island owners to nominate their island for an Island Superlative. When posting your island, please submit the following information: -Plot Number (found by typing /rg i on your island) and Warp Sign Block letter -Plot Owner's username -Whether you are a group island or an individual -Island Name (If none is given, it will simply be labeled (Owner)'s Island. -Category they wished to be judged under. (You may only choose one) -The available categories to choose from are: -Prettiest Island -Most Useful Island -Spookiest Island More categories may be added upon popular demand. This thread will open for posting at roughly 11am EST on Saturday, December 12th, and close at 5pm EST on Sunday, December 13th. Afterward, a public voting thread will open for at least 4 hours. The winners in each category will be announced after the close of the event.
Hi there! Thank you for your honesty, you were indeed banned for griefing builds and destroying several entire beacon pyramids, back when you used the username FADE_3: Here's one of the pyramids you emptied out: Please read through https://nerd.nu/rules/ and reply back here when you've done so, and you'll be unbanned.
untilYou've been waiting, you've been wondering, and it's finally time! Our 2020 Fundraiser will be held the weekend of Friday, December 11th through Sunday, December 13th! Join us on event.nerd.nu, using version 1.15.2. Why the wait, you ask? It dates back to an old holiday Nerd.Nu tradition. Back in the Ancient Times, before Minecraft saw its official release, our community had a tradition of a late-year donation drive to Child's Play. This charity provides toys, video games, and more to children in hospitals worldwide. Thanks to your extreme generosity in past fundraisers, the servers are currently already funded through at least July 2021. As such, we'd like to give 50% of the upcoming 2020 fundraiser's donation total to Child's Play. Full information post at https://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/2020_Fundraiser. Time Zone Converter
New Moderator Voting: assasymphoni
fazaden replied to defiex's topic in Past New Moderator Voting Posts
assasymphoni has accepted the position; training to follow soon. -
New Moderator Voting: tadrogers
fazaden replied to defiex's topic in Past New Moderator Voting Posts
tadrogers has accepted the position, training to follow soon. -
zedadex has accepted the position; training to follow soon.