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Head Admins
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Everything posted by fazaden

  1. Kitty9293 has accepted the position; training will follow soon.
  2. We are happy to announce the addition of 2 more PvE Admins to the team: tict0c and i_c_e_! tic has been a moderator since November 2017, and ice has been a moderator since February 2018. You may also recognize them from their builds in Rose, and of course: their beautiful end-of-rev fireworks shows. We look forward to what they can bring to PvE for the future! Please join me in welcoming tict0c and i_c_e as our newest Padmins!
  3. Stick around after the meeting if you'd like a refresher on how to handle modreqs on C!
  4. Hi Jaded, These notes are only 6 and 8 months old; the usual standard these days is to appeal after 1 year. I'm closing this thread for now, but you are welcome to appeal again in a few months. And while I understand your reasons for leaving, you're more likely to have a successful appeal as part of the community, not apart from it.
  5. The Spawn The spawn ship itself took some adjusting, but having colored floors made things easy for people to give directions. Overall, it was a little easier to navigate for a new player compared to rev 23, and equally as cool-looking. I admittedly dont ride the rails much, but I loved the Nether Spawn! The Overworld I like the map size, but if it does end up changing, I'd like to see it get a little smaller instead of larger. Custom terrain is pretty nice, but I understand if it's not feasible. The End and Nether provide enough of a custom experience to get the materials I need to get. I've got no issues with biomes or ores, I was able to find what I needed. The Nether This revision we had another custom Nether created by totemo, it featured different biomes designed to provide areas for bulk mining resources like concrete powder and terracotta. We again included custom mobs in the nether. Custom nether is awesome! Without it, there's no way I could have grabbed all the red sand I needed for my puzzle challenge. Since there were a lot fewer bilge rats and knockbacky skeletons, the custom mobs were a big improvement too. The Zox Commanders tended to drop their player head far more often than a wither skeleton skull, but I didn't hunt many of them to be fair. Quartz and Glowstone seemed to be abundant enough. The End This revision we had a custom generated End created by cheezychicken. It featured separate islands of biomes to retain The End’s feel. We also retained the dragon fight created by bermudalocket. Generation: The custom end was cool! The separation into islands added more of a challenge, and gave an excuse for people to build more bridges. I spent a few hours on the supposed "ore-heavy" island, and I did find a lot of lapis and gold, and some emerald, but I didn't really notice any more diamond than on the overworld. I didn't really visit the end until around Sept/Oct, so maybe it had been picked clean by then. Then again, I hate branch mining, and I couldn't find as many cave systems as the previous End had, so that might be the reason behind my diamond drought. Dragon Fight The dragon fight was fine, no complaints here. Shulkers and other mobs: For the love of pants, turn down the shulker frequency! While I loved being able to find shulkers everywhere, groups of 10-12 is too much. There were times I could barely walk 3 steps without getting floated upwards. Portals This revision we had 8 claimable portals across the map, all available from day 1 of the revision. The number of portals was appropriate for this map size. If we end up with a larger map, we'd probably need more portals to go with it. Custom Spawners This revision we had a Creeper, Squid, Slime and Witch spawner, all available to be found from the first day of the revision. The way we changed per-person spawning mechanics made the Squid spawner a little less important, but I'm glad we still have one. Slimes are of course important to keep around, and witches are good for the nether-fearing potion-maker. The Creeper Spawner was a little too well-hidden (but only a little 😛) Custom Drops This revision we continued the use of custom drops from ores, mobs, and in loot chests. The rate at which custom drops could be found was appropriate, and I loved how you could find them from all sorts of activities, but trading for spesos got a little awkward when you had 20+ different items to lug with you, and usually not enough of each. Instead of 2-4 drops for each activity, how about one from each? One custom drop for mining, one for farming, fighting, woodcutting, etc, and then just a single trader who takes all 7 or 8 custom drops? No complains with the Speso/Starbuck trades, I thought they were perfect. Events Yes, keep the events coming! I've got a few ideas for weekly events myself. (Half-baked ideas, admittedly, but I'll let you know after I've worked on them more.) I'm personally happy with 7pm EST every week, but I think it would be easier on our international players if we mix up the time every now and then. I'm not at all sure how to make that happen, but maybe have 1 day a month geared towards a different time zone. The prizes were good enough to get people's interest, but not so overpowered as to ruin the game.You'd have to win every single event for like 2 months in order to get all the prizes. Rev Theme Having a theme makes the spawn area all the more interesting to explore. I don't feel the need to have a huge tie-in to the theme, a little bit goes a long way. Oh, you want us to come up with theme ideas, do you? 🙂 ..... How about a restaurant? The custom drops can all be rare ingredients (like Truffles for digging dirt, Rock Salt for mining, some kind of spices for farming, caviar from fishing, etc). The spawn traders can be chefs that give food-related items (like "skewers" or "cheese knives" instead of swords).Plus, it's an easy way to extend the NutriPaste memes, not to mention all the potential for $pudcoin jokes. We could also have adventurer's Cooks guild quests like pizza delivery, or fetching super-rare ingredients, or even some kind of "cook-off". Overall, I had an awesome time this rev, thanks Padmins and Techs for making it all happen!
  6. Click Here for full details. This event will run until either C or P begins a new revision.
  7. Hi shanty! I'll unban you from discord straight away, but give the admin team a little time to look into the warning point, we'll get back to you as soon as we can about that.
  8. Better late than never, it's time for the Feedback Thread for the 2019 Fundraiser! 6 Weeks ago, we hosted a Museum-themed fundraiser, with a series of rooms themed around PvP battles, PvE adventures, and assorted Minigames. Now, we'd like to hear from you! What did you like about this year's event? What did you not like? How did this compare to previous fundraisers? How can we improve things for the next fundraiser? (You don't have to just answer these questions, you can give any feedback you want.) Thank you in advance for all of your feedback, and thanks for a great fundraiser!
  9. I'm going on vacation from Nov. 7th - 11th.
  10. Hi there! Since your banning moderator is no longer on staff, I'll be handling your appeal. Here's some info about your ban for documentation purposes: Seeing as how this took place nearly three years ago, I'll go ahead and unban you. Please be more considerate of other players' builds in the future, and give yourself a refresher of our rules.
  11. Hi there! Thanks for your appeal; This was your ban for documentation purposes: Considering this ban happened back in Summer 2011, I'd agree that you've had plenty of time to grow and mature. Please give yourself a quick refresher of our current Rules; and consider your self unbanned!
  12. until
    Save the date and watch this space! Creative and PvE will be shut down during this time, while we celebrate our 10th anniversary by partying our way through the spawns of many of our old maps. More details available at http://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/2019_Fundraiser . Set your client to 1.13.2, and join event.nerd.nu! (or type /event from the lobby)
  13. The people have spoken! The 2019 Nerd.Nu Fundraiser will be on the weekend of September 13th-15th. More details to some Soon™ .
  14. I'll be away Aug 17th and most of the 18th.
  15. Greetings fellow nerds! It's time for our annual fundraiser! For the newer users out there, this is a weekend-long event where we close down the other servers and hold a big party. (And if you so choose, you can even donate to help with our server costs for the upcoming year.) In order to make it the best event it can be, we'd like input from you, the community, on when you can make it. The poll above shows the weekends we're considering; please vote for the dates that work for you (you can choose multiple weekends). The poll will close this Monday, August 19th, shortly after 10PM Eastern Time. [EDIT: Due to constant ties, the poll has been extended an extra day] P.S.: I know you're all itching for some details, so here's a little taste before the big post: In honor of our community's 10th anniversary, we're going with a Museum theme! Expect to build, fight, and play your way through the spawns of many of our previous maps. More to come Soon™! Thanks, The Head Admin team
  16. gk_ryo has passed the vote and has accepted the staff position. We'll be setting up training and updating his permissions soon. Welcome to the team!
  17. Please add your vote by the end of Saturday, August 10th. If a staff member votes 'no', it is expected that their accompanying comments have been previously made known either within the feedback thread or directly to head admins. If not, we will get in contact with the staff member to get more detailed reasoning. If this vote is successful: We will contact the player to ensure they would like to join staff. If they would: We will contact techs to update player permissions in game, and update forum, slack etc. permissions across our services. We will arrange basic training and inform server admins when new moderators are ready for additional server-specific training. We will move this voting post to public mod forums, and inform the playerbase via the Head Admin changelog. If this vote is unsuccessful, or the player declines, we will inform staff within the post, and move it to the private closed nomination forum.
  18. Head Admin Meeting Notes June 29, 2019 HR Issues Update Finance Document Activity Update Prep Resume r/mcservers posts, and replace minigames with chaos in advertising materials Content for New Website Subreddit Updates Fundraiser Discussion
  19. Since this has gone 10 days with no further response, I'm closing this thread. If you'd like to make an appeal, please go to nerd.nu/appeal and type your banned Minecraft account's username at the bottom of the screen.
  20. Could you give a bit more information? For instance, what is your minecraft username? Were you banned recently, or a while ago?
  21. We're locking this thread because it is going very off the rails. What is "just a joke" to some people is not taken the same way by everyone. This isn't some kind of instaban offense, it's more of a "hey man, that's not cool, please knock it off" thing. End of discussion.
  22. My number 1 problem with FFA spleef is that some jerk can just delete the block right outside of the gate and screw over everyone else in that gate. It's not fun, it shouldn't be part of the game, it's an absolute dick move. If we do a new arena, wider gates are a must.
  23. As a guy who's not much into pvp, this was probably the first fundraiser ever where i did the main event, instead of just hanging out in the minigames zone the whole time. This style of event is awesome, and easily adaptable to other themes (like a space settlement, etc). The "go out into the wilderness to find _____" can easily substitute dungeons for mazes, obstacle courses, or other player-made builds. The good: 1. You had a choice in how deadly the monsters were, based on where you camped out. 2. Working together to unlock new abilities (Haste, Regen,extra health) really scratched my Cookie Clicker itch. 3. There was pretty much always at least one admin on to upgrade buildings when they were completed. 4. There was incentive to mine out all ores, not just gold. (I got like 80+ nerdcoins from redstone alone) The not-so-good: 1. Branch mining was pretty much the only option, actual cave systems were rare. (This might not be a bad thing for most people, but I'm a lazy caver through and through) 2. It took quite a long time to unlock the first few buildings, but this was mostly fixed when they adjusted the exchange rate for gold-to-nerdcoin. Overall, I had a lot of fun, and would love to do an event like this in the future!
  24. Oh, it's very visible, yes
  25. That was a fun one! Rather than take credit for finding another portal, here's another hint: each of those blanks is a different number, and none of the blanks are a 0, 1, or 4.
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