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Everything posted by Silversunset01
UPDATE: If you'd like to see your completion times, admins are updating a document periodically with them. You can see this document by CLICKING HERE
June 29th Players vs Elytra event is live on p, from today until July 14th https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4969-revision-22-players-vs-elytra/
Players vs Elytra is an elytra course located at -590 60 26 in the end (follow the road from -106 60 26 from the main end island). Travel to the starting box and empty your inventory into one of the convenient lockers (located directly under the entry area - there is an end chest and space for you to place shulker boxes). Once you’re ready there will be a sign to send you into the course and provide the gear you need to run it! This event is TIMED - each participant must click a sign to start and end the course, which will tell admins how long it took you to complete it. You may run the course as many times as you wish to get the best time possible. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS BY JULY 14th - At the end of the two weeks padmins will review all attempts, and the top 5 fastest users will receive a FANCY PRIZE BOX. (64 Duration-3 rockets, 2 Totems of Undying, 1 Unbreaking V/Mending elytra with a fancy name) All those who participate will receive a lovely participation prize (1 Totem of Undying, 16 FoA, 1 Fancy Bit o’Paper)
@bermudalocket Thank you for your wordy response. I would ask in the future that you try to keep your replies short so I don’t go blind trying to read them (/s)! Do you have any specific information about the custom nether you found difficult? I know you mentioned that it can be volatile “between the custom spots” - the nether is meant to be a literal hell on earth; can you elaborate a bit more on that so we can better understand what needs reviewing? Regarding elytra, short of a complete rework of the end dimension do you have other feedback regarding how we can better balance the way they are obtained? Should we continue with a dragon fight, make the fight easier/harder, or go with some completely different method entirely? And since you've asked so nicely, next rev we'll make sure to include extra birch trees so you don't feel like you're missing out on anything! Please send help didy is threatening to cover the whole map in birch if i dont write this!!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to write such detailed feedback for us @kumquatmay! There is a lot of really good information here, and gives us a lot of insight for next rev. There are a few things i’ve got some questions on, more for my own clarification as well as to help us better use the information you’ve provided. I wonder if you can elaborate on what you meant by “I went in expecting something pretty different” regarding the mob arena; what were you expecting that would have made the arena better? Its been a while since we’ve had one, and we’re always looking for ways to improve it and make it more enjoyable. The suggestion box has been a complicated process for us. We were finding it hard to have dialogue with users due to the process being so one-sided, often times important information would be missing or users would use it as more of a complaint box than a suggestion box. We would always prefer speaking with players directly as it allows them to fully explain their suggestion far better than a 250-character message, as well as gives us the opportunity to ask questions or provide clarification. While we didn’t want to cut off that line of communication entirely it became clear we needed to find a better method. That being said, we’re open to new ways of handling them if you’ve got any ideas to share. One last bit regarding mapworld: //move <#> <direction> is an available command, and works as a cut/paste would work. Personally I’m not sure which items specifically are allowed or not, but it does seem there is some documentation regarding that which we can certainly review for the next rev.
@Zomise thank you for your detailed response. I’m particularly interested in your comment about increasing the activation range of golem spawners, I believe we have been at 25 blocks since they were introduced. I don't exactly recall why 25 was chosen other than it was more than a normal spawner - do you have a recommendation for a better range? It does seem that you are echoing a lot of other players who have commented on wanting both a smaller map as well as a more vanilla map with the new update. I know event times have been a challenge as well, trying to make events that people can attend and that have enough of a turnout to run them is a complicated mix to get right every time. It sounds as though you are in favor of fewer time-sensitive events, things that are more long-term and can be done at your own pace. I would say the best way to come back to us with event ideas would be the forums or a group pm.
Hey @Sumeragi thanks for the feedback! Spawn this rev has undergone a few changes due to player feedback, it's always good to see how we can create a better first impression of the server by making spawn informative and welcoming. Despite being bad at models (I can barely draw a straight line myself) are there any previous revisions spawns that would serve as an example of what you mean? I’m not sure about mooshrooms spawning either, currently there seems to be nothing preventing it in the setup but Haven has an empty pen just waiting for occupancy!
Thank you for your response @Ruthless! It seems you are not the only one who has requested the ability to include “air” as an allowed block in world edit for the mapworld. Are there any others that you can think of that are currently not allowed that would be helpful to have? We’ve heard a few people ask as well about modifying the dragon fight. Do you have any other ideas for how to make the dragon fight ‘better’ other than removing the blazes and debuffs? Or would you be in favor of returning to a more vanilla battle. If that is the case, how do you feel about the method for obtaining elytra, would a vanilla battle be too easy a trade off? Unfortunately being able to see your mount while using one of the disguise saddles is a client side issue, our only fix is to allow the /horse-disguise-self command, which only works while you are standing still.
Thank you for your feedback @buzzie71, I’m always interested to see what sorts of things you come up with. It sounds like you are currently in favor of more long-term events that can be done at a users own pace rather than arena-type events, would this be an accurate statement? If so, do you have suggestions for other events of this nature? I want to touch a bit on your comments regarding Elytra - It sounds like you would be in favor of dropping the mining component of the cost and sticking only with a dragon fight to obtain. Would you be in favor of the more difficult dragon fight we have now, or should we return that to a more vanilla battle, something in between, or perhaps even harder.
There seems to be some confusion about what we’ve put forward. We are currently in the process of gathering feedback for the next revision and will use that information (as well as the feedback expressed via other means such as this post or conversations we’ve had with people) to shape what the revision will look like. There are a few policies currently in place that, based on what has been said, could use some review. Clearly this post indicates that one area in need of review are pvp regions. Traditionally the PvP and PvE culture have been very different, we have seen this over multiple pvp-type servers on nerd as well as players coming to PvE from other servers. Changes that risk damaging PvEs culture are not something that we can jump into quickly or without serious consideration and research. For now we have only committed to reviewing our requirements for PvP regions on PvE, whatever we decide on will need to fit into our culture as well as the physical limitations of whatever map we are using at the time. If this means arenas are scalable based on the map size then we will announce those requirements at the beginning of each revision so they are clear. Many of the other suggestions listed in this thread are not really appropriate for our PvE server at this time and would be better suited elsewhere, either on creative where the rules regarding PvP are more lenient or on an entirely separate server. We’d like to be clear about this, while we are willing to discuss ways to better accommodate PvP players within the PvE server we do need to make sure we are including everyone’s feedback. This thread only encompasses a very small portion of players who are asking for this modification, and we need to make sure that any change we decide on will not be detrimental to the server as a whole. That being said, we do thank you for the thoughts presented in this thread and the positive contributions to the discussion.
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Stealth update: the tables on deadmap for the overworld/nether now include livemap/carto links where available OVERWORLD: NETHER
June 20th Player suggestion for voxelmap waypoints and links to livemap/carto to be included in the livemap has been enacted on deadmap. Information here
We recently had a suggestion-box request to add a Voxelmap waypoint listing to http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/live/ so users can import all of our waypoints to their personal maps. At this time we didnt want to bog down the techs with a request like this, they've got other super important things going on. ...HOWEVER.... We do have Deadmap! As of right now Deadmap now has three voxelmap waypoint pages for you to use to import the items from Deadmap into your voxelmap .points file! Deadmap includes tons of items that are not on the /place list in-game so you should be able to fill up your screen with colorful dots of intrest in no time at all! Currently there are three new pages added to deadmap: Overworld Waypoints; Nether Waypoints; and End Waypoints - or you can find them in the menu indicated below after navigating to https://www.deadmap.com/ Instructions to populate your .points file are included on each page as well as the waypoints formatted for easy copy/paste Enjoy! ~The PAdmins
June 6th A few sections of the PvE Information Guide on the wiki have recieved a coat of fresh paint: The Map World section has been spruced up a bit The EasyRider section has been renamed to Horses and some more information has been added The Doppelganger section has been renamed to Player Heads and tidied up A new section has been added with information about Modreqs on the server
The winners of the arenas are as follows! Round 9:00am Winner 6:30pm Winner Round 1: Desert Ruthlesssss olav3118 Round 2: Nether Becquerine olav3118 Round 3: Ruins Becquerine olav3118 Round 4: Night Garden Becquerine 32ndFlava Round 5: Ocean Ruthlesssss olav3118 Round 6: Past Revs Norami Wozdaka Thanks to everyone who died for my amusement participated!
some of you have had questions about the arena, so here is a bit more information pre-game: Do not bring anything with you, kits will be provided YES you can play all floors for both sessions you get ONE LIFE per floor - once you die you're out for that level! Commands to join the arena will be announced in-game at the time the arena starts. Hopefull your bed is convenient! Hope to see you all bright and early in the morning!
June 3rd a mob arena has been announced for June 9th
PREPARE YOURSELVES!!!! This coming weekend we will be holding a MOB ARENA on PvE! *image courtesy of ieuweh Saturday June 9th at 9am EDT Saturday June 9th at 6:30pm EDT You’ll be able to face off against the hoards in an arena built by padmins (kits will be provided) Participants who attempt to defeat the mobs will be greeted with a thank-you-for coming prize, consisting of 16 FoA and a Commemorative T-Shirt! Those who survive the mobs will be greeted with the following: Floor 1: 16 FoA, Totem of Undying, Husk Saddle, 20 Diamonds, and Desert Eagle (a bow enchanted with Power VI, Mending, and Unbreaking IV) Floor 2: 16 FoA, Totem of Undying, Ghast Saddle, 20 Diamonds, and Hot Pants (diamond pants enchanted with Fire Protection V, Mending, Unbreaking IV) Floor 3: 16 FoA, Totem of Undying, Iron Golem Saddle, 20 Diamonds, and Old Shoes (diamond boots enchanted with Feather Falling V, Mending, Unbreaking IV) Floor 4: 16 FoA, Totem of Undying, Wither Saddle, 20 Diamonds, and Permission Granted (a diamond sword enchanted with Looting IV, Mending, Unbreaking IV) Floor 5: 16 FoA, Totem of Undying, Guardian Saddle, 20 Diamonds, and a Scuba Helmet (a diamond helmet enchanted with Aqua Affinity, Respiration IV, Mending, Unbreaking IV) Floor 6: 16 FoA, Totem of Undying, Slime Saddle, 20 Diamonds, and ... A SURPRISE
May 17th We have added a new policy regarding hoppers here
What is this about? After working with the tech admins to run some internal testing (which is detailed below) we have decided to implement a new policy regarding the use of hoppers on pve to attempt to alleviate some of the strain on the server and improve the experience of our players. What exactly is server lag? The server measures performance by counting ticks-per-second (TPS) and a perfect TPS is 20. Everything the server has to process uses a % of the tick rate to calculate. We’ve already attempted to alleviate the strain on the server by using a dynamic render distance (fixed at 4 chunks at the start of the Revision), replacing traditional iron farms with golem spawners, implementing EasyRider to allow users to obtain top-level horses without the need to keep numerous breeding horses around, and reducing entity activation ranges. Despite these changes, we’ve been seeing hoppers take up almost 50% of the total tick every second which will continue to cause the server to lag. What have we done so far? Padmins have been reaching out to users already during this revision, and through those efforts we have been able to reduce the hopper tick from 50% down to 20%-35% of the total. As more hoppers are used for item transit however that number may rise. What else is being done? When we are alerted to lag issues we run checks on three main types of things. First we check to see if there are any excessively large mob groupings anywhere and ask users to cull if possible (generally these are at grinders and are easily fixed). We also check for running redstone to see if that is causing any sudden dips in response time. More recently we’ve been checking for large hopper machines and asking users to remove them where possible. What we are asking of players at this time: Please limit your hopper use for moving items to only those necessary to move items into chests/dispensers. Where possible you should use water flows to move items along channels to be picked up by a single hopper into a chest rather than chaining hoppers together. Please refrain from building large automatic machines using hoppers - this includes auto-sorters. These are pre-emptive measures all users can take to help with server strain. In the event that we do find large hopper creations moving items we will follow up with users to come up with alternative methods, however we do reserve the right to make adjustments to hoppers if the situation warrants it. Test Data - Tests were run on pve-dev using a superflat world with no mobs or other structures. Each “row” consists of 50 hoppers moving dirt from one double chest to another (with each “layer” as 20 rows placed side-by-side). Timings were reset at the beginning of each test and returned after 5 minutes of activity. We decided on 4000 hoppers by running a logblock query for the entire revision to see how many had been placed by users -at the time of the test we estimated there were ~3600 hoppers on the server. The number has dropped to around 2000 hoppers since padmins began reaching out to users. Idle Hoppers represent the number of hoppers placed, but not currently passing items. Active Hoppers represents the number of hoppers placed and passing items. tileEntityTick represents the % of TPS that the hoppers are using during a given test. Test Idle Hoppers Active Hoppers tileEntity Tick all rows idle, first hopper disabled via redstone 4000 0 1.35% all rows idle, first hopper disabled via redstone, except 1 3950 50 2.34% all rows idle, first hopper disabled via redstone, except 2 3900 100 2.72% all rows idle, first hopper disabled via redstone, except 5 3750 250 3.28% all rows idle, first hopper disabled via redstone, except 10 3500 500 6.83% 3 layers idle disabled via redstone, 1 layer active (20 rows) 3000 1000 9.40% 2 layers idle disabled via redstone, 2 layer active (40 rows) 2000 2000 16.29% 1 layer idle disabled via redstone, 3 layer active (60 rows) 1000 3000 31.06% all layers active (80 rows) 0 4000 50.97% What does this mean? At 4000 active hoppers (that is, hoppers actively passing items between them), those hoppers will use 50% of our servers processing power. This leaves only 50% for other actions (entity processing, mob AI, player activities, etc). As hopper actions accumulate and reach a significant tick percentage (~30%), everyone on the server will begin to feel the effects due to the server not having enough resources to process everything at a normal rate.
The portal has been found!!
May 5th (Cont) - NerdyDragon is now Live on PvE https://redd.it/8hbywf - deadmap has been added to /maps
I placed the marker as a placeholder where sapph was at the time :P final placement will move the marker to a new location.
Head Admin Changelog and Announcements
Silversunset01 replied to schererererer's topic in News & Information
riveri has stepped down and her permissions removed. The following new mods have had permissions granted (and we missed updating here): grenbug, king_of_queso, Kirstae