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About Mewcifer

  • Birthday 08/30/2000

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Dallas, TX, USA
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  1. Hi Nerd. It's been a few years now. I have had a lot of time to grow and change from who I was to who I am now. When I was a CAdmin, I was certainly far too immature and up my own ass for my own good, though in some certain scenarios with personal disputes with trouble players, many of my choices felt justified, such as the wars of the Creative Union, the bitter elections, impeding on others' regions for a quick laugh with massive warships. I am freshly twenty-two as of last week. I've suffered through imposter syndrome and a myriad of issues in university and college, and am finally beginning my career, and I feel like a good step in terms of personal growth is this: I'm sorry. The dicey things I said and did back then are no longer who I am or what I deem is acceptable. The veiled racism, sexism, homophobia.. the lot of it, really. All edgy humor I did not actually believe in, nor do I still, but I know now what is and isn't acceptable. Nerd, in a strange way, taught me as much, though it was a confusing lesson to learn in a progressive world in my late adolescent years what sort of dumb shit I can, can't, should, and shouldn't say. I don't see myself ever returning to the server, unfortunately (or fortunately for some of my old nemeses.. 😉), but it's had a profound impact on me. Thank you, to these specific people, for offering me snippets of growth in my time on c.nerd.nu. Bardidley Hollifer ExcessiveToker fazaden defiex Deaygo buzzie71 Yours formerly, Mae O'Sullivan, aka Mewcifer
  2. The new spawn looks beautiful, and the terrain improves drastically with every new revision. Props to everyone who worked together on setting up! Y'all are wonderful <3
  3. I don't recall if I made a "I'm taking a 1 million year break post" but from here on out, esp with the update, my activity should start to pick up a bit till the fall semester arrives (Aug 19 onward)
  4. The Weekly Build #9 Winner is mischievous_doge, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame!  Week #10 Theme: 4th of July/Canada Day How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run 2 weeks until Wednesday, July 10th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
  5. The Weekly Build #7 Winner is somethinbetter, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame!  Week #8 Theme: Castles How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run 2 weeks until Wednesday, June 12th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
  6. The Weekly Build #5 Winner is promaxxe, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #6 Theme: Unexplained Phenomena How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run all week until Wednesday, May 8th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild. Edit: This contest ran for 2 weeks, ending Wednesday, May 15th, and 9PM EDT.
  7. having some irl/emotional trouble expect me to be scarce until summer arrives (may 11th) while i try and get my shit together for the end of the semester/finals, other than saturday events and wednesday wb changeovers
  8. The Weekly Build #3 Winner is L_Morningstar_, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #4 Theme: Spring How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run all week until Wednesday, April 24th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
  9. Hi MasterCommaThe, I am commenting to let you and AndyJF know that we have warped your build as /warp Laputa. Bard and I stumbled across it here and took a peek, and it's very nice, good job! Hope to see more work like this from you both in the future ?
  10. The Winner from our first Weekly Build of this Rev goes to Stongduke, Congrats! This build can be found @ /warp weeklybuild in the Hall of Fame! Week #2 Theme: Space ships How To Participate: The contest takes place on c.nerd.nu In game, type /warp WeeklyBuild Make sure to read the rules and the category before starting. Find an empty plot and type /nerdplot claim You may build with a friend, and you do have access to World Edit! All builders will have 24 hours following the contest's end to modreq to have their builds saved, as the field will be wiped for the next theme! The contest will run all week until Wednesday, April 10th, at 9PM EDT. The most recent winner is now displayed! All winners will be displayed collectively at the Weekly Build Hall of Fame located at /warp weeklybuild.
  11. Hello all, As most of you know, we have been working set up Weekly Build for the new Revision after a community request that it be brought back. The contests will begin this Wednesday (March 27th) and will be one week in length each, to the following Wednesday, to allow players a whole weekend to work on their builds as opposed to their busy weekdays. We are also on one arena for the entire Rev. In this thread, please give us a few theme suggestions to pick from. Repeats are fine if they were popular or well liked! Thanks! The CAdmin Team
  12. Sorry for missing the date yesterday, I had a midterm to study for. You are unbanned. Please be mindful of the rules this time.
  13. Forgive me for failing to clarify. Your ban expires Monday, March 4th, EDT. All times issued are in EDT, regardless of where you currently are, and as such, I will not respond to this until tomorrow.
  14. The new one is going to replace the old one, plus the layout isn't ideal. I should also mention, for anyone else reading this thread, that lobby contest will be taking place after our update to 1.13, which at the moment of me typing this has no ETA. This means the launch time for Weekly will also be pushed back along with it. However: we do plan to start Weekly as soon as the 1.13 update and Lobby Contest are through! Thanks for all you responding with suggestions, we are taking this all into account.
  15. TBH, that wouldn't really work if weeklybuild overlaps with speedbuild. It'll probably be an arena formatted like the ones last rev.
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