Ah! I was wondering when someone would ask me this.
Living on Pluto is simply a CHORE, i must say! Re-paring broken air pipes, waiting for food to come from a distant satellite (which, good God, has an oven/stove/microwave/fridge/freezer for food), and having a potato internet. Other than it being -400 degrees Fahrenheit (good thing Space Heaters are in the mail, because currently I have to stay in a space suit), it is pretty nice here. Gravity's a problem here, so I have EVERYTHING bolted down. Also water. I have to keep water in small packages to keep it from freezing. I AM getting a 3d Printer coming from the satellite, so I don't have to have NASA's Fuel Cost through the roof.
(Note: That thing is intended as sarcasm, along with this post. I made that as a joke, btw.)