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Everything posted by Abitcat

  1. (It says "Pepperoni" on it so it counts. fite me bro (ง◔ヘ◔)ง)
  2. Hi, guys. I started having PvE connection problems, with it starting yesterday. I connect to the server (which takes 1-4 minutes), then it freezes my game when I enter, then it kicks me and says: "Disconnected" and "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." I have NO idea why this happens. Please help me.
  3. Of teh people, for da people, by teh people
  4. 101 posts. Damn Son.

  5. I made these, who knows why.
  6. TEACHER: Okay, kids! Time to count to 200! KIDS: 1... 2... 3... 4... fiiivv...... shit! what comes after 4?!? TEACHER: Calm down, Eric, also, its 5. KIDS: Okay. 5... 15... 80.... 2... potato... slap-stick humor... this joke is getting old... 200! TEACHER: Good job kids. (Btw, im at )
  7. Abitcat

    PvE Rev 18 Awards

    *flips table* Pretty sad to see no Ambrosia stuff here :I
  8. I guess their "underwater discovery" field trip was not a success....
  9. 1: Maybe, just maybe......... i dunno. 2: I would prefer apples. 3: No, I would NOT make it into bacon.
  10. Ah! I was wondering when someone would ask me this. Living on Pluto is simply a CHORE, i must say! Re-paring broken air pipes, waiting for food to come from a distant satellite (which, good God, has an oven/stove/microwave/fridge/freezer for food), and having a potato internet. Other than it being -400 degrees Fahrenheit (good thing Space Heaters are in the mail, because currently I have to stay in a space suit), it is pretty nice here. Gravity's a problem here, so I have EVERYTHING bolted down. Also water. I have to keep water in small packages to keep it from freezing. I AM getting a 3d Printer coming from the satellite, so I don't have to have NASA's Fuel Cost through the roof. (Note: That thing is intended as sarcasm, along with this post. I made that as a joke, btw.)
  11. too bad thats there's no sound in gifs :I
  12. Its a "THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!" meme picture from South Park. Here's the link: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/011/129/RT.jpg
  13. Maybe call the school in or give him body wash/shampoo/deodorant outside his doorstep? I dunno.
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