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    Virginia, United States
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    Video games (duh), origami, reading.

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  1. I play Pokemon GO everyday... https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiv_4SvuYnPAhWEPz4KHSP_BA0QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DpjI95o4H3qA&bvm=bv.132479545,d.dmo&psig=AFQjCNFQ-Ln5yIUqF8Wi6PX7P7K1AOjw0A&ust=1473756606229325 Have no idea how to make an image appear here...
  2. I'm kind of upset about the photos. There were a lot of good interiors and, we should definitely be voting on that as well as the exterior.
  3. There's a whole lot of community contribution in nerd.nu. We have contests for Creative speed build arenas, lobbies, we're even having one for an official post office in Creative. Not to mention that the players build everything from the ground up in both Creative and PvE. But we haven't yet taken use of banners, the cool little flags you get to decorate with designs that you can customize as much as you want. So, I think there should be a contest for an official Minecraft banner that we can use for things like public builds that aren't really affiliated with any player, and we can even have them in the lobby and in the spawn of Creative and PvE. We could even have one universal banner, then one for C and one for P if we really wanted to. I think the design is important, so I just want to put out my opinion on what the banner contest should look like if it is implemented. First, I think that the banners should be made for their design and not their color so that we can change colors to whatever suits the build we are putting it on. Second, I think that we should definitely make one for nerd.nu as a whole, then one for each server. These are just my ideas about what a banner contest might look like, and if you like the idea of a banner contest in general, give some feedback here. Thanks! :D
  4. Yeah this'd be cool. I'd use it in planes and other vehicles. I just want it to be so that we can safely sit down and get up in 2-block high areas so that we don't get stuck in blocks. Otherwise, I'm all for it!
  5. Hm, I guess that could work, but it would be difficult because if someone wants a mist on their region and there's already a lot of people with it, it's gonna be hard for mods to say, "no, we just can't." But seriously though, this is an awesome idea and I really want to see it in the server.
  6. Those are some cool guidelines, I support them almost all the way. First off, I'd like to say that I'm more fighting for me than anyone else, because, just like everyone else, I want to see what I dream become a reality on this server. So when I make big builds, I generally start with a frame. obviously when I am planning to build a 1000 block spaceship or something ridiculous like that, a whole lot of WE is going to be involved. I don't think I'd be able to make one part look quality to convince mods that my region should be extended without having the rest of my basic frame because that would make it hard to mesh with what I've had to build. Then what if I want to make a change in the frame halfway through? It will be hard to do because I will have one finished little segment and then the rest of the frame to figure out around that, and I just don't think that's feasible. I hope I've brought up some interesting points. However, if more people agree that this will be better for the server, I will gladly agree to these, because I can definitely still make this work and I'm sure everyone else will be able to as well. :D
  7. A modlist! Fantastic start! Lemme give some criticism, and I will get my friend who knows a ton about mod packing to reply here too. (I'll skip the ones I know nothing about and do some reading later and edit this) Biome's o Plenty: I find this mod gets confusing as so many biomes are generated that it gets hard to find positives and negatives that you like, and biomes feel a lot smaller. Chisel: YES! Must have. Adds so many wonderful blocks with and adds new life to old blocks by giving them textures. Realistic Terrain Gen: YES! But I'm not sure how compatible it is with Biome's o plenty and vice versa. Carpenter's blocks: YES! Must have. Any block can be used in a stair or slab, even slopes, and many other things! Although I find that collapsable blocks cause lag, so they should probably be disabled. Crayfish's furniture mod: Absolutely, adds usable furniture in many shapes and sizes. Pam's Harvest Craft: Isn't this a food mod? I'll have to do more research... Bibliocraft: Yes for the same reason as Crayfish's, but the furniture in this one is much more elegant and fancy. Ztones: very similar to chisel, adds colored blocks of all different textures. Deco craft: Ohhhhhh, this is a fun one. It'll really fill up creative inventory menus though, and some of the models can cause lag. (Basically a furniture plus decorations mod that has hundreds of different decos for homes and such buildings. Really awesome mod!) So yeah, these are my opinions on these proposed mods. Please point things out on my post that you have issues with or that you think are good. Thanks!
  8. That sounds really cool! you could maybe use render fog, but that might have to be a client side mod. D: I know I would use this for things, although I see problems (or rather don't see them as they are obscured by mist) when everyone tries out this really cool feature and the server is turned foggy...
  9. So, I completely agree that some claims are unrealistic and often an annoyance to other people who would like spots near certain landforms and the like. So, there should be a limit. However, I have one or two large issues with this. How do we know that people are or aren't going to build on these huge claims? cutting off parts of people's claims seems a bit rude and forceful, and I know quite a few people on the server who have made a small temporary claim, and they know they will need more land to expand later once they get more districts of cities and the like done. This has lead to stressful and uncomfortable "fights" with people who start claiming near their zone. My largest issue is that I know that once the map expands, I will be making an absolutely huge spaceship. I mean 800+ blocks huge. How do we regulate the claims that are large that will be built on but disallow other large claims? There isn't really a good answer, which is probably why this is growing into an increasingly long thread... This is an example of some of the issues. A hard and soft claim would be fantastic for things like cities, but that fails to account for projects such as my proposed spacecraft. I agree with a larger map. It would allow for other people to build bigger cities while still let people like me to build one huge structure. Also, a larger map would allow for more generated landmasses so people don't have to fight over cool geographic formations I'm just posting to give a perspective on builds that people may not think of when they are talking about claim limits so that we can make the experience on the server better for anyone that wants to build anything. If you have another project that isn't mainstream like mine, please post about it so we can all take everything into account when planning for future revs. Also, please give feedback on what you think could be done to still allow some of these really cool ideas to be implemented while still keeping secure the builds of others. I probably didn't think of everything that is a possibility. Thank you. :D Also: I posted an unfinished version in the thread and I can't figure out how to delete it... (I"m young but shitty with things that are intuitive :P) pls help haha
  10. I have a bit of experience with mods and my friend has quite a large amount, and has in fact put together several modpacks together in the past. There are some great mods out there; one I know of, carpenter's blocks, lets you put any block you want into a stair or lab, and you can even have things like vertical slabs or ramps. Another great mod is chisel, which adds new blocks and new textures you can get for already existing blocks. These are just a few of the great aesthetic mods that are out there, and I and I'm sure many others would love to see these things be implemented in some way, if at all possible. It would be hard to make a multiverse world, however, because each mod must be installed first by the player. I don't have much experience with Forge Mod Loader on servers, but I'm afraid that it would have to be a whole other server in order to work.
  11. Just wanted to say that the multiverse world for the speed build arenas in c is still spawning us in in survival mode. It happens whenever you tp to someone in that world or when you log into that world. It's not the most hindering thing I can think of, but it should probably be fixed.
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