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About Socarch26

  • Birthday June 29

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  • Location
    Virginia, Argoth
  • Interests
    Random crap

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  1. Fake news, the Argoth propaganda didn't win
  2. Hey, almost forgot about this but I should probably get this cleared up. I will refrain from torturing my compatriots with my attempts to sing excessively from now own.
  3. Haven't updated in a while, here is a pic from a recent white elephant party.
  4. While it would be fun to fly around, i would argue that it stray's too far away from vanilla. Even though infinite flight is possible, punch II bows add certain limitations and a sort of skill to use.
  5. Hey damion950, I'm the moderator who banned you after your account was responsible for causing widespread grief on our creative server 2 yrs ago ( I did not hack your account ). Since this is an old ban, I'm going to go ahead and unban you, assuming that you are taking action to secure your account. Make sure you take a look at the rules before you play and have fun!
  6. Damn, I would love to play, but my computer is currently bust (which is why I haven't been on) If i can fix it by then I would be so in
  7. Here is a very shitty pic I took 2 seconds ago.
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