With SwitchViewz recent blog post I thought I would get the ball rolling on ideas for how to implement it and deal with it's OP PLS NERF status.
My own idea is another villager trade for an upgraded Elytra that allows powered flight. Similar to the current Villager trade for Elytra, it would require Essence of Flight but substantially more than the the single essence required for the first trade. I think no less than 5 EOF. This idea would require a lot of grinding and luck to be able to acquire powered flight
Also it might be cool to do it as a two step trade with the multiple EOF acting as the reinforcement for the Elytra and then trading Dragon's Breath as the power. This idea requires grinding and fighting the end dragon to acquire powered flight.
A third option could be the Elytra using Dragon's Breath directly as fuel and having to periodically refill the Elytra to keep using powered flight. This option requires fighting the end dragon to acquire powered flight.
These are all dependent on if staff can actually implement them.
Any other ideas?