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Everything posted by ZhenWan

  1. Not sure what the problem with having this command, but in WorldEdit, I am not able to use the //count command within my own region. Message: "You are not permitted to do that. Are you in the right mode?" Moderators are capable of using this command, from my understanding, but I don't think it'll be efficient to /modreq everytime I would like to count block distances. Ta. ^_^
  2. Would really like to see more 'soft engineering' builds on Creative, sounds quite weird, but I get quite grouchy when I see too many builds that are built on completely flat (w.e. like) terrian, where mountains are carved unnaturally through. Less 'floating' builds too (e.g. cities, houses, rails etc.) in just random, unnecessary places. It just personally ruins the 'environment' of the map, or just a plain, bad eye sore. Ta.
  3. I'm planning to build a walled (castle walls) ultra-modern housing estate next rev, a halloween theme would be a great idea (esp. with castle walls). Even if the rev. is released before Halloween, sounds like a great idea. ^_^
  4. I concur! I would like all 'shi...bad quality builds removed or moved (far far away) after a warning 'removal schedule' has been placed. Rev 25, MUST BE BEAUTIFUL!
  5. Any possibility I can get this 'finished' map after release day? I have a big evil plan ahead.
  6. I love seeing how the builders voted for themselves, and we can see who voted for who; oh I love how anonymity is out of the question. #<3Voting ...
  7. ZhenWan

    Is PvE dead?

    No PvE isn't dead ^_^.
  8. Hey Totemo, I've read the rules from nerd.nu/rules, and I fully acknowledge the importance of them; I strongly believe x-raying is serious offence, and I very certain this problem won't arise again.
  9. I can't do anything about the last 24 hours, I have no screenshots since 27th May 2013. But I do have a mine underneath my build South of Pico, 'Zhen's Villa' which shows how I do mine most frequently, there should be logs of me there. All the diamonds that were mined today would have been pre-mined areas (strip mined), the access way I took through these mines was the Pico Skele grinder on the rail from Pico to Necropolis (South). All the points that I believe I have left on rei's minimap are either grinders, my retreat; I think Vinhaven's farm, and southwest Pico hilltop. I'm sorry if this is a pain but if possible, if you check the station buttons in Nova and Pico where I pressed, they should give the time when I was between Pico and Nova too. The 'stash' sites where I bookmarked were removed, since I had already mined up the ore, but I do remember two distinct ones where there was a single emerald block within the stone wall, which I believe was on a rail system lead from Nova back to Pico or Spawn (a Pico member and I were talking about how messed the their system was, whilst I was traveling through it); and also a the diamond block stash near cobbled paths (pre-mined area), covering lava. I think the latter was quite close to the double skele grinder on the Pico rail to Nova. If you also find a path (from the mines) created by me straight to a rail system, this is the rail to Argoth, I remember it was a diagonal rail system, i'm not sure if they made it though, (nosed around Argoth's directed rails), but yes I had been on the rail before, because of the ridculously long diagonal line it had. There should be some logs of me placing cobblestone under Argoth's needle shaped tower, when I fell underneath it. The only reason why I took Argoth's rails was because they had a nether portal. I hope this should help picture what my journey was like for today, which I planned was to take the all the bookmarked ore locations, I made before, at once so that I use it for later on next week.
  10. Hello, I was banned for "xray on p.nerd.nu nerd.nu/appeal". I have been a clean player since my incident last year, I am very certain there has been a mistake here. I have never x-rayed on any minecraft server, especially a server which I've been a regular for. I would like to know where and what I have dug over today and previously. I have dug many tunnels before for rails between Pico, Nova and Necropolis. Truthfully, I have dug tunnels straight to underground rail lines, but that is with the assistance with rei's minimap and bookmarked points before. I have also bookmarked places where I had tunnelling through, for the laying out of rails and hit rare ores, but without the right tools I've been clever to bookmark the areas before hand, and later to come back for them, this has included 'stoning' walls up to hide the ores for later mining. Dates maybe out of proportion but due to the exam weeks and also helping out with public builds I haven't been able to mine them out for sometime. I can prove that I have been truthful, if you need evidence. I also know the ground rules of the server, and that x-raying is a serious offence; and I do take them seriously on the nerd servers.
  11. Would also like to see islands on the Creative server; hardly see many good builds on island-like landscapes ^_^
  12. With extreme biomes, it would be great to have mountains/ridges that are ridiculously high and possibly very deep 'fault-lines' too. Clearly, these are very difficult to build on, but I think with would make a great landscape with cities build on plains next to it. Also considering pixel art and 'redstone art', I believe they should be placed on the traditional ice layered surface on one side/corner of the map.
  13. In my opinion I think there should be less water-based biomes (oceans), too many players build a 1 block layer to work on instead of creating an island properly. I believe plains are the most popular biomes for creative, but hey, I would definiately love extreme biomes like Veronicron and a bunch of peeps did 2 revs ago.
  14. All the CTA lines since Rev. 13, loved so many stations created by CTA members ^_^. Atlass city and CTA HQ in Rev. 14. Rev. 15 with Verro's huge-ass laying statue.
  15. We should have a creative museum survival event, obviously imported builds have to be checked for 'stuff'.
  16. It shouldn't effect the performance of the servers, haven't experienced lag with heavy clanchat usage yet, that's from PvE 'town' chat.
  17. I like how the forums has 'plain' theme to it, makes it feel more modern.
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