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[PMC] Thanksgiving Charity Drive


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Thanksgiving is coming up next month, and although we missed it in 2012, It's been a tradition here at MCPublic to host a charity donation drive around this time of year. I plan to post a public thread in Server Discussion about this in a few days, but I'd like to get the ball rolling now.


Tasks that will need to get done:


1. Pick a charity

       We usually do Child's Play, seeing as how we're a gaming community. Unless anyone has any serious objections, I'd like to stick with them.


2. Set up the donation page.

     In the past, we replaced our own donate button on nerd.nu/donate with a widget for ChipIn. This let us track how much people donated without actually collecting the money ourselves. Chipin has since been bought out and dismantled, but I've found something similar in PitchinBox.


3. Set a date/time

     How long will this run? 24 hours? 48 Hours? It doesn't have to happen thanksgiving weekend, even early December is fine.


4. Plan the actual event.

     This is what will take the most brainpower. Will this be a build contest? Something pvp-related? Game show a la Brom Studios? Pie-throwing contest? All of the above? If anyone's got ideas, please post here. For starters, check out Denevien's thread.  This is something where public input might come in handy.


5. Build the map.

     Exactly what it says on the tin. I'm hoping we'll be settled into 1.7 by the time we start setting up.


6. Publicize

     We still have connections to /r/minecraft; we should use them if we can.




This is something that I'm going to make happen even if it's just a little shack on C where I beg for money, but I think that if we plan enough in advance we can make something amazing happen.

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I'm up for this I think we should go for something a little different than the usual build event / survival event and think of something original and interesting... Nothing comes to mind for me just now but if I think of anything I'll bring it up.

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Even though we're doing better as a staff as a whole, we need to make sure people realize this isn't to raise money for us. Some people refuse to donate to us because of varying reasons and petty arguments, but if this is going to some charity, those shouldn't affect those who are truly in need.

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What about something like a scavenger hunt? All players spawn in a random location with a "rulebook" that has the first clue. Have this PvP enabled, so that the event will last a bit longer, but have a whole set of clues, that have to be completed in order. The first sign you get to will take your rulebook, and give you a book with the next clue and a trade item. The item will be key to the next sign. This will prevent someone from stumbling upon a sign out of order. Death will cause you to have to start over, so you will have to team up to survive... but there can only be one winner...

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Well this is a convenient post, as I was reluctant to propose my idea through a separate thread. This could perhaps go along with whatever ingame event we eventually decide on.


I was inspired by a joke going around on Mumble about doing a drunken karaoke night. While I don't encourage alcohol consumption for the event, I think it could be fun if players who donate could request songs for willing staff members to sing on Mumble. I distinctly recall karaoke being done during the holidays last December for fun, and it attracted a rather sizable crowd of people. I feel that if we go along with this idea, it would see a good turnout, considering how players would already be on mumble for the event. It would also provide incentive to donate aside from just being nice, while at the same time reminding the community that the mods and admins are people too since we'd be doing it for a good cause.

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I want many small islands that have essentials spread out on different islands. If we could get it so players spawned on random islands, that would be best. That way, you have to build to other islands, and work with other players to build things.

Now, I think this would run best with two servers: one for PvP, one for PvE. Possibly use a lobby with some preset warps to different corners of the map.



I kind of like this idea, actually. (Especially with the PvP element.) It would be kind of like Settlers of Catan or Age of Empires. You could have limited resources on a single island, and have to build out to another to get whatever that island has more of. The players on Island A could have lots of wood, but not much coal. So they build a bridge out to Island B, which has lots of coal and iron, so they can raid it for resources.

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This is what c45y used to spawn many small islands over a void. We can either edit the code to spawn resources in, or we can use World Edit to replace some of the blocks with resources that we need. I'm still learning java, so don't know how to edit the java yet, so as of now, looks like World Edit is the best bet, but we still have to wait to get updated to 1.7.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm still for doing this drive, but may have to push it closer to Christmas instead. It would have been possible to run on 1.6.4, but we always have less players when between updates, because some people just do not want to downgrade. I'd like to wait until we're up on 1.7, so that we have more potential player/donators. When this was first brought up, I didn't think it would take quite this long for Bukkit to get up to date, but we're just at their mercy now.

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How about December 14th or 21st? The main task right now is getting the map idea together. I've seen a lot of talk about the islands idea, so unless anyone has any objections we might as well go with it. I'd like to have a planning meeting some time this week if possible.

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