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Advertisements Elsewhere?


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We have a thread here regarding ads on reddit. Now, we'd like to start looking at where else we should advertise. Things to keep in mind regarding this:


  • We will not be giving any sort of in game rewards for voting on sites.
  • We do not have copious amounts of funding, so cheaper is better.
  • If it is a site that requires an account to be made, do not make one for us. Post it here, and we will handle the registration.

So, get posting ideas!

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  On 1/10/2014 at 7:29 PM, Denevien said:

We have a thread here regarding ads on reddit. Now, we'd like to start looking at where else we should advertise. Things to keep in mind regarding this:


  • We will not be giving any sort of in game rewards for voting on sites.
  • We do not have copious amounts of funding, so cheaper is better.
  • If it is a site that requires an account to be made, do not make one for us. Post it here, and we will handle the registration.

So, get posting ideas!

Back during the Summer of 2013 we started to look into advertising, I suggested a bunch of server websites. I'm going to go back and find some more


Here is a good place for an ad. This was the very first website I saw when I searched for "minecraft servers" in google and is a pretty huge website itself



Edit: I also noticed that we turned off UDP query, which is causing problems with these ads




Here is another post about advertising from earlier for reference


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Looking at coolgamer's link, it looks like Totemo was handling some of the listings, but also passing it off to admins. All three servers are concerned about a decline in player base.  This needs to be a dedicated staff position. It's a daunting job that is just as important as some of the other aspects of the server.  Someone who can take the burden off of the head admins, who already have enough to do.  Even if it's in six month terms, someone needs to be actively updating our profiles, gathering players to vote on listing sites and promoting Nerd.nu.


Some ideas already brought up:

* Advertisements on Reddit

* Active engagement on major listing sites

* Crossposting and promotion of Nerd builds on /r/minecraft

* Better event promotion across Nerd servers

* External Event promotion

* Video production

* Talk with top video bloggers about visiting our servers in different capacities.


I'm sure there is even more.  We have a lot of great people here.  If one of the current mods doesn't have a marketing background or a desire to do it, I know I or others would be willing to take up the charge in the interim.

Edited by theclefe
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Guys,

Here is a idea that might help. I now am a massive active player on [Redacted]. I think what they have been doing is something that you guys should do. What they do is they have mini games sever that brings in more than 300 players constantly. Also, they have the survival, pvp, creative and, also something I think would be a good addition skyblocks. As you guys have now found out there is a very small group that plays all 3. When I played on this sever many people interacted with the other  to severs. though the set of the server I am on you are always interacting with the different player wether they are in the sky creative pvp are survival. Now I have said this many times adding mini games will bring in many people and then they will be very curious with the other servers. So that my 2 cents take or leave it.

Edited by Denevien
Removed server address. No advertising.
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I understand minigames draw attention to servers and they are great fun. However, that's just not who we are. We offer a close-as-possible-to vanilla experience that other public servers don't really offer. Besides, we want to get more people on the servers we have now, not servers we would use to bring people in. 

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  On 1/29/2014 at 4:39 PM, WondrLand said:

I understand minigames draw attention to servers and they are great fun. However, that's just not who we are. We offer a close-as-possible-to vanilla experience that other public servers don't really offer. Besides, we want to get more people on the servers we have now, not servers we would use to bring people in. 

Adding to that, I've been on my fair share of minigames servers, and while they're fun for a while, they get boring fast. It'd require features to be added constanly to keep it interesting, time of which could be spent on other more important tasks. Also, minigames servers tend to attract a more casual no-strings-attached playerbase, which I feel is not the kind of people we should be catering to.

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I know this sounds silly, but maybe reaching out to popular (good-natured) Youtubers for a server tour or something? I know one in particular has started traveling to other servers (in particular only minigame servers so far) to get them more attention. I don't know if money is involved but if they do it for just asking that would be very nice. The only downside to this and why I'm apprehensive about it is that if I invite someone to the server (chances are they'll say no, but if they say yes), that they'll spawn the wrong type of players to the server. That being said, if we are advertising elsewhere, then I guess that risk is assumed anyway.


EDIT: aaaand I just realized this was mentioned in a post above this as "video bloggers" oh well here is my opinion about that then

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  On 1/29/2014 at 8:39 PM, PvtSnowball said:

Ok but no big name Youtubers do look for that type of sever though they want the fun minigames that gives them short but fun videos.


I disagree, there are many different larger Youtube channels that produce mature(er) content than others. We are not a minigame server, so I wouldn't expect someone who normally visits minigame servers to visit our server. 

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OK last thing I have to suggest. This is it for me probably forever to. Frist imbrace ideas not shut them done. Have a thicker skin MOD group not all people will kiss your feet. Next this server caters to a small groups. So if you guys want to get more you have to d uncomfortable uncomfortable are just become another "OH nerd.nu I remember that sever it a shame they have such a small fan base".

P.S I now a large Youtuber I told about this server he went on once and said that he never come back do to the rudeness of the sever mods and players.

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  On 1/29/2014 at 8:53 PM, PvtSnowball said:

OK last thing I have to suggest. This is it for me probably forever to. Frist imbrace ideas not shut them done. Have a thicker skin MOD group not all people will kiss your feet. Next this server caters to a small groups. So if you guys want to get more you have to d uncomfortable uncomfortable are just become another "OH nerd.nu I remember that sever it a shame they have such a small fan base".

P.S I now a large Youtuber I told about this server he went on once and said that he never come back do to the rudeness of the sever mods and players.


This server has gone quite a way with doing new things to a practically vanilla server.  The greatest thing about this server (and it's possible downfall to some) is it's not constantly berating the player base for voting for their server online for rewards in-game or the perpetual DONATE TO UNLOCK XXX RANK.  People aren't always bowing down to kiss the feet of the mods here.  Some of the most humble mods here I've ever seen.


Secondly I really hope your not talking about a particular Youtube that come to mind from Rev 11, if he's who I think he is.. then I can't help but to laugh at 'large Youtuber' 

>possibly meaning 16bitTom

>shiggy diggy




I WILL admit, I do love the idea of minigames, and I have often thought about helping to build possible minigame arenas and such for the event server.  It would be great to have something there on weekends when something isn't scheduled.  Obviously we have Survival for PvP or arenas on PvE for PvP nights here and there.  I can't say I would be fully capable of building said arenas... just because I'm in the middle of my spring semester (+ work).  I haven't been as committed to my minecraft playing lately as well


RE:EDIT: words

Edited by The_Exemplar
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  On 1/28/2014 at 4:16 PM, PvtSnowball said:

Hello Guys,

Here is a idea that might help. I now am a massive active player on [Redacted]. I think what they have been doing is something that you guys should do. What they do is they have mini games sever that brings in more than 300 players constantly. Also, they have the survival, pvp, creative and, also something I think would be a good addition skyblocks. As you guys have now found out there is a very small group that plays all 3. When I played on this sever many people interacted with the other  to severs. though the set of the server I am on you are always interacting with the different player wether they are in the sky creative pvp are survival. Now I have said this many times adding mini games will bring in many people and then they will be very curious with the other servers. So that my 2 cents take or leave it.

 Although we probably aren't looking to be a gigantic community with 1,000+ players, I think what he's saying is there is more cross-server interaction. I hate to say it but we don't have much of that. The only exception being when people build on C to plan for Survival or Pve. Some people hate it but I think we could do more community-wide events. Players from different servers could meet each other and give different servers a try. This has absolutely nothing to do with advertising, though.


  On 1/29/2014 at 8:35 PM, WondrLand said:

I know this sounds silly, but maybe reaching out to popular (good-natured) Youtubers for a server tour or something? I know one in particular has started traveling to other servers (in particular only minigame servers so far) to get them more attention. I don't know if money is involved but if they do it for just asking that would be very nice. The only downside to this and why I'm apprehensive about it is that if I invite someone to the server (chances are they'll say no, but if they say yes), that they'll spawn the wrong type of players to the server. That being said, if we are advertising elsewhere, then I guess that risk is assumed anyway.


EDIT: aaaand I just realized this was mentioned in a post above this as "video bloggers" oh well here is my opinion about that then



No, it doesn't sound silly. YouTubers could bring a lot of traffic to our servers. 


I have one YouTuber in particular, he does videos for servers called "Server Spotlights". I played on a PvP server that payed him ~$50 and it brought an influx of new players to it. It's success & popularity could actually be acredited to that video. I know for a fact that he sometimes does the videos for free but usually he charges. If you were wondering what this YouTuber's name is, It's HuskyMUDKIPZ. I have no idea about the costs for a video now, though.


Another person I have in mind was actually a former moderator here. Some of you may be familiar with her, aymbot. I tried contacting her a couple weeks ago when I first saw this thread. I inboxed her on reddit, but I did not get a response. Perhaps we could try to reach her another way? I'm sure that a former moderator and player of MCPublic would do us the favor of making a video on it. However, Her YouTube channel is much, much smaller than the aforementioned.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/29/2014 at 4:51 PM, TheRandomnatrix said:

Adding to that, I've been on my fair share of minigames servers, and while they're fun for a while, they get boring fast. It'd require features to be added constanly to keep it interesting, time of which could be spent on other more important tasks. Also, minigames servers tend to attract a more casual no-strings-attached playerbase, which I feel is not the kind of people we should be catering to.

or 7 year olds.

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  On 1/28/2014 at 4:16 PM, PvtSnowball said:

Hello Guys,

Here is a idea that might help. I now am a massive active player on [Redacted]. I think what they have been doing is something that you guys should do. What they do is they have mini games sever that brings in more than 300 players constantly. Also, they have the survival, pvp, creative and, also something I think would be a good addition skyblocks. As you guys have now found out there is a very small group that plays all 3. When I played on this sever many people interacted with the other  to severs. though the set of the server I am on you are always interacting with the different player wether they are in the sky creative pvp are survival. Now I have said this many times adding mini games will bring in many people and then they will be very curious with the other servers. So that my 2 cents take or leave it.


I have to agree that minigame's are the main attraction across this game right now, the most successful servers all have them, even any that I've seen with more than 50 players steadily...and it's been that way for a while. But, then, I agree that this server shouldn't do that, besides perhaps a Skyblock world.

Since minigames are a no, and sucess in voting sites is really unlikely without giving a bonus for votes...it's either paid advertisement, which isn't sustainable since there are no perks for donating, or, like was suggested, getting a Youtuber.


Problem with that? He was completely right. You need attractions to bring them in, usually they won't just come in to take a tour unless you've got a deal going, like a high-population server letting a popular redstoner build something massive (Hehe...).

So most servers go with minigames.

But this server has a good community.

We might not be able to do minigames, but we can make attractions. I don't mean ships and giant snakes, though.

To bring 'famous' people in more easily, we need things that are interesting and interractive. Something that they'll want to try out, and not just look at; you look at something with a picture.

Personally? I think the Uberproject would be great for one of several attractions, but I have no ideas besides some sort of mass redstone/parquor adventure with a Portal feeling, but that doesn't seem like enough.

All I can say is that we need something that'll capture their attention, and that they'll want to come on and play with.



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I like that idea, throw some minigames into the lobby or something! The best part about these games is they can be made by players of the servers! Skywars, Skyblock, PVP gamemodes, Paintball, etc can all be created by players of our servers. It would be a great way of giving players a way to help bring more players. (have the games cycle maps and modes to keep it from being stale)

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I really would be against a mini-games server. It'd require a whole new shitload of technical support, admins, and split up the free playtime of moderators even more.

However, I'd be happy for a small mini-game or two in the lobby as Difficult1 said. Nothing special, perhaps a parkour course above, perhaps a small punt arena below the lobby itself. Sure, mini-games are a core component of Minecraft as a whole, but that doesn't make them compulsory - nor does it mean that nerd.nu has to immediately adapt to it and become like so many other servers out there.

Perhaps in the future when more players are very keen on it, I'd love one. 

But at the moment it won't see enough use or encouragement, that's my opinion at least. 

Edited by EeHee2000
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