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[PMC] Helping Out with Creative Revision 26


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Looking forward to helping out with setting up next revision's map? Here's your chance!  As seen here, our plan is to reset the map next Friday, so we'll need a bit of help fleshing out spawn a bit more. Most of spawn has already been built, but details, smaller buildings, and interiors still need to be done. Currently, all mods who have asked to help out and all admins are whitelisted on the preparation server, accessible at:


IP: [Redacted]

Port: 25565 (default)


If you're not on the whitelist and would like to be, let us know here and we'll add you. (Any admins, feel free to whitelist people if they ask). Please note, this is not a 'preview' of the new map for staff members. This is an opportunity for you to help out with the new map, not to scout for places to build. It should also go without saying that details about the map which have not been publicly announced are not to be discussed with non-staff members.


Additionally, all admins have been opped on the prep server; if any mods would like to be opped (for WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, etc.), let an admin know, and that can be arranged. There's also a sign board at spawn with stuff that needs to be done, which will be updated as necessary.


Let me know if you'd like any other plugins/configuration changes on the server.

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Hey everyone just an update, we really need to get the spawn castle decorated before the reset on Friday.  Many of the rooms have descriptions of what they are, but are not decorated.  If you have some time, it would be awesome if you hopped on and decorated a room, Neva did the library yesterday and it looks fantastic.  It doesn't have to be too fancy either, but just make it so the spawn doesn't look empty.

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