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Update on PvE Rev?


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  On 2/3/2015 at 2:48 PM, Zomise said:

Nooo, can't yet. Need moar time.


(I still think a known timetable would be awesome.)


A known timetable would be great for all 3 servers. It sucks not knowing how long we're stuck on dead revisions.

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  On 2/3/2015 at 6:35 PM, unce said:

A known timetable would be great for all 3 servers. It sucks not knowing how long we're stuck on dead revisions.


Can we just set a revision ending date when starting a rev/in the middle of a revision (for all servers, or possibly Survival and Creative specifically)? I think when we set a one-three month deadline, it makes the revision more interesting since you have an idea of when it's going to end, and you can make plans on whether or not you plan to play accordingly.

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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  On 2/3/2015 at 10:09 PM, tobylane said:

When there isn't a deadline, we want a deadline. When there is a deadline we don't want a deadline.


Not sure where you're getting this idea, unless you're talking specifically about PvE in which case I'm not involved. I think all survival players would like a deadline for when the revision is ending at this point.

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  On 2/3/2015 at 10:34 PM, tobylane said:

I originally meant it for PVE, per the topic title. I believe it is also true for Creative from personal experience, and true for Survival not from personal experience.



Well then you're speaking for yourself. It's always good to have a general idea of when the revision may end. At this point I'm reluctant to build anymore on S because of the uncertainty of how much longer it's going to be online.

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The assumption is that they're going for 1.8, so probably not until all the bugfixes for external plugins/updates for server-developed plugins are completed. There were still some bugfixes going on major plugins about a month ago. Then, account for time of setup, configuration, and familiarization with new systems, as at least 2 plugins are being discontinued, (hell if I remember the other but) one being WorldBorder due to being obsolete. Well, WorldBorder's sort of updated, but...if it won't continue to update under the current system, then it's best to move away from it.

Uh...that is, if I had to guess.

Edited by Pyr0mrcow
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