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Comments, Questions, Concerns on Rev 28


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What's the plan regarding events and arenas? Are players going to be helping with these events? Will players have the ability to host SAL (or separate player ran arena leagues)? 


Also since it seems we'll probably be in chaos for a while, what's the plan regarding chaos arenas?

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Nice sig change.


What about raiding? You said you'd be "bringing back in aspects of raiding", and I've been wondering what was meant by that. I'm a PvE person, but I used to greatly enjoy servers that allowed destruction of property (mainly wiping out anyone who got too nosey in my territory), so that interests me. Might pop on Survival from time to time depending on the extent of raiding allowed.

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You've said vaguely what you want to achieve in the introduction post but not how you're going to do that. In terms of actual gameplay, what are you plans for revision 28? 


We're looking into different options, but our focus at the moment is to make the server more survival based while not having drawbacks from PvP. The gameplay will be a bit more difficult, but will also be more rewarding.



What's the plan regarding events and arenas? Are players going to be helping with these events? Will players have the ability to host SAL (or separate player ran arena leagues)? 


Also since it seems we'll probably be in chaos for a while, what's the plan regarding chaos arenas?


Events are going to be more prominent, and not just arenas either. We have no issues with players running player run arenas on Survival, nor would we be against having a trial run of players running arenas on Chaos. If people can be responsible then we can perhaps work out a deal with players having access to green text for player ran arenas. As far as SAL, it's likely going to be more admin ran than anything. I don't think this will be an issue at all though with the active team we have.



Survival has seen some experimentation in the past few revs, especially with the Civcraft rev. Are there any plugins or policies that you think stand out as possible candidates for the upcoming rev? 


At the moment, we're not going to be giving away many details on the plug ins we'll be using. However we’re always open to suggestions.



You've said that some of your ideas for R28 require custom plugins.  Do you plan to keep that development in-house, or allow members of the community to contribute?


None of us are against the community contributing with plug ins at all. But at the same time some of the custom plug ins we don't exactly want out there. If there are custom plug ins we need made to advance and we believe our best option is seeing if the community can assist, then that will be our stance. If you feel that you have a skill set that could contribute to plugin making, please send us a PM about it, or if you have any plugin suggestions.



Nice sig change.


What about raiding? You said you'd be "bringing back in aspects of raiding", and I've been wondering what was meant by that. I'm a PvE person, but I used to greatly enjoy servers that allowed destruction of property (mainly wiping out anyone who got too nosey in my territory), so that interests me. Might pop on Survival from time to time depending on the extent of raiding allowed.


We're still discussing raiding at the moment, there isn't any set plans for this yet. The biggest thing is we don't want everyone hiding at bedrock. 


When will rev 28 end?


We have no set end date yet, this will be discussed more closer to launch.

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