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Why do we have Head Admins?


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WCS wrote this a while back. may be relevant here: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/437-ac-pmc-community-and-what-that-means/?p=3113



-Admins: I feel like the various admin positions are significantly different from the moderator position. In the most general terms mods have a small scale focus and admins have a much broader focus. This is partially due to the fact that there is sensitive information that is generally best kept on a need to know basis, and also that when it comes to making decisions about potentially contentious issues it is often best to be able to move forward quickly rather than to be bogged down by discussion. I loathe to drag real world politics into this, but look at the US Congress for example. Endless unproductive discussion with very few results to show for it. We’re providing a service (multiplayer minecraft gameplay) and it’s often best if decisive action can be taken without much delay. These people have access to avenues of communication (forums, irc, in game) that allow that targeted discussion to take place.


-Head admins: Facilitate communication between the various admins and mods when necessary, including coordination of map resets. special events, and Minecraft updates. Sign off on rule changes on the servers including server specific rules and general mcpublic rules. Moderate and resolve disputes between various staff members and groups of players. Remove staff members when necessary. In very rare cases remove players from the community when they are especially dangerous or disruptive. Provide final approval on new moderators and admins.Sign off on expenditure of funds. Perform server admin tasks on any of the servers when comfortable in order to reduce the workload of server admins.  

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Guest Former Staff

I can't speak for the head admins, but my opinion about their role and what they should contribute to the servers are the following:


  • Overall, to ensure the survival of the servers by...
  • Appointing new admins, moderators, keeping fingers in all aspects of our community from fundraising events to making sure that feedback is reaching the right people.
  • Conflict handling. This can be time consuming but ultimately head admins should be fair and impartial enough to help people to either get along with a solution that works for both parties.
  • Acting as relief for other admins so that they can focus on other tasks (such as upcoming revisions).
  • Unifying the community by being a spokesperson for not just one server but all and our extended gaming community on steam.
  • Maintaining the servers by keeping staff rosters clean, policies relevant and fostering transparency.

In a more general sense the following set of criteria can apply for anyone helping as staff but may be somewhat more significant for head admins:


  • To maintain an active presence in the community.
  • Share the workload: Head admins from my experience either handled issues as they developed or created their own projects to work on such as we've seen the community interaction policy.

That is all that rolls off the top of my head now. I realise there have been several replies to this topic while I have been typing this so I am going to read those and reply (if I have anything worth adding) in a new post.

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In general I saw them as being in charge of staff relations, they'd have the final say in issues like people being modded/demodded, they would have the final say in new rules for all 3 servers, they'd be in charge of general meetings, keeping players updated with any new additions that are coming to the servers in general. They can have the final say in issues like if a player is to be allowed to return to the community or not. That sort of stuff.

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Mumberthrax and Barlimore covered pretty much everything - basically HR and management.


We've deprecated uservoice in favor of a suggestions subforum right here - this consolidation should make responses much more visible and prompt (from me at least, I admit I had forgotten the uservoice's existence from time to time).

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Mumberthrax and Barlimore covered pretty much everything - basically HR and management.

We've deprecated uservoice in favor of a suggestions subforum right here - this consolidation should make responses much more visible and prompt (from me at least, I admit I had forgotten the uservoice's existence from time to time).

We have HR? Do we have dental too?

On a serious note i think the heads play a crucial role in ensuring the happiness of everyone and despite jchance sucking I think we can all appreciate the behind the scenes work they put in to keep order on a larger scale. From budgeting to reports to still finding time to play In game it's a serious role to take on and shouldn't be over looked. Sure the actual job title doesn't have clear "you show up 9-5 and do this" type instructions but does keep it to the basic outline of leadership.

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