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Starting a "pub" quiz on mumble


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I've always wanted to host a pub quiz, but pubs IRL smell like old people and the beer mostly tastes like earwax. The atmosphere is what's great and it can be replicated by gathering enough rowdy people in one place, a place like our currently empty mumble and event server. The next big problem is that a formal pub quiz is a naff spectator sport, while one without strict rules is a noisy uncompetitive mess, my solution is to mix in quiz show elements which make for more interesting and audience inclusive presentation. Credit to Barlimore for prompting this post with his suggestion in the events thread.


First off you need a format. I'm thinking two teams per match and 2 matches of 20 questions every Friday or Saturday night. 5-10 questions are open response, first team to buzz in gets 15 seconds to give their first and final answer, correct answers open up 1-2 bonus multiple choice questions on which there isn't a strict time limit and there's a one time option to go 50-50, ask a friend in the channel or ask the audience as a whole to vote. Teams with the lowest scores get knocked out each round as we move from quarters to semis to finals, meaning the quiz would run for around a month probably.


Then you need a venue and we should start by having a competition to build one, I think builds in the style of British panel shows like QI and University Challenge would be best, but anything that accommodates two teams, audience seating and the people running the event would work fine. I suggest the event server to host this because it would give it a special touch and not cause any of the main server chats to get spammed. 


Next you need the following people to be interested and then commit to turning up:


Host (question asker and maker, I'll do this if my shitty old mic allows, but it would be a good idea to have more than one person ready to do it)

Score keeper

Teams of 4 or less people

An audience


This needs a minimum of 3-4 teams of 2-4 people and ideally some spectators to make it viable. There's the logistics about when we host it and who wants to come, but I'll see if enough people are interested to start with in the hope that the actual thing can attract 20 or so people into mumble and in the same game area at one time.


Lastly good prizes. Bragging rights and special flairs are of courser priceless, but even better would be substantial ingame rewards, like money for the server shops, access to high value loot or maybe even something steam related. 


Oh yeah question are pretty important too, I'm good with most things except sport, but if there are particular topics people want to include suggest away, also what balance should be struck between silly questions and serious-ish ones and whether people are interested in picture questions and other more game showy things.






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Guest Former Staff

For a change I am lacking words here simply because you've put the idea in such a good format that I do not have much else to add other than I would be interested in creating a studio on creative for this event (possibly in the new creative revision to be used on the event server, based on your idea above). In terms of participating, I wouldn't mind keeping score provided I can attend (timezones).

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No performance enhancing drugs cdmrtebeok/s


It's nice to see some interest in the idea. I'll float a poll later on with timezones and specific dates and see if it generates more of the response needed to get this off the ground, but I think I'm going to need staff assistance to get it to work if in fact it can. Maybe it could be an official event?

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Hey Ridiculous - This is a neat idea and I quite like it. The only issue I have is I am currently working on restructuring E and setting up Player-Ran-Events so E is unavailable at the moment. It should hopefully be up for everyone to use in a few weeks so that you can do things like this but at the moment it is not. I would recommend using a ClanChat on S or Mumble Chat for the time being. As for a Mumble channel, please let any mod or admin in mumble know and we will be happy to make you a channel.

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Guest Former Staff
It's nice to see some interest in the idea. I'll float a poll later on with timezones and specific dates and see if it generates more of the response needed to get this off the ground


Once we have a set time / date & full details, please create an information post in the events forum and I'll make sure we add it to the calendar fr prominence.

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