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Hasta Luego


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Due to my increasingly busy life, I'm going to be taking my leave from Nerd until things calm down. 


I've had a good time playing on S. I was lucky enough to witness a lot of crazy drama, amazing clan rivalries and meet some great people. Although I have always been awful at PvP, it was still fun trying to rek some of you scrubs.


Thanks to all you past and present players for making the game fun. Especially, Hamsale, Emery17, Mrg, Diz, rtr, Tharine, n00ble, pkome, buchanamanaman, prebenmar, sir noob, chewsonthemove, IDANUB, uni0, tornadohorse, aboov, mumberthrax and all the rest of you that are escaping my memory at the moment. You probably know who you are anyway.







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Guest Former Staff

Due to my increasingly busy life, I'm going to be taking my leave from Nerd until things calm down. 


I hope all is well with you, take care for now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

welcome to the club ^_^

 :O Is there a secret hangout?








I promised myself I wouldn't cry :'(

You're such a baby



It was great knowing you djt, although we really weren't friends haha. Good luck in whatever you do next man. 

Yeah, we might not have been the best of friends, but you still made the server fun/ frustrating. And thats a good thing.

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You're such a baby


Coming from the person who "left" and is still responding like this is an AMA? 1v1, you and me, monkey balloon tower defense. I'm about to make you say "Hasta Luego" to the internet after this destruction 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Coming from the person who "left" and is still responding like this is an AMA? 1v1, you and me, monkey balloon tower defense. I'm about to make you say "Hasta Luego" to the internet after this destruction 

m8 ill fuk u left 2 rite, ur ded, gg rip. 


goob riddance i say!!!!!!!!!!!

i still lub  u

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