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Everything posted by Dumbo52

  1. This sounds like a great idea to me - I'd never have a problem with someone running a contest on C.
  2. jhaelenn12, You were banned for griefing on the Creative server: Since this ban is three weeks old, I'm willing to unban you if you reply stating that you have read and agree to follow our rules. Reply back here at your convenience, and you'll be unbanned by me or another staff member.
  3. So, the winners of the scavenger hunt have been announced, and I'd like to make sure that they do receive their items for the CTF event. One idea I have is to put each player's items in their ender chests when they join. This way, the players would not immediately receive these items when the event begins, but it wouldn't take too long for each team to build an ender chest. While sloppy, it's probably easiest to hard-code the items into a CommandHelper script which runs when one of the winners first joins. I'd be willing to write this if I get the go-ahead from those in charge of the event. My proposal for the items given to each of the winners (personalized for each player): First Prize (Magnyus) Stone Slab (43:9)Name: Not Sandstone Knockback VI Fire Aspect II Splash Potion of Swiftness (373:16386)Name: The Spirit of Mira Speed (3:00) Strength (3:00) Regeneration (3:00) Iron Sword (267)Name: .--. .. .-. .- - . ... Sharpness V Knockback II Unbreaking V Second Prize (dobreira) Spawn Creeper (383:50)Name: Jeffrey Knockback V Fire Aspect I Splash Potion of Weakness (373:16456)Name: The Road to Limbo Weakness (3:00) Slowness (3:00) Blindness (0:30) Iron Sword (267)Name: The One-Armed Devil Sharpness IV Knockback II Unbreaking V Third Prize (difficult1) Written Book (387)Name: The Fibonacci Sequence Knockback IV Fire Aspect I Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (373:16419)Name: A Difficult Solution Fire Resistance (3:00) Resistance (3:00) Jump Boost (3:00) Iron Sword (267)Name: The Penetrator Sharpness IV Knockback I Unbreaking V I'm planning on not releasing this list, but allowing the winners to find out themselves what the items are. Let me know if you have any concerns or suggested changes regarding the fairness of this distribution. EDIT: The associated CommandHelper script is now available here.
  4. I discussed this briefly with Barlimore and Cyotie yesterday. If we find it necessary to recruit a fourth server admin (for any of the servers), I say we go for it. Since it sounds like we may need a fourth CAdmin with all that's going on, I'd fully support the search for a fourth one.
  5. This is a cross-post from the subreddit. Check there for updates. The Creative server will be holding a scavenger hunt beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (with prizes)! Everyone is welcome to join. If you're interested, read on. Details and Rules The first clue will be released in this post on the subreddit at 6:00 PM EST on Tuesday, September 3rd. Don't attempt to begin before then. All clues will be found on the Creative server. This is not a cross-server scavenger hunt. This event is intended to be challenging. Be observant and don't forget to use the cartograph to your advantage. (Even in its currently broken state, it will still be useful.) If it looks like you're taking the last of an item from a chest, don't worry -- chances are, the chest gets automatically refilled. Be courteous to your fellow scavengers. Don't attempt to sabotage any parts of the scavenger hunt - that's not cool. You're allowed to work in groups if you want, but don't spoil the fun for others! There are people who would like to complete the scavenger hunt legitimately, without any spoilers. As a corollary, it's recommended that you're in /tpmode ask or /tpmode deny while hunting so that you don't receive any unwanted guests. Make sure to record the numbers on the signs at each location. (The signs that you'll need to take note of all look like this.) As long as you're observant, you won't miss any. The first three players to complete the scavenger hunt will receive a perk during the upcoming CTF event. Instructions for indicating completion are posted at the end. Lastly, I'd like to thank buzzinbee, GuyJones, joshuaherman, MasterCommaThe, Morkrash, and ROCKONN for helping to organize the scavenger hunt. I couldn't have pulled this off without them. Happy hunting!
  6. For anyone who's not aware, I'm planning on releasing a scavenger hunt on the Creative server within the next couple of days. I was discussing with another staff member the prizes that would be awarded to the first three or so players to complete the scavenger hunt, and the idea of perks during the CTF event came up. For example, the first person to finish the scavenger hunt might be given a short team buff that the player could invoke once during the event. Another suggestion that was brought up was to give an enchanted item to each of the first three finishers at the beginning of the event. These perks would be nothing game-changing, but I think they would provide an incentive for players to want to attempt the scavenger hunt. I'd like to get the scavenger hunt up pretty soon, so I'd appreciate any feedback I can get on whether this idea is feasible.
  7. I think this is a great idea. After discussion in IRC, it sounds like the selection process will go something like this: We establish several requirements that each entry must follow. If an entry does not follow one of the requirements, it is disqualified. We state that admins reserve the right to disqualify any submissions. While most troll entries would be caught by the requirements, this would eliminate any entries that are purposely walking on the edges of our requirements. The entries that pass the initial screening (this will be most of them) will be voted on by the community in a poll. The most popular design for each server will win. If we agree on this process, we can probably start thinking about the requirements we'll use. I'm thinking that two of the requirements would be that the crest is 32x32 or 16x16 blocks (whichever we decide) and that the crest displays the letter designating the server that the crest belongs to. Any ideas?
  8. Thanks for your response, ThatKindaGuy. You've been unbanned.
  9. ThatKindaGuy, I apologize for not attending to this appeal sooner; I've been extremely busy over the past two weeks and haven't had much time. Thanks for being patient, though - it's much appreciated. So, here's the deal: Your account was caught griefing over a year ago with an IP used by over 40 other accounts. Additionally, the IP that you're posting from isn't connected to any accounts, so chances are, your account was compromised. Please change your password if you haven't done so recently in order to verify that only you have access to your account. After doing that, if you read the rules and reply here saying that you have done so, I'll be happy to unban you. Thanks, Dumbo52
  10. First off, I'd like to apologize for my severely limited activity over the past month or so - particularly over the last two weeks, during which my activity has been close to zero. The gist of it is, I've had a ton of stuff on my plate (moving, family emergencies, lots more IRL stuff...). Most of what I've been dealing with is over now, though, so I should be pretty much back in business from now on. It's unfortunate that my absence had to fall on this particular time when we're getting ready for the Creative reset, but several very capable people have been planning for the reset. I'd like to thank Barlimore for continuing to lead the way even while having to do head-hammy stuff, Cyotie for helping out with everything amidst his busy life, Buzzinbee for sacrificing his sanity to the community by stepping up to the role of CAdmin, and all of the other moderators and staff for keeping the servers in check. You guys are great. But yeah, I'm back.
  11. Keithkong1, Thanks for replying. You've been unbanned from the servers - enjoy yourself!
  12. Clsauer, I apologize for not having been able to handle this sooner; I'm stuck in a hotel with severely limited internet access. Since your ban date has passed and I am currently unable to access the resources needed to provide evidence for or against your argument, I'm going to go ahead and unban you now. Please try not to end up here again.
  13. Keithkong1, Thanks for your patience; my access to the internet has been severely limited over the past couple of days. Because this ban is six months old and because I currently do not have access to all of my resources, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and unban you. Please reply here stating that you have read the rules and agree to abide by them during your stay on our servers. After doing so, I or another moderator will unban you.
  14. Clsauer, You were banned for griefing on the Creative server. You destroyed another player's build and built a cemetery on top of it: Additionally, you were aware of the fact that you had destroyed the previous structure: The original state of the building: In addition, as another member of staff will indicate here shortly, you also engaged in a couple of other offenses to the rules. I am willing to unban you if you reply here three days from now (Monday, June 16) stating that you have read and agree to abide by the rules. Please note that this ban was issued as more of a warning than a 'punishment' and was meant to provide a more structured setting in which to discuss your offense; I am being very lenient with your ban length. Let me know if you have any further concerns.
  15. The answer to life, the universe, and everything: Duct tape. Lots of it.
  16. Dylkilla, You have been unbanned. Try not to end up here again.
  17. Unfortunately, I'll be on a plane to San Francisco while the meeting is going on. I'll leave my input to the discussion with Barlimore and Cyotie.
  18. This gets a thumbs-up from me to move to MCP. After Cyotie comments here, fire when ready.
  19. If this information helps at all, I can navigate the forums just fine on both Firefox and Chrome on my Nexus 7.
  20. It's that time again! We're well into the current revision of Creative, and the question has already begun to float around the Creative community: What's next? A good amount of discussion has already taken place within our team of admins as to what we'd like Revision 25 of Creative to look like, in terms of both the map and policy. One topic which we've been pondering is biome distribution. This is where we need your help: we'd like input on how much of each type of biome you want to see. I've included a poll in this topic, in order to give us a more quantitative analysis of your views. What can I do to help? Everyone's input is valuable here, whether you're a Creative regular or not. With this thread, we're hoping to spark some discussion about this topic and receive feedback on what we can do in order to make next revision enjoyable for everyone. To help out with the decision on how to distribute biomes and other terrain features, you can start by submitting your vote in the poll attached to this discussion. The three poll questions are relatively self-explanatory; please try to select only a few choices from the first two questions. Additional feedback regarding the terrain is also appreciated. If you have comments, questions, concerns, or any suggestions, just post in this thread. How will the results be used? The next map will be created using WorldPainter, a third party tool which allows us to 'paint' the biomes and terrain that we want onto the map. We will tabulate the results of the poll and analyze how much of each type of terrain is warranted by the community's input. We will also take into account responses that come in the form of posts, as these can provide valuable insight which the poll results lack. This topic is solely meant for discussion on the terrain, biomes, and land features that will be present in the coming revision. Please hold off on your unrelated comments on next revision; there will be a place to post those later on.
  21. MrMcLovin98, As stated by Cyotie, you were banned for homophobia. After a prolonged case of blatant trolling on your part, you decided to use a homophobic slur in an attempt to dispel the bullying of your alleged 6-year-old son: 2013-05-28 16:38:15 | <MrMcLovin98> Stop bullying my kid, you fucking queer. This type of language is completely unacceptable. To be unbanned, please reply here no earlier than Friday, May 31st stating that you have read and agree to follow the rules in addition to any of the rules you have broken. It also wouldn't hurt to take a look at the post Cyotie linked you to.
  22. Protienshakes, Thanks for taking responsibility for your account's actions. You are responsible for your own account, so make sure that you have secured your account and that no one else has access to it. Other than that, please read the rules before rejoining the servers. I've unbanned you now - welcome back! Dumbo52
  23. Protienshakes, You were banned for griefing on C. This included maliciously redirecting lava; you had no constructive edits. Do you take responsibility for your account's actions shown here? If so, we can continue with the appeals process.
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