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Everything posted by Dumbo52

  1. Lilly0011, Since this ban is a year and a half old, I've gone ahead and unbanned you. Welcome back.
  2. blazeboykin, Since this ban is a year and a half old, I've gone ahead and unbanned you. Welcome back.
  3. alice1yu, You were banned for griefing on the Creative server. Even if you plan on building something in the spot that another build is taking up, that is no reason for tearing the build apart; you should instead try to find another area to build in. Since it has already been three months since your ban, please reply here stating that you have read and agree to our rules in order to be unbanned.
  4. I've been continuing to work on the speedbuilding arena. While it's not finished, it is technically functional, so I'd like to hold the first contest within the next couple of weeks. Additionally, we will be holding a Creative Mumble meeting (probably occurring this coming weekend and announced later today) in order to discuss with you some new ideas for improvement and answer questions. We have several additions and changes in mind which we'd like to share with you, so we'd like this to be an informative and productive event. More details will be made available in the announcement post.
  5. I believe we can only benefit from having a general server meeting, but as others have said, further input from players on what topics are of importance would improve the staff's ability to make informed decisions on what topics to cover. While I don't have as great a feel for P or S as other players here may, I don't believe that this "rift" between our servers is quite as bad as some people make it out to be. Yes, there are some people who regard C, P, and S as their own individual entities rather than a unified whole; instead, we should ensure that all three are working towards a common goal of optimizing the experience of the players. Such a goal, however, can't be effectively addressed unless we break it down into its contributing factors. With virtually every action that's taken by the staff, with a large enough audience, it can pretty much be guaranteed that there are dissenters. And while such opinions seem to be frequently disregarded, they often have a point. In preparation for this meeting, I suggest we go through some of these comments and ask, what could we have done better? For example, changes were recently made to some of our rules, and it was mentioned that we should have gotten more feedback from the community before doing so. Maybe, maybe not, but this brings up the more general question of transparency and how the staff can compromise between security, privacy, and openness. I don't think we've been doing too bad a job of this lately, but I have seen several threads which don't need to be at the level of privacy at which they were posted, so this may be one topic to be revisited in a general server meeting. Again, I believe much of the content should come from the player base, and I encourage people to submit their own ideas and concerns so that when the meeting does happen, we'll be able to have a positive and productive discussion.
  6. I know that at least a few players on Creative have expressed an interest in a Nerd-operated nodded Minecraft server, so while I don't believe that I would play on it much, I'd be interested in seeing how things go for a while. My largest concern about this was the potential difficulty of moderating the server, including logging interactions and monitoring the strain on the server caused by extensive mechanized setups, but if the tools developed to counter these problems are effective, this sound like it could be a worthwhile investment. I am a little worried that an FTB server might end up spreading players even more sparsely between our servers, but hopefully it can also be used to attract a larger number of players to Nerd.
  7. The reason for the expansion is primarily that it had already been planned. Our intentions to expand based on a schedule were initially announced here ("A schedule of our planned expansion times will be posted later on"), and further elaborated on in this post. The reason behind expanding the map every few weeks is to allow newer players to claim large areas upon expansions throughout the revision instead of forcing players to weave between other small builds in order to fit their large project in. The expansions were fitted to a schedule in order to give players an idea ahead of time of when the expansions would occur so that players might have a better chance to plan ahead on their builds. I think it's become pretty clear, though, that the schedule isn't completely necessary. Just posting about a map expansion <= a week in advance would be more than enough notice, I think. I know that some people have been excited about exploring the new terrain, but I agree with you that at this time, the expansion wasn't entirely necessary. In the past, we've just expanded whenever the map has started to get a little cluttered, and while that's less organized than our current system, I think it probably worked better. I'd actually like to hold a Creative Mumble meeting some time in the near future in order to discuss people's concerns and ideas on how to grow Creative. This will be announced more officially within a week or so, but this is one of the topics of discussion I'd be interested in hearing everyone's opinions about; there's a possibility that we might adjust our expansion plan mid-rev to take into account the progress on the revision so far.
  8. There are a couple of small ideas for Creative that have been proposed, but no action has been taken on them yet. I'd like to use this thread to facilitate discussion of these ideas (particularly between the Creative and tech admins, though others' opinions are certainly welcome) so that they can actually see some daylight and (possibly) be implemented on C. A good portion of Creative players have been asking for the /hat command for a while now; is there any reason not to allow default players to use the command? I had been told a while ago that it couldn't be enabled due to the possibility of player data corruption, but I haven't been able to figure out how this is able to lead to data corruption any more than the /i command is. I've also talked with a couple of techs now who haven't seen a problem with it. Is there a basis for this concern, or are hats safe? If they are safe, I think we should enable the /hat command on C. The idea of command blocks has also come up. The proposal is to allow admins to place command blocks at players' requests on C; after receiving a request, the admin would evaluate the command to determine whether it's appropriate or not. The main reason for enabling this would be to give players' builds another level of functionality, particularly for use in "test"-like builds which require the player to pass through a series of challenges. For example, someone might want to give an item to or play a sound for a player once they reach a certain spot. We would only allow certain commands to be used, of course; I'm thinking we would allow commands such as /effect, /give, /playsound, /tell, /testfor, and /tp. Additional conditions would also need to be met, such as specifying only a limited range of players and being connected to 'reasonable' redstone (e.g. not a clock such that the player's inventory gets filled to capacity). In general, though, command blocks would be evaluated from a holistic standpoint, in reference to how it is used. I spoke with LadyCailin a couple of days ago, and it sounds like one concern with this idea is containment. For example, once a command block is placed, how would we assure that the surrounding redstone is not changed in order to utilize the command block in a different way than was originally planned? The idea of using EasySigns as a replacement was proposed as a replacement: As I understand it, they could be bound to buttons, pressure plates, and levers to trigger an event. While this would evade the problem, the signs would also prevent events from being triggered dynamically at all and would only trigger events upon direct interaction with the player. However, this situation would in part eliminate one of the uses of command blocks -- to dynamically run commands based on redstone input. A more desirable solution, I think, would be to use the existing tools we have at our disposal. Before placing a command block, we check the redstone to ensure that it is reasonable and doesn't do anything unwanted. The entire area of contiguous redstone would then be protected with a 2-block buffer, with no owners or members. This would prevent anyone from editing the redstone after the fact; if the builder does request to edit the area again, the command block will need to be removed and requested again after the player is done editing. This process has the potential to be a bit of a hassle, but it would ensure that command blocks are safe and do only what they were originally intended to do. Feedback on these ideas would be appreciated. They're not huge changes, but I think they might bring a bit more to Creative that people have been interested in seeing.
  9. I think these changes look good. The "Don't be a dick" rule in particular just makes us look unprofessional, so the rewording to the more positive version is welcome in my opinion.
  10. If you haven’t heard already, I’ve been working on a SafeBuckets rewrite which uses block data instead of a database to collect data on the locations of safe sources. This provides several benefits, including better rollback of sources, and an ability to paste and move safe sources using WorldEdit. This additionally provides several features, including: Water and lava from buckets will initially be set as safe sources. Safe sources will not flow unless a staff member flows them or another source flows into them. You can check whether or not a fluid source block is safe by placing the fluid inspector tool block (lapis ore block). You can set a fluid source block either safe or unsafe by left clicking with the fluid inspector tool block. You can enable, disable, or give yourself a fluid inspector tool block with /sb toolblock [on|off|give]. Dispensers are initially unregistered when players place them. This means that if they dispense water or lava buckets, the resulting fluid source will be safe. Registered dispensers can dispense unsafe fluid sources. You can check whether or not a dispenser is registered by right clicking it with the dispenser inspector tool (blaze rod). You can register or unregister a dispenser by left clicking it with the dispenser inspector tool. You can enable, disable, or give yourself a fluid inspector tool with /sb tool [on|off|give]. You can flow any safe sources within a WorldEdit selection with /sb flow or /sb setunsafe. You can set safe any unsafe sources within a WorldEdit selection with /sb static or /sb setsafe. In order to prevent lingering flows from misplaced sources (especially lava - that stuff’s hard to clean up), setting a block safe will immediately remove all of its child flows. Fluid source changes by staff members are now logged in LogBlock. The source and possibly more complete documentation are available here. I'm currently running the new version of SafeBuckets on a server at [redacted], if you’d like to check it out and test things. Feel free to provide any feedback or suggestions. I plan on moving this to mod chat private within a few days, but I’d like initial feedback from other admins first — particularly from techs and heads, since I haven’t heard as much from them yet.
  11. Closing due to inactivity. Submit another appeal referencing this thread to be unbanned.
  12. This looks good to me, though the Creative map is currently at 3900x3900. We might want to change the last sentence to something like, "The map, currently 3900x3900 blocks, will expand over time and features a predominantly vanilla terrain with a touch of amplified and WorldPainted terrain mixed in." Other than that, looks great!
  13. 420TST, ROCKONN is not a member of staff, did not gain staff privileges, and did not grief your build. Your rendition of a plane flying into a burning World Trade Center was rolled back by the staff because it was considered an offensive build. However, this forum is for ban appeals only. If you'd actually like to appeal your ban, submit a proper appeal here.
  14. Joey1201, Thank you for taking responsibility for your actions. To be unbanned, please reply here on Friday, April 25 (two days from now) stating that you have read and agree to follow the rules.
  15. Deaththekid416, Sorry for the delay; your banning moderator, marting11, has been very busy lately. Since this ban is over 2 years old and you have already read the rules, I've gone ahead and unbanned you. Welcome back!
  16. Creative Revision 26 is just around the corner! We are extremely excited about our new map and hope that you guys are, too! Most of the map will have vanilla terrain, with a few areas of amplified terrain and a couple of WorldPainted biomes. The map will start off with dimensions of 3200x3200 blocks. Every few weeks, though, the map will be expanded to a larger area until we reach the final size of 6000x6000. A schedule of our planned expansion times will be posted later on. A 600x600 block Nether dimension will also be included in this map. However, we’re doing something a little differently this time. In a PvE-esque manner, we’ll start by hiding a Nether portal in an undisclosed location. This will give those players who spend time to explore a bit of a head-start in the Nether. (Don’t worry, though -- it won’t be too hard to find!) After a week or so, a warp will open up in the Nether, giving everyone access. Like revision 25, the map will have a couple of designated areas for building: spawn city, BigTown, and a spot for pixel art. Of course, the rest of the map will be free for anybody to build in. Aside from the map, there will also be a couple of changes to how the server runs. Most notably, Grass growth will be enabled. Leaf decay will be enabled. Arrows will be enabled. Look for more details at spawn next revision! The fun doesn’t just start at the reset, though! In the last 48 hours of the revision, we will be going into Chaos mode. Starting on Wednesday at 8:00 PM EDT, we will enter survival chaos mode. This means that griefing will be allowed, but players will be pitted against each other and will have to scavenge their own resources. Later on during the chaos period, likely a few hours before the reset at 8:00 PM EDT on Friday, we’ll enter TNT chaos mode: players will be able to fly around in creative mode and destroy the map with TNT. Don't forget that the final version of the map will be archived and made available shortly after the end of the revision. Looking forward to revision 26? Here are some teaser images so you can see what you’ll be getting yourself into. <cheese> Get hyped! Your admin team, Dumbo52 marting11 LetsBFehr *Console </cheese>
  17. Looking forward to helping out with setting up next revision's map? Here's your chance! As seen here, our plan is to reset the map next Friday, so we'll need a bit of help fleshing out spawn a bit more. Most of spawn has already been built, but details, smaller buildings, and interiors still need to be done. Currently, all mods who have asked to help out and all admins are whitelisted on the preparation server, accessible at: IP: [Redacted] Port: 25565 (default) If you're not on the whitelist and would like to be, let us know here and we'll add you. (Any admins, feel free to whitelist people if they ask). Please note, this is not a 'preview' of the new map for staff members. This is an opportunity for you to help out with the new map, not to scout for places to build. It should also go without saying that details about the map which have not been publicly announced are not to be discussed with non-staff members. Additionally, all admins have been opped on the prep server; if any mods would like to be opped (for WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, etc.), let an admin know, and that can be arranged. There's also a sign board at spawn with stuff that needs to be done, which will be updated as necessary. Let me know if you'd like any other plugins/configuration changes on the server.
  18. Creative will be resetting to revision 26 in 10 days from now, on Friday, March 28th at 8:00 PM EDT. More information will be released as we approach the date. We look forward to making this the best Creative revision yet!
  19. You're now unbanned - I look forward to seeing you around!
  20. Turtle5204, Thanks for your patience. While your actions on the server were certainly taken maliciously, it's been a few months, so I'm willing to give you another chance. To be unbanned, reply here stating that you have read and agree to follow our rules. Please remember that while on our servers, you are not to grief or encourage such actions, and that you may not use any prohibited client modifications while playing on the servers.
  21. Closing due to inactivity. If you'd like to be unbanned, submit another appeal in order to continue this process.
  22. I got this last night, too. Couldn't kick, ban, or run any MCBouncer commands while a team of griefers ran loose. I talked with Slide about this, and he said BungeePerms was throwing errors. Any information on this, techs? This is kind of a major problem.
  23. The map reset is tentatively planned for the weekend of Saturday, March 22nd. More detailed information will be provided as we approach this date.
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