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Posts posted by coolgamerovr90

  1. I like it a lot, I think we should make a default colour for the clan tags though like blue or yellow.

    I agree, it also gets kind of annoying and usually becomes an eyesore seeing yellow, red, gray, and black clan tags all at once in chat, multicolored.

    I think colors like blue, orange and red look good for clantags.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Regarding this, we've always made announcements for new mods, but I can't recall ever seeing one for a return. In my opinion, they only get the pomp and circumstance for the first time

    Expanding on that, I remember multiple staff members [not going to say any names] coming back and there being no subreddit announcement made, unless they made one themselves. The subreddit announcements are usually for new techadmins/serveradmins/headadmins from what i've seen

  3. A staff member who only rejoined the servers very recently. Strange to see someone gain Mod so fast, even more so someone who was banned for reasons falling back to AVO.

    I think they were already a mod beforehand, and got mod powers back upon rejoining the servers because of that

    • Upvote 1
  4. if it cant be discussed on the forums where else can it be discussed?

    Your right, never mind. It was just that "don't talk about bans in global chat" thing that was making me think that. These are the forums, and are a great place for all kinds of discussion, since that's what they were intended for

    There's no where else suitable.

    Now that I think about it, your right. This is the only suitable place for this.
    • Upvote 1
  5. I just don't feel like the forums are the proper place to discuss this

    Edit: also Carver hasn't reached out to the staff about this, so even if he gets unbanned he won't know that he's unbanned

  6. Is it recurring? Can you post a screenshot? Which server?

    I haven't experienced this at all, but I have seen something similar.

    When someone tries to message me the first time I get a blank message, the second time it goes through, I have seen that happening with multiple people trying to message me and the first time it always returns a blank message

    Edit: This is on S, I am unsure if it is on C and P too, as no one has tried /msg'ing me on those servers

  7. Strangely, adding the server to my saved server list seems to have fixed it, but thanks for all your help (Reddit just down voted my post)! See you there

    Reddit messes with votes like that, It isn't actually downvoted. Addons like RES show the actual votes


    I have also seen similar issues like this, it might be a bug with how Bukkit/Spigot handle the new multiplayer system. I just keep it on my saved server list to avoid those "Direct Connect" issues

  8. Darkelmo,  are you using just the search bar or are you using the search form too? (the search form is the little gear thing next to the search bar)


    And yes, we know that the search on the old forums sucks.  It was part of the reason we switched to these new forums.

    It sounds like he is saying the old forum's search is better than the new one, and I have experienced that, too.

    The new search bar gets the job done for me

  9. They may be nicknames from long ago, but they are still used today are they not? CTF was a great event for the community aswell. Most of the argument i have seen have been in C. (Most likely because lack of players has made them board and thinking about what is wrong in this community)

    They are still referenced today, I just notice it not being used as much as they used to be.


    Yeah, I do think most of it is involving C currently. S has players for 1.7, P is live and full of people. C doesn't have as much people on currently, as most of them are playing on other servers. Don't get me wrong, C still has lots of people who visit it, I'm just talking about how we are noticing lots of conversations have started over "low player count" and more


    There was even a now deleted post on the subreddit asking for the head admins to shut down P for a week to bring more players to C.


    That's all that I have noticed on this topic

  10. Carebears are the official name given to PvE players, as seen on http://nerd.nu/ It was like that when the server was first started, I believe.


    I don't see any madness here at all, but that may just be because I am unobservant of this happening. The C's are 8 year olds also comes way back to 2011, back when people acted childish on there. Since then I believe this name has slowly died off and I don't see a problem there anymore.


    People just have a personal preference. S has many nicknames, in fact typing in drama.nerd.nu into your minecraft multiplayer list will redirect you to s.nerd.nu.


    I know CTF brought us all together, and we all had fun, we were mixed with S, C and P players and there wasn't any fighting going on about which server we play on at all.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Nice Thrawn! Hey didn't you do this for a while way back. I only mention because I thought you found it was labor intensive. Might want to plan on keeping it very simple information and not try to be overly complete. Hard to keep it up if you have to write long after action reports on everything. 

    Yeah, I am worried about how labor intensive it would be, and time consuming to sit down and write this after doing all that

  12.  This post isn't intended to be a bump, please take you time with this appeal, I hope this dosen't come off as me wanting to be unbanned as soon as possible or anything. I am glad I get some time to reflect upon this.


    After thinking about this ban for a very long time today and yesterday, I came to the conclusion that the player trap is Wheatly's eye, in the center of Port Aperture. Originally someone put a glass block there to prevent people from falling in there. I later removed that glass block to put a beacon there, but got caught up in a bunch of other projects in other towns also, and left that there. I have helped several other players out who have fallen in there, and I can't believe that it didn't occour to me that I should have blocked that off until I was ready to put the beacon in there. Here is a screenshot for clarification


    What it looked like before




    What it looked like after [The Villager represents a trapped player]




    Once again this was completely unintentional, I didn't mean for this to trap players at all, it was just me being careless and not thoughtful. I am sorry about that, I know that is unacceptable and wastes moderators/server admins time getting players out.


    I would also like to apologize to anyone who got stuck in this, once again, it was my fault


    I still can't recall any minor griefing, me eating the cake in prahaway was cleared up and ok with them, I have replanted all my crops griefed. I think I need more time to think about this

  13. Hello, I don't recall minor griefing or building a player trap at all, I am sorry if I did do anything like this, if I did it was most likely unintentional. Once again I apologise for anything I did, and I am unsure what griefing I did and don't remember building a player trap at all


    Edit: Fixed a small typo

  14. Sorry, I just went ahead and tried to give Magnyus a look at what the creeper snoo looked liked on those icons. It was not my intention to make your work or anyone else's look bad at all. I apologise for not getting your consent.


    All instances of that image are now deleted and i'm not ever touching them again, Sorry erdtzac and everyone else, I wasn't thinking at the time about that at all  :mellow: 

    • Upvote 1
  15. Definitely. Basically, whatever you're comfortable using and can output a 64x64 PNG. (I'm a Photoshop guy, myself. But for all I know MS Paint has improved since the last time I used Windows...which would be XP.)


    I like the idea of having a separate icon for each server, and allowing each participant to submit for each one if they choose.

    I do, too. I think it would be a cool idea. I really haven't liked the new MS paint that came with 7/8, as I find it's really easy to create a bad looking image.

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