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Everything posted by SkrapssparkS

  1. Long shot, would it be possible to write something that could sensor bad language at the prompt of a command e.g. /PGlanguage ect?
  2. We cater towards older people, we went by the general rule of curse words being allowed on our servers so long as they were not abusive. I think we could find middle ground though. A warning to new players that log in that says this server allows the use of bad language, just to warn new people of our mind set towards the use of bad language. I don't think we could go too far wrong with this.
  3. This for the terrain around the tree. http://imgur.com/a/KlVuA#0 and this for the tree itself. http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1212/Cyphus_1744462.jpg However I think we will do the leaves a bit more like a cherry blossom tree http://naturewallpaperspic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Cherry-Blossom-Tree-Anime-4.jpg
  4. They can help, generally they should take in ideas and help the people that come up with them to go through with them, help get attention for the event ect and help set it up if things need built. (My idea of them though)
  5. If anyone does have any questions about this they want to go over with me, I'll try and be in irc as much as possible same with mumble, I will also try to be in the staff meeting and it could be brought up then.
  6. Brilliant, just now I think the most important thing is trying to add a few more branches smoothing out the tree so it looks a little better and making the rooms inside of it. Then we could work on the environment around the tree and then the spawn secrets ect. Thanks silver!
  7. Related note https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmmCW8Cz7mE
  8. Thank you SwitchViewz for adding the Event server launch card to the events trello page. I've added in some basic things we need to do to get the spawn finished. If we discover more things that need to be done they can be added in the future. Anyone is welcome to try and help out with the tasks noted down in the check list.
  9. Just incase anyone is confused about logging in it is now on /server event-dev not /server chaos-dev.
  10. Important point, when you log in please type /mvtp admin That will take you to where we are working.
  11. You are both added along with Judgedread.
  12. Working with SwitchViewz, zburdsal and several other staff members we are currently building a spawn for the event.nerd.nu on the event development server. The spawn is going to be a large tree with the potential for some scenery around the bottom, the scenery would be similar in design to /warp garden that was on the creative server revision 21 http://imgur.com/a/KlVuA#0 . The tree however will be the main build for it and would contain most information about the event server/warps to any multi worlds available. For the tree, we are thinking of something like this http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1212/Cyphus_1744462.jpg but with more branches to allow for more exploration. This is a big project and so it cannot be achieved by a couple people. We are open for alterations to this plan, once the spawn design idea has been finalized we shall post a list of tasks required to finish the project on the event trello page. Anyone that would be interested in helping out please comment below and we can get you set up to help.
  13. Although with everything that has been said in this thread, you are bringing up a good thing, we need to brainstorm event prize ideas, I'm fairly sure reddit flare and names on a board is getting quite old.
  14. I think steam games are a cool prize however I don't think we could justify using donation money to buy them, I believe it should come down to whoever is making the event can buy a game to give away out of their own money. That seems to be the way we do it and although it's a very nice thought to have cooler prizes for events I don't think we can justify it coming from server maintenance money.
  15. How about once we've put them through a brainstorm post, and checked them out to ensure they are fit to be a moderator as in haven't been xraying. We could then give them sort of a mini interview. We tried this out when selecting cadmins a while back and I think it could be a useful thing to do to get to know them a bit better. Might not give us a 100% idea on the player but it should help.
  16. I like the idea behind it, trying to get to understand how players would use their powers a bit better. However I wouldn't like to go about it with a trusted players group for the reasons stated above it'd look like a rank which wouldn't be the best image to set for our players and could make some players feel a little bit disheartened that they weren't put into the group. Perhaps we could discuss other approaches to achieving a similar effect?
  17. I helped Barlimore with looking into your xray these screenshots prove nothing as the glitch only works when the leaves are put in fast detail so you cannot see through them. I have looked into this glitch and these photos are not helping you as you clearly understand how the glitch works. I shall let Barlimore handle the rest of this appeal however just putting that bit of detail in.
  18. You broke Bluufuzzy's enderchest on two different occasions. This wouldn't normally result in a ban but you already have 3 notes in a very short space of time. Your ban length is set for 2 days please make a new appeal then stating the rules you broke from here http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules to be unbanned.
  19. Just letting you know I will get around to this later today I'm currently on my phone so don't have the screenshots needed
  20. It's back again it seems ^_^
  21. Would it be possible to have a command to check all modreqs on all our servers from any of our servers, much like how /list-all works? If possible do you see any major downside to trying it out?
  22. Small map? That sounds a bit odd, it may open up more opportunities for pvp, however from experience with chaos revision several people go far out to create their base to prevent it being destroyed. Making a base in a 500 by 500 area is almost a guarantee to have it destroyed before it's even completely finished. I'd say have a wider map than that.
  23. The flags are set by staff members but since then some flags have been blacklisted to prevent moderators using.
  24. In general I think it would be best to consult an admin before placing any odd region flags down just to double check.
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