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About zburdsal

  • Birthday 10/16/1994

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  1. Alternative suggedtion: Have this info/file included with the map download files for each rev?
  2. The rules are there not just to stop direct harm to other players, but also to ensure everyone is on an even playing field. Mining diamonds with bots means there's less diamonds for others. Collecting materials with them messes with the economy between players. You have been unbanned, please follow the full list of rules at spawn, or at nerd.nu/rules, in the future. If you have any questions about them, please ask.
  3. We haven't in awhile, but we could definitely could this coming Wednesday. I'm free for it.
  4. I'm sorry about the delay, something is off in my notification settings that I'll have to fix. For prosperity, the ban was for "Griefing only edits, fire and lava spam on C." A full 5 years ago. We'll go ahead and unban you, sorry again for the wait, and welcome back!
  5. -Plot number: 0012 -Plot Owner: Zburdsal -Individual -Zburdsal's Island -Category: Spookiest
  6. I'm really hoping for a completely vanilla nether next rev. The entire nether system was just overhauled, let's enjoy it the way the update was designed. edit: In general I like the custom nether stuff, and would like to see it come back in future revs. But it would be nice to see the vanilla version in game for 26.
  7. It's back up! https://old.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/i1zq24/xnerdnu_is_running_on_116_snapshots/
  8. For posterity: "Griefing only edits, cake and other block spam on C. nerd.nu/appeal" from 4 years, 6 months ago. Very old indeed. You'll be unbanned shortly, please be sure to read the rules at spawn when you join!
  9. Hi Emurlie, For posterity, here is the wording from the ban: "Extensive griefing only edits on C. nerd.nu/appeal" Since this has been quite long, we'll go ahead and unban you. Please note, future instances of griefing will result in long ban times. Please read the rules, and welcome back.
  10. Join us this Wednesday, May 2nd, 7pm Eastern for our new weekly (well, hopefully) game night! This week we'll be doing GTA V, although it'll change week to week based on the poll from the previous week. Go here to vote for a game for May 9th! If you choose 'other' please comment with an alternative.
  11. There is! It's not exactly intuitive but it is possible.
  12. I'm thinking about making this a weekly thing. The game night, not the sleeping through it. Thoughts?
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