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Everything posted by zburdsal

  1. No, it had nothing to do with any potions. Likely you (sorry I'm a bit wary of people lying in ban appeals) broke blocks that were a part of someone else's house or building, and also made no constructive block placements yourself, which is what is meant by the griefing only portion. Unfortunately, this was only after I had just became a mod and wasn't in the habit of keeping screenshots yet, so I can't say exactly what it was you broke, but at that time I wouldn't have banned anyone for less than 250 destructive only edits.
  2. Oh, I'm not saying to figure out if it was lag or not, I quite like how it is handled now honestly, I'm just saying the finding out where they died last and tp'ing them back there would be easy enough (if it could somehow be decided that a certain death was indeed caused by lag).
  3. On that second part, that doesn't require a plugin. Its a simple 2 minute matter for a mod to teleport someone back to where they died, if it was deemed appropriate for them to do so.
  4. I'd like if we could what we did last rev, go into chaos with some kits and things, that was pretty fun.
  5. Hi yoshi, I banned you on our creative server around 3 months ago, not just for grief, but for griefing only edits. If you really didn't do this, then I would recommend you change your password as someone may have used your account to grief on our servers. However if it was you, simply respond here saying that it was and quoting the rule you broke from here, and I'll happily unban you.
  6. zburdsal

    PvE protections

    ... that's a pretty bleak view to hold.
  7. If I don't win town drunk, I'm going to have to prove I should have... nobody wants that...
  8. zburdsal

    PvE protections

    Is... is my suggestion ok? Could I get some input on that?
  9. zburdsal

    PvE protections

    Could we maybe say for the hastily made part, if a build is complete and looks like it would take more than an hour to make, protectable, if it's incomplete and looks like it took over 6 hours to make, protectable? Times changeable to whatever sounds right, and pure (but time costing) derp could be excluded. We'd still have the subjectivity of that mod deciding if it looks like it would take a certain amount of time to build, but it would be a more clearly defined and hard to loop-hole limit.
  10. Hi, I just wanted to also add that you griefed some on S just today, you tunneled into the inner workings of an auto farm, breaking several glass panes and pistons along the way. You also destroyed some redstone and glass, and some wall on an arena. In fact, as far as I can tell you've had nothing but griefing, besides some replanting of crops. Additionally I'm told Bluuefuzzy /warn'd you previously for grief on S, although did not see fit to add a note for it at the time. This is still Zomise's appeal of course, and I don't mean to butt in, just to add more info. Small edit: the warn for grief by Bluue was on P, not S.
  11. I was told by toker that it was not ok to do so, see modreq 229 for the reason this came up and how I protected around the road, which toker agreed with.
  12. As the you've had two weeks to reply and haven't done so, I'll now be closing this and moving it to the archives. Please re-appeal, preferably with the above requirements.
  13. I'm now going to close this for inactivity. If you would like to be unbanned please follow my instructions above in a new appeal.
  14. This was not a ban for a single sign. There was first a warning for your first two signs, which I then removed. After that warning you made another sign with the exact same text. And then another mentioning more inappropriate (and frankly inaccurate) things. I then warned you, and this time included the message "If you make any more of these signs I'm going to ban you", which I thought was clear enough. About 4 minutes later, you made another sign with the exact same wording as the other two, and I promptly removed the sign and banned you. Additionally you had been warned numerous times in chat for similar racism and at one point I believe you were even muted. For this, and in addition to the poor nature you've handled this appeal, I would only be willing to unban you after a week and only if you were to reply back here stating the rule you broke and saying that you won't be breaking it again Additional ban information can be found here, I'll make some pretty formatting and put it in this comment soon.
  15. Hmm... sounds interesting, I'd be happy to help :D
  16. Hello CluelessHorse, as you've mentioned, the ban is for use of a hacked client on S. While you claim to not have used a hacked client, I still believe you did. You were sending off almost constant NoCheatPlus warnings for flying, to fast of movement, and for interacting with entities to fast (which has something to do with how fast you attacked a mob or player as I understand it?). In fact, you were auto-kicked by the ncp plugin 3 times before I got to you, twice for interaction speed and once for flying. While myself and a few a other mods were watching you, we even had trouble keeping up while using the creative-mode style of flying. In addition to this I later found some crop grief (failing to replant) near spawn. However, if you reply back here stating you've read the rules found here and stating the rules you've broken, I'll be happy to unban you after 4 days from the original ban date, which was Aug. 2, 2015, 2:38 a.m. GMT.
  17. Or those that feel its just an inconvenience. I wouldn't abuse it, but it would be quite nice not to have to wait more than 10 seconds for it.
  18. Seems we're going with cards against humanity then! I'll make a more official post once I've had some breakfast... But just to comment since the Survival Arena Competition seems to be happening at about the same time, we'll make this 8pm EDT, one hour after that starts since it lasted about an hour and 20 minutes the last time it happened if I remember right. Although if anyone wants to start early I'd be more than happy to make the channel when in mumble when people start arriving.
  19. I'll add it in for the next poll! And will probably look into getting it for myself as well haha
  20. We're doing Saturday Night Gaming again! Our first one will be on the 18th, starting sometime in the EDT 6pm time. We'll do whatever game gets the most votes in this poll, and remove it from the poll for the next week to keep it from being repetitive. If you have any suggestions to add to next time's poll, please post them below!
  21. I'll be there, from probably like 3pm edt until it ends I'd imagine. That's just generally when I'm in mumble anyhow.
  22. Other commands that should not be blocked: Obviously: /pve /survival /lobby /modreq Not so obviously: /home /back
  23. Hello Taylsbae, here is some information on this ban: Ban for the_panda_king on c.nerd.nu for continued griefing after previous warnings. nerd.nu/appeal by zburdsal on 2015-06-17T13:43:25.613 (no more bans, 1 notes) We don't accept the excuse of siblings playing on your account due to the difficulty in verifying that and because we feel that you should be responsible for your account at all times. However as it has already been over 10 days, I'm willing to unban you if you reply back here stating you've read the rules and quoting which one it is that was broken.
  24. And of course, bagpipes are allowed. *looks at jll*
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